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RE: Touching green things

in Self Improvement3 years ago

The little booms must be distracted in some fashion; let me think on it and I'll get back to you.

me nearly falling off a ladder as I scaled a high tree.

Oh yes, now you're talking! That's a perfect way to ensure you appreciate life. It's better the higher in the tree you are and the more branches you thwack on the way down. So awesome. I can tell you're an expert in finding the zest of life.


I could double up on Lego and get them their own but then I would get called in every five minutes to fix a bit that was wonky lol

The tree was high, I was very lucky/skilled in that I chose to pile my ladder on top of some strong bushes. So that when part of the bush broke I only skiffed slowly sideways. Apart from the momentary terror, it was fine!

Lock them in their rooms when you play Lego's...It's common practice.

The tree was high

The best sort to fall out of. I'm going to assume your fall was manly, that the thwack oof sound you made when you landed was Titanly and you fucked yourself up good and proper as is expected.

I can report that the fall was more thwatchy as I landed in a pile of branches and oddly slowly as the ladder slid to the side.

The pre requisite pain and being fucked up good and proper happened as is expected. I now wear it like a badge :OD