These influencers offer their "sage and wise" advice gained from their vast experience of life, you know, holding up products in images and videos on Instagram and Chinese spy-media Tik Toc, and promoting their OnlyFans accounts where you can actually see their nipples and vaginas without the string bikini and lingerie being in the way...for a price of course.
I have always been against the "influencers" of social networks. For me, they only influence ethical and moral laziness: in them we only find vague interpretations, nothing inspiring, just cheap advertising and visual pornography (also sexual, but that's something else)... I share your appreciation of a leader. Unfortunately not all are good, even if they believe it. That is the problem with the human mind: we are the ones who decide what is right and what is wrong. Only the wisest manage to separate that gap. Very good content. It made me think. Very few contents do 😅🙈
Hey mate, Thanks for your comment.
I agree with you about the social media influencers. You summed it up nicely indeed.
Leaders aren't always good and don't always lead people towards good thoughts, attitudes and actions. However, many are very good. I like to think it balances out although maybe not.
What Is can do, personally, is be a good example, a good leader, and whilst I fail sometimes my constant attention to it means I succeed too.
Thanks for your great comment.