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RE: Think like a leader: Week seven

Very good point. I've worked in corporate America for over 20 years now. There are managers every where. They are dime a dozen, however, I have met very few leaders. Every leader I've met had amazing loyalty from their team. Its kind of sad so few managers attempt to become a leader.


You also make a good point and I agree completely. Most managers are ill-equipped to lead, not all of course. I wonder, is it a lack of training, ego, hubris and pride? The fault of the company or the individual? Maybe a little of each.

I believe it is a concept called the Peter Principle. The idea is that competent people will constantly get promoted until they are in a position where they are incompetent then get stuck their because they are struggling. Some people work on themselves when they hit this point. Most deal with it with ego or apathy.

Well said! All of it. ✅