The image shows a few places I've been. All have provided amazing value, made me happy, fed my soul, brought peace, excitement, contentment and inspired thoughts which have all ultimately culminated to bring me a better attitude and mindset and we all know that having the right attitude brings the ability to take the right actions, whatever they may be.
Unfortunately, we can't always be in places like this.
Life can be hectic, busy and downright draining of our energy, focus, motivation and state of well-being, emotionally and physically. It's when we're in this condition that small things set us off, we act rashly, without logic or sufficient thought and generally don't perform at our best. It's when small problems or issues can become magnified rather than mitigated.
When this happens to me I have a few different ways to deal with it, one of which is simply walking away. But that's not always possible or appropriate for most situations. So I've found other ways.
Mostly I retreat inside and find places like those you see above, moments in my life that have made me feel happy, centred and at peace. I don't mean I go there physically though, I might still be at my desk or in the car, walking in the city and so on. I mean I find the feeling and emotion being there in those places brought me, and that helps to readjust my thoughts and attitude. I delve deeply to truly feel the same things, the fresh air, breeze on my face, scent of the ocean or the forest; whatever the case may be and which ever place my memory takes me. It's a reset, one that happens within my mind, and when I'm done, ten minutes or so later, I am better able to get back to the job at hand and perform better. My mindset and attitude is close to where it needs to be for productivity and I push forward.
I believe it is incredibly important to maintain a good attitude. To me it's as important as ownership, discipline and responsibility. In fact, it comes before those as the right attitude and mindset will make it easier to attain the others and when they all work together things get done much more effectively.
How do you reset your attitude at times when you can't simple walk away, at work for instance? Do you have a process like mine? Feel free to tell me below. I'm always looking for new ideas.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
All images in this post are my own
You're a fucking genius. I know you know that but anyway. I'm totally going to make something similar to your collage. Probably not of greenblueens but of things that are dear to me.
Yesterday I had an instance like that where I needed a reset and when an order for Juniper Berry candles came in, making stock helped to totally shift my mindset and focus on the task at hand.
I think it depends on the circumstances that you're having to reset from. Hope you're back on track, I know that not much can keep you down and when you get back up, well whatever pissed in your oatmeal better start running lol
I wasn't off track really, was just thinking out loud. Even when I'm off track I'm on track though as it's all part of life I guess, the journey, and it has to be dealt with. We all need to handle the good and bad and if we can do it with the same passion then it's all likely to end up going a little better.
A juniper candle order is a nice reset and a good way to find focus. You're getting a few orders through huh?
Yup I know what you mean, you got to take the sweet with the sour. Nobody has a full run of good all the time. Shit happens and staying on track is the difference between going forward and staying stagnant in a pile of yuck.
I do so enjoy making these candles, they always brighten up my day and the feedback I've received from my orders has been overwhelmingly positive. It beats sitting at a market for hours and selling three so I'm happy.
Hope you're having a good day and now that it's weekend you'll be able to do some fun stuff too.
I'm going to call vanilla my favourite. I love me some vanilla.
This is one of the results of deep contemplation of the journey of life that forms maturity. I mean, it is shaping wisdom.
How can someone who has succeeded in finding his identity and representing it in the face of reality in front of his eyes, does not see where he is physically, because he has been able to see with clarity of mind and mind.
Everyone always learns to fix all their mistakes. The easiest reflection is to return to a peaceful nature like the places you have visited.
I do it, imagining that there is wisdom and goodness in every problem I face. Or, if I'm having trouble with someone, I will remember every good thing he has ever done for me, even his smile.
Mr @galenkp, let me share your post again. Many people will be able to use it for their own good.
I think you're on the right track. Changing how we think at any given point is within our power, we just need to make the effort. A thought about a place we went, and emotion we felt, is only way way to do it.
When I need to get chilled I imagine your blue skies too. Be instead of my Scottish summer ones...
Much grey!
Bit of pareidolia going on in that photo. Thick clouds on the right; side profile of someone looking up to the left, possibly praying. Hair blowing in the wind. trippy
It was a trippy cloud day! I spent mucho time sitting and just staring up. I think our summer is beginning
Summer is rolling along nicely here as well. Spent some time doing the same.
It's a bit of a relief because I was starting to think it would be stormclouds and rain till autumn!
Changing weather patterns around the globe...Maybe yours is changing for the better! 😉
Lol. In a cheap that suits me kind of way I am tempted to say, magic!
But I think it's just making it wetter!!
It's easy enough to let the mind take us to different and better places and to feel the way it felt, to adjust attitude, through that method. It would be better to actually go there but the result can come just from the thought.
Grey skies or blue, the trick is to find the ability to adjust mindset and attitude so we can live better lives.
I agree and love the G-Dawg philosophy. I have been sitting in the same place all day and feel ridiculously zen
This looks like a pretty good office mate. Nice work. And...is that blue skies I see?
Night blue! I tell you though, if I can get away with it that will be my office this summer!
Perfect office man! No arguments about who drank the last bit of milk and didn't replace it, who didn't clean the toasted sandwich press or arguments about the air conditioning in the office. Just do your own thing! And you can go to work in your boxers! (I mean, just them.) 😂
One of the bonuses of the pandemic is the boxer working!
Gray summer skies sounds so terrible and like summer and gray are words that don't belong together.... ugh....
I am solar powered though... so that would never do.
If we were solar powered I think we would have to be looking at a lot of cold meals!!!
You are right, grey skies and summer are not on. Fortunately today there was no clouds. It was amazing!
Who wants to cook in the summer anyways ??? LOL
Glad you are having a nice sunny day.
Good timing dude. That's all.
Hey mate, I hope you're well.
I'm good. What is pain other than just another friendly reminder I'm alive, and being afforded yet another opportunity to feel; and eventually feel better.
Nice perspective, and attitude. It's because you say things like this I know you're well-placed to deal with life's happenings. Good luck...which means, go create your own luck.
I'm on it.
Nice work. You'll make it happen.
I am not sure if this works for everyone, but for me, I would plan some rewards for myself in the future. For example, I could tell myself I will go have a good meal after work or during the weekend, or perhaps plan an activity that I would enjoy, like a staycation or just chilling by the beach. Psychologically, have something to look forward allows me to tell myself to focus/endure a bad day or situation knowing that there is a reward at the end of the tunnel.
That works perfectly and is exactly what I do...But on a day to day basis, minute by minute, I use the emotional triggers to adjust my mindset whenai find it's flagging. It's easily done, cost-free and takes only moments. The memory is a powerful thing, so why not use it?
I seem to need more attitude adjustments recently. Normally I try to think up fun things to focus on instead. Not focusing on something fun leaves my brain too much time to roll reality around and around... ugh !
This week I was having unhappy, waffling mental conversations about flowers, getting some like normal, not getting some like normal, how I don't want to tend them properly when it gets too hot, how I don't even think I have the mental energy to tend them now.... and on and on, until yesterday (or the night before, I forgets which 😄 ) I decided to make the back deck area an art installation instead of a flower show. Sure, there will be a flower or two, but not that many (or that is what I think today)....and more fun outdoor art crap on it and hanging from it instead. I'm sure it may end up looking a little trashy... .trashy but fun and at least it will be relegated to the porch and not the whole yard....LOL.... the neighbors may be pleased about that.
Now I have something fun to focus on. What do I want, what do I already have I can adapt to it.... I'm so much better now than I was a couple of days ago !
It's good to have some focus, and the mental conversations too. It takes us off off tangents sometimes but can also h lpnusborder things as well, like with your decking.
Trashy but fun. The operative word being fun. Seems like it worked out and you're back on track. ✅
I AM back on track. I worked a bit this morning and then fed myself and started chores. I've also been gathering bits and pieces that I already have here, from different areas of the house and carport and taking them back to the porch. Meanwhile, I've been mulling over what other things I would like to add that I will need to purchase. I'll being going to Mom's tomorrow and if it is not scorching hot, I may check out her shed and see if she has anything that looks like it could be used as whimsical art.... and if so I may drag it home with me. We'll see !
It sounds like you're enthused and moving forward at a good rate so I'd say all is well. Maybe a post about it in the future?
Maybe so... .An almost before and after post. I don't have a plan of the end result ! No telling what will happen.
Of course we know the words "art installation" was a bit.... (or more than a bit) high sounding for what it will actually be, but that's ok.
Sometimes that's the best.
When I need a reset I just block myself out from a lot of things that can be "blocked", temporarily at least. Bit of me time at home, outside, visit a few cafes, go for a walk, depends on my mood really.
Takes me about a week, sometimes even a month to properly reset.
What happens when you're not in the right frame of mind whilst at work, when you can't go home, for a walk or to a cafe? How do you focus on changing a poor attitude minute by minute so you stay focused and productive?
Bad things happen, disappointments, and if they are not arrested quickly can spiral out of control and ruin a work day pretty quickly.
When I can't stay focused on one thing then I have to focus on something else, it then acts like a small break from all the work and stress. When I can't go out for coffee, I just decide to stay in and make myself a cup of coffee at home. When it comes to productivity, 8 out of 10 times I get the job done on time. Every now and then I do slack off, can't meet deadlines, thanks to some stress from my personal life, but I'm working on that for now.
I'm sure you do a god job and work towards continuously improving your processes and methods of keeping you attitudes and mindset in the right place.
Not sure if I'm doing a good job, but I surely am trying my best. Both my work and personal life haven't been the best after Covid struck.
You can't ask more than your best of yourself.
Only good thing about Covid/post-covid is stumbling upon this platform, Hive.
In just a few months PeakD and Hive, both have become a solid part of my life and lifestyle. I say I'm quite lucky to be part of this ecosystem and blockchain.
A long way to go still though, but I'm all in, and up for the ride. 🥃