Ahh good you can say nice things about yourself, I have been concerned in the past XD
As much as I would have loved to have the perfect run charmed life and as much as I'd love my babies to have been able to avoid the sting, I think that having things in the past that you're ashamed and some of the experiences that could have been done without (witnessed, experienced or read about later, though I also feel that there are definitely experiences that everyone without exception can absolutely do without) at least let you know what stupid crap to never do again/avoid like the plague.
I'm both a terrible leader and follower (the idea of the first freaks me the hell out, and the latter well I don't even follow tutorials for things I'm learning, there's very specific instances where I won't be maliciously compliant) but I like to pretend I'm half-decent ancillary :)

Being a leader is about setting a good example as much as it is about directing others...I'm not sure as I haven't seen it for myself, but I'd say you've probably worked towards setting a good example for your kids right? Also, you've probably helped guide them on their path as they've gotten older, and will continue to do so...I'd say that that's being a good leader.
As for being a bad follower...Yep, join the club. I'm not much of one either; it goes with the territory of being a leader. That then, circles back to you *being a good leader huh? 😁
Depends on what you define a leader as and what style of parenting you follow. I think the type of parenting we do is technically "authoritative" (probably borderline laissez-faire but again that depends a lot on how it's defined) so yes while we try to set a good example (doesn't always work because we aren't always stellar examples) it's a lot more about supporting them in discovering who they are and what they want to do and dealing with all the glory and failures that go with it.
and obviously stuff regarding manners and all but that goes without saying except when it doesnt?! o_O
Supporting someone in finding out who they are is a form of leadership.
All you describe is leadership. Being a parent is leadership. It's not always done well and many parents have a lot to answer for, but essentially it's leadership.
Anyway, if it's convenient for you not to call it leadership then that's fine but essentially everyone on the planet engages in some form of leadership at some stage in their lives. Even you. It's unavoidable.
My point in this post is, we can influence positively or negatively and that we have the choice to select which one. And that means you too.
That makes sense. [duly freaks out] XD
Lol...I'd follow you...
...as long as you were heading to the bakery for a donut and coffee. 😁