2024's been rough

in Self Improvement2 months ago

Although I did make a few posts thinking they'd also push me to make some healthier changes it and I didn't really do much last year. Although I'm glad I quit vaping, after having quit a few years prior to now only using snus/snuff without tobacco (just nicotine) mixed with nicotine gum now and then. While that alone has made me feel healthier in general there's still been other things that have kind of countered that improvement it feels like.

Part of that has been my weird sleep, I could go on talking about that as well and have made a few posts about that too. TL;DR: I can't fall asleep easily, mostly just works only when I'm mentally exhausted which has lead to a lot of weeks where every night my sleep moves forward a few hours which technically means every other week or so I've basically slept one night less than normal people. Another issue has been my weight gain from mostly focusing on "computer stuff", i.e. hive and zing and my hobbies surrounding around the same PC, i.e. watching TV shows, movies and some gaming.


So what am I planning to do, even though I'm late on my new years resolution due to some traveling. Welp, first off, I want to include a little bit of physical exhaustion in the day to day, force myself to go out for a walk for 30+ mins, no matter the pace, it's so hot here I'd sweat anyway and ignore how bad of a place the is is for a casual walk isolated from others. If not walking or on top of the walk I'd also wanna spend 15+ mins on this airbike I bought over a year ago and have probably only used like 10 times so far, with only a few of them actually counting. Of course, these cardio plans aren't really meant to lose weight as that wouldn't do much if my diet doesn't change but they should still be good in terms of getting the heart going a bit more often daily and circulation, etc. I do however want to watch what I stuff into my face as well more than I did last year which included a lot of unnecessary calories.

Another thing I want to start keeping better track of, even though I've gotten a bit better at it in late 2024 due to having to organize a lot of things for Zing, is to properly start planning things out so nothing gets forgotten or done in the wrong order or mismanaged. Thus I bought this planner that I've started writing in recently, it also has these few page bands to easily find the next section of different things I'm tracking which I'm planning to split up into things like financial stuff, work-related stuff and physical activity + diet stuff.

I figured a cool thing to go along with that would be to also post about the progression. Naturally as a person who likes to stay anonymous you're not going to see any "before and after" shots 😜 but I might include some pictures of random things I'm doing that day in various macro/abstract ways. The first post will include a shot of the scale which could be a good indicator of how things have been going to include updates on every now and then along with shots of stuff I've been writing in the planner.

A lot of things to still plan out once I get to it though, I have to remember to also start very, very slowly as it's literally been close to a year without me doing much physical stress other than walking. Worst thing I've done in the past is to overtrain in the first day and then barely be able to move my limbs the next couple days then lose interest/use that as an excuse to not carry on.

Anyway, I'm hoping this time things will be different. Markets have been a bit more of a relief lately and not as stressful as they were last year so hopefully that'll give me time to center myself and the more important things for my mental and physical health. Hopefully not just posting again like last year without properly getting going. Wish me luck 😅


The most important thing to remember is what you mentioned- pace yourself, don't overdo it!
I tend to be like a wild horse and run out the gates before the race has started, and of course land flat on my face; end of all good intentions!
I like the idea of a planner, and posting about your progress. Would be kind of accountable and spur you on to continue.
As for weight loss, I was forced to cut portion sizes after abdominal surgery last year, ate more healthy but still had a small treat daily, nil after dinner, and lost 7kg, which I've maintained.
Walking sure is the very best exercise!
Good luck and a healthy 2025!

Thank you, likewise!

The hardest part seems to just start for me currently!


I'm so glad I never started smoking. One less thing to give up and it's so expensive now. I took up running a few years back as my live is pretty sedentary. I know it's not for everyone, but getting out there is nice. If you are going walking then I can recommend finding some podcasts you enjoy. They help pass the time and you may even want to extend the walk to finish a show.

Stay well.

I saw you were out running in sub-zero weather. You are a mad-man, but much respect! When I was a young soldier I was stationed in Upstate New York and we'd go running every morning even in blizzards. I do not miss that at all :)

Well negative Fahrenheit would be a lot colder. It's not too bad when it's around freezing if you look out for ice. If it were rain/sleet/snowing then I'd probably stay in.

Ahh gotcha, I made the American-centric mistake of reading that as "Freedom Units" (Fahrenheit)
Though that's also a bit ironic since most of us probably can't spell "Fahrenheit" correctly.

I've come back from some of those winter runs before with icicles on my eyebrows before, I don't miss it in the least.

"Freedom units"! LOL

I'd love to be able to run again to be honest, felt so great when I was at my best after military training, but unfortunately that's where I picked up smoking as well. 😅

I'd have to lose a lot of weight for my shins to handle me running again, but maybe that's a nice goal to set for 2025, although I'd hate to have to run out here in this hot climate.

Have to do what your body can manage and not make things worse. Walking is good too. I like just seeing what is going on around the area. It's freezing here, so I need to run to warm up :)


Good luck, I guess I am the complete opposite,I can fall asleep easily wherever I lay my head, never exercise, eat very unhealthy food. No routine in my life if I am honest, eat and drink when I want, sleep when I want, wake up when I want. My GP always says at my annual health check that I should change my lifestyle HA!
Not gonna happen.

On the flip side I am as deaf as a fucking post.

I can fall asleep easily wherever I lay my head

I'm so jealous of that!

It is I guess a wonderful talent, LOl, get on a plane, strap in, and I am asleep before the wheels have left the ground only to be woken up by the trolley dolly with the drinks cabinet!!

Last year I was reading about how there is a high failure rate linking self improvement goals to new years or birthdays.
That making goals at random dates based on real motivations rather than ‘its new years, I should stop drinking or get fit’ ….
leads to a much higher rate of success.
So statistically because you are starting at a random date… you will have a greater chance of sticking with you health goals.
Good luck! 🍀

I hope you achieve your goals for 2025, especially the ones that have a direct impact on your health, as those are the most important. I also failed at every goal I set at the start of 2024, but at the same time, I accomplished so much that the failures mean nothing. I believe the same is true for you. The glass is always half full! Happy New Year.

Thank you, likewise!


I have had difficulty sleeping for more than three years and several times I have tried taking medication to help me sleep and it has an effect on my physical weakness, and currently I am doing activities in the garden which are very crazy to make all my muscles weaken and help me sleep, and it wasn't completely successful but it helped a little.

By the way, happy weekend & have a nice day

Yeah, sleep's a dangerous thing when affected, best of luck with it! I know some other hivers suffering with it.

Yes you are right sir, it is very painful if you can't get enough restful sleep


Exercise is the best way to make our self healthy and busy, But having a short time on sleeping is very difficult to have some exercise.. if you had a short sleep i think i agree with 30 minutes walk enjoy the sun for a while until you get sweat it makes you feel better when you release some of your sweat..

Take care always sir have a blessed day ahead!

We all have sleep troubles that's why we Hive isn't it?! I found myself playing a game in my head this morning for a few hours whilst supposed to be sleeping. Odd how the brain works! I'm 99% sure I completed a few levels !LOLZ.

!SLOTH steps towards improving your health, all those little things really do make a difference.

Doctors tell us there are over seven million people who are overweight.
Of course, those are only round figures.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of slothlydoesit

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@acidyo, I sent you an


You can force yourself to eat foods of low calorie density to crowd out the high-density stuff. That'll take the edge off the hunger, too. This really works and has health benefits in and of itself as well.


The most important thing is to maintain our health so that our fit and activities will run smoothly, but I agree with your words that we all have to move forward in the future, and of course I will pray for you to always be lucky.

Indeed, sometimes the number of activities or work that we do at night is slightly reduced, but we have to add a little vitamin so that we don't get sick 😊


Thank you for sharing about the new year routine we should all format a draft of how we spend this year. But I like walking the most I try to walk every afternoon and it doesn't depend on how fast I try to walk at least half an hour. Thanks for sharing a bit of your lifestyle.


You can gain by changing your routines. It's great that you decided to walk. Go out early in the morning, when everyone is asleep. Walk briskly. You will notice that all your physical and mental problems will gradually decrease within a month.


Good luck 🍀 walking can turn into an adventure when you start geocaching out hunting mushrooms for example. There's a lot to discover in nature :)

that'll give me time to center myself and the more important things for my mental and physical health.

Best of luck. I need to eat less sweets/junk food. I justify buying pizza by saying that if I will eat pizza my favorite basketball team will win in Euroleague. Sadly this has not been working lately...


Building habits takes some effort. With physical activity walking is an excellent start, you also don't have to exert yourself to the point of fatigue to get benefit. You are probably more likely to repeat the effort if you don't overdo it. Just relax the mind and put one foot in front of the other.

That's great on the tobacco! I'm at the six-week mark for quitting smoking. Last year I felt like it had begun to impact my health so I had to cut it out. I've been using nicotine pouches
image (6).jpg

I don't feel any urge to smoke, though I'll be more confident when I have 6-months under my belt.

Unsolicited advice - we are on HIVE and we love to write and document things - don't let that be an excuse to not get in a walk or a ride. "I'm not going to have time to write this up here" shouldn't become an excuse not to get in some activity!

Congratulations on making changes, and being proactive about your health!

I suspect that vaping might be even worse than smoking.

On another note, my wife used to have significant trouble sleeping. Things improved dramatically once she started microdosing and cutting back on coffee.

If you're looking for an alternative, give this a try: https://clearly.eu/nl/products/clearly-not-coffee

After about a month, you should notice better sleep—or at least, that’s what we’re hoping for!

These cardio exercises, like walking and using the airbike, are not only good for your physical health, but also mental.

For me personally, I find that I'm much more productive on days when I go on walks rather than those that I don't go on walks.

Keep pushing Acid!
If you make some exercice you will sleep better, that's 100% guaranteed from my own experience.
I will look for your progress. have a great day.

Stop smoke and nicotine for good would be really good for your health but I know it's not easy to stop it all

As for sleep I got your same issue, just that I wake at 6 am and get anymore to sleep even tough I'm tired... I may suggest to you to try and get melatonin, eventually if it doesn't work some cbd for sleep

Sounds a good plan for the rest of things

Today, there is a competition between time and ill health to defeat man and win over him in which man seems to be losing. No one would have thought that staying fit would be so difficult...but I believe that what happened in the past has nothing to do with us today and what is happening today will lay the foundation of the future.

The most difficult step is not to get fit but more difficult than that is to take the first step which will lead us towards our destination, one step at a time, every day. We have gone out of our control and now, tired of the efforts being made every day, we have stopped and think why no injection is made which after taking will make my world the way I want it.

I am from India and here there were sages and munis who attained salvation by doing penance for years in caves, then time changed and the sages and munis lacked determination, as a result only a select few started reaching the highest peak of human consciousness. After a long deliberation, a solution was found which was called 'Hatha Yoga'. Under this, religious people have to force themselves to wake up. They have to do it even if they don't feel like it. If they feel like sleeping, they have to wake up and if they feel like waking up, they have to sleep. They have to take themselves to another zone. As a result, people came back and more people attained salvation.

Forcing yourself is not violence, rather it will first make you uncomfortable and then give you the results that you had dreamt of.

Truly speaking, health should be placed at the top priority. I had severe examples of weight gain and health issues during my COVID-19 lockdown, and then I started rigorous outdoor work, like cycling around 50-70 km a week, especially on Saturday and Sunday. It helps a lot and also remove fast foods and drinks from my foods as much as possible, but still struggling to lose weight but I feel better with physical activity in exploring the surrounding nature in my living area every week. I suggest only one thing, and that is never to miss your planned physical activity that will make you stronger in every work you do. And wish you the best of luck for 2025 in all your endeavours.

Recognizing something needs to change is the biggest step! Then, the hardest is starting to make the changes needed. You're going in the right direction, good for you. If you ever need some advise that goes a bit further than 'count calories' and 'move more' send me a message, I'm some sort of cool therapist nowadays ;-) Especially fixing sleep can have extreme advantage on weightloss/health, and was my personal 'hardest to fix' back in the days. Good luck <3

Good luck with your goals! Give yourself credit that you survived 2024! The ZING community is still around too! :)

Looks like we're in the same boat. My sleep habits are also changing and I noticed I could hardly ever fall asleep before midnight. It is bad because the hours you sleep before midnight are the best and that's when your body and mind is resting. Plus I'm a light sleeper, so even if I sleep for 6, 7 hours, I'm still not rested.

What I find useful is to log off any device around 10pm and only watch TV or read. Reading makes me fall asleep faster. Otherwise I have no chance. For me, trading the NY pm session causes a lot of trouble as I finish at 11pm and need an hour till my mind slows down, so most likely I'll have to skip this session, if I want to improve my sleep quality.

I don't know at what hour you go to bed, but I suppose not before midnight, which is not good.

sorry to hear about your troubles. sounds like you have a simiar sleep pattern to me. I now take medication at bedtime to help me sleep.

markets are looking good. i'm waiting for price of hive to go down again so i can buy more.


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Best of luck to you with your goals! I hope that you are able to achieve them or at least come close. I had a rough stint where I was dealing with some ailments and that kind of knocked me off the tracks in terms of being healthy. I need to get back into the groove.

force myself to go out for a walk for 30+ mins

You know what they say! You should go for a 30 minute walk outside every day. Unless you are very busy, then you should make it 60 minutes 😄
Walking is one of the best things to do to get fitter. Running is much more stressful on your muscles and joints.
It's good to start the day with a walk. You get some vitamin D from the (sun)light which helps your body start up (and it's probably not that warm there yet).

It's good that you keep track of your progress, but I would advise you not to measure them with a scale. Your weight isn't really a reliable measurement since it changes throughout the day. You'd better keep track of your progress in time, distance and or steps. You'll see as you progress that it will get easier. Build it up slowly.

Do you have a step counter? That helps me to see if I have been moving enough. When my step counter is below 5000 steps a day in the evening (when I've been working from home) I must go out for a walk or a run.
My watch gives me a sign when I have reached my daily minimum of 5000 steps.
It might be a good motivation. It can also give me a notification to start moving when I have been sitting still for too long, but I have switched that off since I cannot always walk away from my work 😂

Wish me luck 😅

Good luck! You can do it!

Congrats on quitting vaping, I know myself how hard is to let go of a vice🥹.

The idea of going on a walk is also great, I did that on quarentine and it worked wonders for my health physical and mental. I wish you the very best 🫶🏻

The middle of 2024 especially was terrible for the markets man, I hope those days don't come back again and that this altcoin season comes. That way we can all focus on our lives in a more relaxed way.

2024 was also a bad year for me in terms of weight. I gained 10 kilos and I'm trying to lose it now. I wish you the best, wish me luck too! 😂

Good luck! I have been using Actifit and get over ten thousand steps per day usually. I also do 2-3 times weight lifting per week. First I was loosing weight, but lately it has been creeping up again. Must be my diet, I love to eat 😀
