The cattle are like their master
Each Thursday I select a Viking quote, sometimes randomly but ofttimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life at that point in time. Despite these phrases being over a thousand years old I believe most can still offer value in modern society and I find it interesting to ponder, weigh and measure them. original im src
This week's Viking quote
The cattle are like their master - Víga-Glúms saga
There's many different types of people in the world however for the purpose of this post I'm going to designate them into two categories: Leaders and followers.
Over the years there's been many extremely influential people who have shaped the world around them and, subsequently, the world they left behind for those who came later...that means us folks.
Let me think of a few names off the top of my head: Napoleon, William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Adolf Hitler, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Henry VIII of England, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Julius Caesar, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus, Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Michelangelo, Cicero, Captain Cook, Osama Bin Laden, Idi Amin, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill...I could go on of course, but I think you get the idea.
All of those above, and others like them, have influenced thought, attitude and action of many millions of people and the actions undertaken by those people have had amazingly positive outcomes and the extreme opposite.
Much joy and deep woe and despair has been created by people who were influenced by others, and it continues to this day of course.
These days the word, influencers, is typically associated with social media influencers who are generally cosmetically-enhanced twenty-something girls wearing clothing that barely covers their nipples and vaginas.
These influencers offer their "sage and wise" advice gained from their vast experience of life, you know, holding up products in images and videos on Instagram and Chinese spy-media Tik Toc, and promoting their OnlyFans accounts where you can actually see their nipples and vaginas without the string bikini and lingerie being in the way...for a price of course.
But, in truth, influencers are everywhere, and many have much more value to offer the world than their perfectly formed cosmetically created boobs and expertly Photo-Shopped images. (Never fear folks, I have nothing against boobs; in fact I love them dearly. I just like the real ones, not the bags of saline or silicone solution that seem so popular these days.)
So...Back to leaders and followers and how that relates to the Viking quote above.
I'm a leader. I know this because my whole life has been spent leading people and being the person others are willing to follow, or be influenced by.
This comes through being experienced, having a winning attitude, the ability to learn quickly, ability to adapt and overcome, to genuinely care about others, to teach people, evaluate, act decisively and the fact I set high standards for myself and reach for them encouraging others to do the same. I lead by example and whether it's doing so by being polite, courteous, generous, humble and kind, or undertaking difficult tasks that require effort, fortitude, courage and persistence, people respond...They feel confidence in me and they follow, and mostly emulate my behaviours themselves.
This doesn't mean I don't take the time to listen to others, to learn, develop and grow - All good leaders do this. It just means that at some point I take it and run with it, take action and get things done, and empower others to do the same. Being leader isn't just about ordering people around like in the military. It's about providing support without removing responsibility, helping people reach for and attain their best, to continually improve and permitting them to take the accolades when due.
It's about influencing other people to have the thoughts and attitudes then taking the actions that will bring them to the success, or outcomes they desire.
You see, influential people generate followers, a fact easily seen at every level of society, and on Hive as well. The thing is, that influencers can, as I said earlier, *influence for better or worse; good or bad.
I'll be honest and say I believe I'm a positive influence on most people around me today, and in the past. I feel good about helping others succeed and feeling good helps me succeed also, try harder, feel more content.
This doesn't mean I've always been that though; I've influenced people negatively also, much to my shame. I guess, for me, the important thing is to know what effect I'm having on those around me and, if negative, adjust to swing it back to positive...or simply eliminate myself from the situation so those people can move forward more positively.
Cattle are like their master.
There's always going to be leaders and followers and I believe a person can be a mix of both. There's no right or wrong to either, but either have the ability to do right or wrong. I think a glimpse around the world today will demonstrate that quite clearly. We have the choice of course, as individuals. The choice might be unpleasant or difficult for sure, but there's always the choice. Right?
That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote that suggests that it is better to be a leader who creates positive change in the world, or a follower who follows one such person's example.
In the comments below, please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own if you like, tell a story around this quote or general topic or simply react to it and let me know what you think, how you see it, how it relates to you or someone you know.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
I have always been against the "influencers" of social networks. For me, they only influence ethical and moral laziness: in them we only find vague interpretations, nothing inspiring, just cheap advertising and visual pornography (also sexual, but that's something else)... I share your appreciation of a leader. Unfortunately not all are good, even if they believe it. That is the problem with the human mind: we are the ones who decide what is right and what is wrong. Only the wisest manage to separate that gap. Very good content. It made me think. Very few contents do 😅🙈
Hey mate, Thanks for your comment.
I agree with you about the social media influencers. You summed it up nicely indeed.
Leaders aren't always good and don't always lead people towards good thoughts, attitudes and actions. However, many are very good. I like to think it balances out although maybe not.
What Is can do, personally, is be a good example, a good leader, and whilst I fail sometimes my constant attention to it means I succeed too.
Thanks for your great comment.
Ahh good you can say nice things about yourself, I have been concerned in the past XD
As much as I would have loved to have the perfect run charmed life and as much as I'd love my babies to have been able to avoid the sting, I think that having things in the past that you're ashamed and some of the experiences that could have been done without (witnessed, experienced or read about later, though I also feel that there are definitely experiences that everyone without exception can absolutely do without) at least let you know what stupid crap to never do again/avoid like the plague.
I'm both a terrible leader and follower (the idea of the first freaks me the hell out, and the latter well I don't even follow tutorials for things I'm learning, there's very specific instances where I won't be maliciously compliant) but I like to pretend I'm half-decent ancillary :)
Being a leader is about setting a good example as much as it is about directing others...I'm not sure as I haven't seen it for myself, but I'd say you've probably worked towards setting a good example for your kids right? Also, you've probably helped guide them on their path as they've gotten older, and will continue to do so...I'd say that that's being a good leader.
As for being a bad follower...Yep, join the club. I'm not much of one either; it goes with the territory of being a leader. That then, circles back to you *being a good leader huh? 😁
Depends on what you define a leader as and what style of parenting you follow. I think the type of parenting we do is technically "authoritative" (probably borderline laissez-faire but again that depends a lot on how it's defined) so yes while we try to set a good example (doesn't always work because we aren't always stellar examples) it's a lot more about supporting them in discovering who they are and what they want to do and dealing with all the glory and failures that go with it.
and obviously stuff regarding manners and all but that goes without saying except when it doesnt?! o_O
Supporting someone in finding out who they are is a form of leadership.
All you describe is leadership. Being a parent is leadership. It's not always done well and many parents have a lot to answer for, but essentially it's leadership.
Anyway, if it's convenient for you not to call it leadership then that's fine but essentially everyone on the planet engages in some form of leadership at some stage in their lives. Even you. It's unavoidable.
My point in this post is, we can influence positively or negatively and that we have the choice to select which one. And that means you too.
That makes sense. [duly freaks out] XD
Lol...I'd follow you...
...as long as you were heading to the bakery for a donut and coffee. 😁
Cattle can't really decide who they follow - unless there's a chance to run away. Sadly some humans think they are in the same situation. And some actually are... Perhaps part of being a good leader is also showing those who are under a bad leader, yet able to leave, that they can walk away?
Indeed...and, in fact, showing a bad leader how to be a better one.
That is definitely a valuable skill. Especially if they are supposed to be leading you.
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I've had to follow bad leaders in the past, it happens. I've learned what not to do and did better. One is always learning though, the four stages of competence comes to mind. It's cyclic.
Yeah sure , we as individuals have the power to decide if we want to be a leader or a follower or both , but for one to be a great leader they must also be able to understand what it takes to be a follower itself so they can be able to have the right idea on how to become a great leader to their followers..
I disagree...Not everyone can be a good leader and the same with followers. Sometimes it's not a choice but a calling. Once can't always be taught to be a leader as many elements must be present for one to do so. If a person doesn't possess the right attributes one is unlikely to succeed.
You have a very valid point , but I think that a natural born leader also needs guidance and understanding of leadership in order to be a great leader which is their calling...
This goes without saying really. It's implied.
The truth is that, we are all products of influence. It's only a matter of time before one begins to exhibit the attributes of the person he/he follows.
Yes we will be like who we follow.
Like you rightly said.
It's good to be a good example and it's also good to follow a good influence.
I agree with your idea.
Thanks for taking a read and the time to respond. I appreciate it. ✅
You're welcome