Sweat saves blood. - Erwin Rommel

I've been a leader of people for many years across various roles; I believe some are built for it, have natural attributes that lean them towards leadership, and others are followers. All good leaders will be able to learn from others, evaluate good and bad examples, and apply that knowledge to becoming a better leader. This new series is designed to expose great quotes by various leaders and to investigate how they may relate or apply to myself or others. original im src
This week's leadership quote
Sweat saves blood.
Field Marshal Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel had great cause to say these words. He was a highly decorated officer from the First World War and went on to command many thousands of men in the 7th Panzer Division and Afrika Corps, among other units, in the Second World War.
He served with great distinction, was brutally efficient, a brilliant tactician, especially in mobile warfare, and was single-mindedly focused on victory...but he also held his men as the most valuable asset he had at his disposal. That wasn't just because he needed them to win battles though, he truly cared for them - This extended to his prisoners of war, some of which were my countrymen, which he treated with great care and respect.
He was the sort of leader that held to incredibly high standards, expected a lot from his men, and even more from himself. He was an exemplary leader, well-respected by his opponents and one whose men would push the limits to perform for; his men worshipped him.
I've read several books about Rommel, from the German perspective and the Allies' perspective also, which is the side my own country of Australia fought on. It doesn't matter which perspective one reads though, they all agree that he was a brilliant commander and that he loved his men. That didn't stop him from putting them in harms way of course, war is like that; people have to fight, but it meant he looked after them as best he could with training, equipment and food often going head to head with his Nazi superiors on behalf of his men, and putting himself at great risk in the process.
Soldiers respect a leader like that, especially if they serve underneath him, and when soldiers respect their leader they are more effective.
Despite his distinguished military career Rommel was implicated in a plot against Adolf Hitler and was given three choices: Defend himself in front of Hitler himself which would have been an admission of guilt, face the people's court which had a predictable end (death sentence), or commit suicide. On the 14th October 1944 he died of (self-administered) cyanide poisoning and the living legend met his end. It's an incredible story and one I believe people could learn a great deal from.
I chose this quote today because it talks about hard work, effort, ownership and responsibility, ahead of time. It suggests that preparation is the key to success, and when that effort and preparation is done well enough the results will come.
Of course, when Rommel said it he was referring to training his men and officers for battle: Drilling and PT'ing them, practicing manoeuvres and with weapon-systems, working on discipline and responsibility, communication between units, building trust between the men and officers and the troops themselves, working on tactics and supply. He was the sort of leader who looked into every single detail knowing that diligence, right down to the smallest element, would give him a better chance at keeping his men alive, and moving towards victory.
He drove his men relentlessly in training and I think we can learn something from that. Sure, your life might not be at risk like a soldiers' is, you're not training for combat after all...but your life is just as critically important...isn't it?
If the answer is yes, then there's much to learn from a man like Erwin Rommel, the way he approached his objectives, and what he did with his officers and enlisted men to prepare them ahead of time so that in the chaos of battle they had a better chance to succeed.
Of course, if the answer is, you feel your life, and what happens in it, isn't that critical at all, then it doesn't matter that you don't take ownership and responsibility for it, you're already fucked.
If you have any thoughts on this leadership quote, experiences of your own, or questions please feel free to comment below.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Very good lesson, Mr @galenkp.
If Rommel simply ordered his soldiers to advance to the front lines of the battlefield without providing training and equipment, then he could only hope the enemy didn't shoot his troops.
"Preparation is half of the success". I stick to that principle.
I learned it from my grandfather. When I was little, he always went fishing regularly, I was invited several times.
In the afternoon before leaving for fishing the next morning, he rechecked all his fishing gear, tied all the hooks carefully, rechecked the boat and all the provisions he would bring, and even made a few spare fishing hooks.
He makes sure all his needs are available and will work well and describe in detail the possibilities that will occur when he is on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
My kind grandfather once said that when one prepares everything before "war", he will achieve victory. That's why he always comes home from fishing with a lot of catch. He has become a successful leader in his own right.
At the time I thought that it was just my grandfather's luck, fishing is all about luck when the fish grabs your bait.
Apparently not, preparation before doing something will determine the results we will get.
Turns out not, luck is just another factor. On one occasion I went fishing and I did so suddenly, when I had dropped anchor, I couldn't find some of my needs. I went through a lot of trouble and spent a lot of time tying my fishing line which often broke off of the rocks. My bait is more in the boat than in the water to fool the fish.
Preparation has determined the success of your life. You can't just hope what you're about to do will work, if you just come to do something while waiting for the Goddess of Fortune to come.
Have a great day
My ethos is to check and recheck, similar to what your grandfather did; it makes for less errors and improves the chance of success. Your grandfather was a smart man and he set a good example.
If people prepared themselves a little better in all aspects of life they would find a better life, but we live in a society where nnear enough is good enough (generally), and that makes for a lot of mediocrity.
Agree, it creates an "instinct" that shows with contemplative experience.
I am happy to have a grandfather like him.
Checks and re-checks really run in an orderly manner in his life.
I'm sure you are better than my grandfather because we live in an age that is supported by advanced technology.
If people live with these good habits, of course, there will not be many obstacles in leadership.
I'm not better than your grandfather, I'm just different. He sounds like a really cool dude.
This is quite educative and really interesting. I'll browse the web to know more about this great leader who prioritized personal development of his men unlike others who'd just push their subjects/men to the war front without adequate training or support thinking that they are fit or trained enough to know what to do.
Most people who call themselves leaders today care more about themselves and just go bossing people around instead of having the focus to develop others. A leader is supposed to show empathy, supposed to be Civic minded and many more but I think our world today lacks that instead all they care to show is how attractive, rich and influential they are.
Erwin Rommel had the qualities of a good leader that's why he made history and is still remembered today.
Yes they do. Most leaders are ineffectual.
Some do. I'm a leader, and I don't do this. There are some very good leaders out there, people who set great examples. But sure, there's bad ones too.
I have studied this fellow in great depth, the man, his methods battlefield tactics, ethics and morals. He is (was) someone many could learn from.
Ain't disputing this fact and yes I know you're a good leader, I really don't have to be told I've got big eyes to see it and a big heart to know it.
Had to dig wiki for his story and it's really interesting. I love historical people like this that made a name. Are you in the military?
He came to a sad end and he deserved a lot better than that. He chose to suicide and have his honour intact though, and that of his family. There's courage and selflessness in that I think. Still, he deserved better thank you slowly die in the back seat of a Nazi Staff car I think.
I find so much value in looking back into history and there's so much that we can take, the experiences of great and small alike, and apply to our lives in the present and future. I often say, the answers to the future lie in the past.
Indeed, there's a lot to take/learn from them Patriots.
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This is my first time hearing of Erwin Rommel thanks to you at @galenkp. How he pushed, trained, and motivated his men is one of the incredible skills of a great leader.
This is what a member of a team or in any organization wished to have. A leader who pushed limits and is determined to achieve goals. Sad to say, only a few of these kinds of a leader exists in today's modern world.
While reading, I could also feel how great a leader you are. How lucky your team is.
I don't think leadership and being a good leader comes naturally. Sure, some people have a character more suited to it but it takes effort, understanding, experience, training and research to do it well. People see managers as leaders but, as someone else pointed out, a position of authority doesn't always make for a good leader. So many other elements come into it.
People like Rommel excelled at it and I respect that. Getting the best out of people is what a leader is there to do, and he did it weill.
Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it.
Very good point. I've worked in corporate America for over 20 years now. There are managers every where. They are dime a dozen, however, I have met very few leaders. Every leader I've met had amazing loyalty from their team. Its kind of sad so few managers attempt to become a leader.
You also make a good point and I agree completely. Most managers are ill-equipped to lead, not all of course. I wonder, is it a lack of training, ego, hubris and pride? The fault of the company or the individual? Maybe a little of each.
I believe it is a concept called the Peter Principle. The idea is that competent people will constantly get promoted until they are in a position where they are incompetent then get stuck their because they are struggling. Some people work on themselves when they hit this point. Most deal with it with ego or apathy.
Well said! All of it. ✅
That's a better statement than other types of motivations. Well said.
It's simple but impactful ai think. I like it a lot and see that you do also.
Leader should set an example/should model. It's not just all about how effective and productive are the people under your leadership. Leaders must attend to both social/ emotional issues and task-oriented through directive and supportive behaviors. As a leader, they are your men,your people, as a collective, you have to genuinely take care of them like your own, like you take care of your self. And you can't fake leadership. People just know it.
Rommel was one of the spectacular great leaders/ role model.
Rommel ordered many thousands of his men to their deaths, and trained his men to be good soldiers, who went on to kill thousands more, that's war. What stood Rommel apart was the care he had for his men, that is, he trained them relentlessly and diligently which gave them a better chance at survival, and ultimate success.
His men respected what he did for them, despite them having to work incredibly hard to reach the standards he set; but they respected and worshipped him as their leader and went into battle equipped and ready to do what they must.
I think it's a good example and lesson, on how important preparation is in the pursuit of positive results, and the sacrifices people need to make to attain their goals.
I admire those leaders who treat their men/people with equal respect and genuine care despite the difference between ranks, power, and authority. Being a leader is not just all about 'superiority' who can send commands and make their men follow orders but it is also about being compassionate about the life of others. A leader like him is truly a remarkable leader to be proud of.
Being a good and effective leader isn't about superiority at all - That's where people go wrong.
We should all be lucky to have such a leader.
Like an athlete in training, repetitive training to reach your goal. It is with this, that the possibility of keeping it within reach. Without it, death to your career could be very real.