
Bit of pareidolia going on in that photo. Thick clouds on the right; side profile of someone looking up to the left, possibly praying. Hair blowing in the wind. trippy

It was a trippy cloud day! I spent mucho time sitting and just staring up. I think our summer is beginning

Summer is rolling along nicely here as well. Spent some time doing the same.

It's a bit of a relief because I was starting to think it would be stormclouds and rain till autumn!

Changing weather patterns around the globe...Maybe yours is changing for the better! 😉

Lol. In a cheap that suits me kind of way I am tempted to say, magic!

But I think it's just making it wetter!!

Bloody Scottish weather.

It's easy enough to let the mind take us to different and better places and to feel the way it felt, to adjust attitude, through that method. It would be better to actually go there but the result can come just from the thought.

Grey skies or blue, the trick is to find the ability to adjust mindset and attitude so we can live better lives.

I agree and love the G-Dawg philosophy. I have been sitting in the same place all day and feel ridiculously zen


This looks like a pretty good office mate. Nice work. that blue skies I see?

Night blue! I tell you though, if I can get away with it that will be my office this summer!

Perfect office man! No arguments about who drank the last bit of milk and didn't replace it, who didn't clean the toasted sandwich press or arguments about the air conditioning in the office. Just do your own thing! And you can go to work in your boxers! (I mean, just them.) 😂

One of the bonuses of the pandemic is the boxer working!

I've only got my boxers on now...I'm at the office but hey, what the hell, sometimes one has to keep things interesting.

Gray summer skies sounds so terrible and like summer and gray are words that don't belong together.... ugh....

I am solar powered though... so that would never do.

If we were solar powered I think we would have to be looking at a lot of cold meals!!!

You are right, grey skies and summer are not on. Fortunately today there was no clouds. It was amazing!

Who wants to cook in the summer anyways ??? LOL

Glad you are having a nice sunny day.