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RE: 2024's been rough

in Self Improvement • 2 months ago

force myself to go out for a walk for 30+ mins

You know what they say! You should go for a 30 minute walk outside every day. Unless you are very busy, then you should make it 60 minutes 😄
Walking is one of the best things to do to get fitter. Running is much more stressful on your muscles and joints.
It's good to start the day with a walk. You get some vitamin D from the (sun)light which helps your body start up (and it's probably not that warm there yet).

It's good that you keep track of your progress, but I would advise you not to measure them with a scale. Your weight isn't really a reliable measurement since it changes throughout the day. You'd better keep track of your progress in time, distance and or steps. You'll see as you progress that it will get easier. Build it up slowly.

Do you have a step counter? That helps me to see if I have been moving enough. When my step counter is below 5000 steps a day in the evening (when I've been working from home) I must go out for a walk or a run.
My watch gives me a sign when I have reached my daily minimum of 5000 steps.
It might be a good motivation. It can also give me a notification to start moving when I have been sitting still for too long, but I have switched that off since I cannot always walk away from my work 😂

Wish me luck 😅

Good luck! You can do it!