My alarm went off at 06:00 and I jumped out of bed ready to tackle the day head on and own it laid in bed going through Hive to see what happened overnight. For the record, not much. I eventually fell out of bed, went through the usual process of getting ready for my work day and was out the door by 07:30 heading to my first appointment, via the coffee shop.
Getting it right
I had seven face to face appointments today and as my phone often rings around twenty times a day and I write multiple emails, that's a fairly busy day. I got it done though, and it was productive, *very much so actually; I found myself back at my home office around 14:00 and by 15:00 was feeling pretty good about having things well under control, including my Wednesday and Thursday things lined up and in order. Being ahead of the game is a good position to be in.
I'll admit that I had to work hard today. The meetings were with big national companies across multiple industries like mining, building, solar, engineering and timber, all of which have different heavy transport needs and I needed to show flexibility, deep knowledge and understanding and think on my feet in respect of their needs. (I work for a heavy haulage company). It's a challenge, but when I get it right it's rewarding...and I get it right a lot.
Anyway, at around 15:00 I sat back, looked at my screens blankly and thought, enough.
I decided I deserved a break, despite there being a couple hours left in my work day. I tend to create my own hours and the company don't mind a bit as results are all they care about; they don't care if I deliver those results in one hour a day or thirteen hours, as long as I'm winning accounts and driving their revenue in the right direction.
Touching green things

I've said many times just how enjoyable growing things is to me and I'll not belabour the point, but I felt the urge to touch some leaves and to talk to my vegetable plants today. I know, it's weird, especially since I'm going to be eating them soon, but they're responsive and have never mentioned any feelings of discomfort about being eaten; in fact, they seem to like the attention. So, I went outside and spent some time sprinkling water, inspecting growth and generally just coaxing the little buggers to grow.
For those of you who find pleasure in gardening, you'll know what I mean when I say it feels comfortable to do these things.
For me, the stress and complications of my fast-paced working environment, the constant drive for accounts and revenue, and the need to be at the top of my game and focused melts away when I spend time in my garden. I get similar feelings in the wilderness also, however here in my own garden, with the plants I've sown, nurtured and cared for...it's a little more satisfying. Hmm no, that's not right...It's satisfying in different ways.

My garden is starting to come to life now that winter is over.
My fruit and nut trees are blossoming and there's tiny buds and leaves sprouting all over the place. It's like an awakening, and that's how I felt myself this afternoon as I wandered about sprinkling water around the place, feeling the textures of the plants' leaves and watching them perk up a little as they had a drink and conversed with me. I'm an expert plant conversationalist you know; if you doubt it, just ask my plants.
I spent an hour out there and I think it was an hour well spent. My work day seemed like a distant memory, even though I was still in it and getting paid, and my plants and I had a good catch up. I was feeling good and decided to carry that forward with a hike in the conservation park across from my house. I guess I figured I'd go there and touch some more green things, although I tend to be more polite when in public and keep my hands to myself...and if you believe that, you're bonkers. I touched the hell out of those plants too!

I work hard to be in the moment whether it's work or recreation, my personal relationships, socialising or even the me-time I take. Being one hundred percent present means I'm able to give those moments the attention they're due; they are after all, my life. Having that presence helps me gain the most in return and I think that's a nice life balance.
I'm not one to believe in the fifty-fifty work-life balance paradigm...I think life deserves one hundred percent of our effort and so that's what I give. The trick is being able to switch from one thing to the next instantaneously. I give one hundred percent focus to work for instance, but a phone call from someone in my personal life may require I shift focus to something else entirely and then I'm one hundred percent focused there. You know? Hmm, maybe you don't understand and that's ok. It works for me - it brings results and value to those moments I live - and that's what matters.
Today I gave one hundred percent to work, to my garden and my hike. Today green things provided comfort and solace, and today I found value.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any images in this post are my own
I do love that time when things are starting to awaken same come alive after the winter. We are in the downward slope so things are starting to turn autumn reds and browns. I was out yesterday still doing a bit of prep in advance. I love that little slice of nature too. Felt uber chilled after it!
Yep, you're on the way to, well, the complete antithesis of what I'm on the way to, but that's the way of it I guess. We need to make the most of it. My suggestion is that you buy Lego Technic, lots of it.
Seriously though, loads of Lego!
Ok, seriously though...We need to find value in life, I mean seek it out, and it doesn't have to be something momentous. Little things combined make big things.
I love Lego and I think I would love the Lego Technic. I don't think I would love both the smaller booms crawling all over it and saying can I help before opening bags and moving stuff about whilst Ilooked on in horror!
Little things are good. Like me nearly falling off a ladder as I scaled a high tree. That made me appreciate life a bit more yesterday :OD
The little booms must be distracted in some fashion; let me think on it and I'll get back to you.
Oh yes, now you're talking! That's a perfect way to ensure you appreciate life. It's better the higher in the tree you are and the more branches you thwack on the way down. So awesome. I can tell you're an expert in finding the zest of life.
I could double up on Lego and get them their own but then I would get called in every five minutes to fix a bit that was wonky lol
The tree was high, I was very lucky/skilled in that I chose to pile my ladder on top of some strong bushes. So that when part of the bush broke I only skiffed slowly sideways. Apart from the momentary terror, it was fine!
Lock them in their rooms when you play Lego's...It's common practice.
The best sort to fall out of. I'm going to assume your fall was manly, that the thwack oof sound you made when you landed was Titanly and you fucked yourself up good and proper as is expected.
I can report that the fall was more thwatchy as I landed in a pile of branches and oddly slowly as the ladder slid to the side.
The pre requisite pain and being fucked up good and proper happened as is expected. I now wear it like a badge :OD
Beautiful garden and scenery you have there. I wish I had more time to keep our garden like yours. Unfortunately, here in the tropics weeds just grow back 5 seconds after you picked them lol. So Good job on keeping yours looking so neat and clean. For me spending time among green things really calms me down and gives me comfort too. I feel so blessed living in a tropical green country close to nature and with a huge, yet very wild, garden. Just like you, I often feel the urge to touch some leaves or walk barefoot through some parts of the garden. Though sometimes you pay a painful price for this. Not so long ago I stepped on a centipede and it bit me, luckily it was only a small one so the pain was ok. Something else I really enjoy after a hard day of work is cooking with plants and of course, eating it after... have a beautiful day and enjoy these moments of inner peace!
Hi Amy, thanks for saying so. I guess the best bits I keep to myself as the blockchain doesn't need to see everything, but I'm quote proud of my vegetables so am happy to show them. As my fruit trees develop this year I'll do some posts also.
Centipedes are creepy little buggers, literally and otherwise. I don't really like creepy crawlies like centipedes, scorpions and spiders...or snakey bastards either. (Snakes.) I'm in Australia where we have many deadly things, and am always out in the wilderness so I see many and never feel the need to befriend them.
Thanks for your nice message and I look forward to seeing you again should you decide to drop in.
Haha... I hear you. Not a huge fan of all these creepy crawlers either but after 8 years of living in Cambodia I kinda got used to them. Though we have far less deathly creatures than you have in Australia. But it's already enough for me. Growing up in Belgium we had zero poisonous animals, so it took me a while to learn and live with them.
Take care!
I've not been to Cambodia but have been to Vietnam and assume it's quite similar, at least in this respect. Bloody little crawlies!
I wish I lived in a place like that but in Australia...Nah, not going to happen. Lol.
I agree this is the key to enjoying a perfect personal and social life after a hard working day.
That garden bed is looking great!
I don't use any chemicals, just natural fertilisers and stuff, which I think makes the plants feel a little healthier and happier. I'm pretty pleased with how my garden is growing and am looking forward to a bumper crop of yummy things.
Just in case you want to have fun sometime :)
Umm, yeah that's the last thing I'd be interested in...I'd rather chew my own face off. I garden for pleasure and that would take it all away I think. Don't you think? (Although, I know you're a tech guy so maybe you think it's awesome.)
I don't think of it as a substitute but as a complement. Designing the area and ensuring the system takes care of everything when you are not there. In the end, you would probably spend more time setting everything up and checking progress, but I think adding tech and personal touch is cool.
I understand completely, but for me it's the design work I do myself, on paper, stepping things out, scribbling and scratching my head that brings enjoyment. I know some tech stuff, I'm not a (total) idiot in that aspect but I'm really quite an analogue dude when you scratch the surface. Sure, it's going the long way around, but I don't like the way technology (digital technology) seems to have taken over life. I don't even use tap or sprinkler timers...Totally analogue.
I see your point, it is probably more romantic but I just hate getting home after a long hot weekend and seeing all my flowers starving.
Personally, I don't have enough space to spend that much time gardening, so my go-to is to head to the state park and wander around communing with nature for awhile. Enjoying naught but the sounds of tree-fresh air, wind-rustled leaves, and birds is definitely good for my soul.
That's a good way to put it and exactly what's going on. I think humans have generally lost the ability for it, maybe even the need, although we can refind the ability and the need just requires activating. The enlightened amongst us do so.
Your green things are looking beautiful and growing so nicely. You're a lucky bugger if I may say so. There's NOTHING weird about talking to your plants. They respond to it, it's been proven and you know what, even if that weren't true, it feels good to talk to them doesn't it? I know that the plants that I've spoken to enjoy it as much as I do.
Sounds like you did have a full on day, I'm glad you gave it your all, but seems like that is simply your way, it's a good philosophy and will pay dividends. Hope you enjoy the harvest of your green things when you get there 😁
You may, and I am.
I've tried to teach them to swear, but they're too polite.
I'm going to eat those little fuckers to death!
Lol, little shop of horrors the PG18 version could be such a hoot.
Green is good! Your garden is looking great!
Honestly, I have found so much value in taking up gardening and getting stuck into it with my little veg patch. And I don't think they mind being eaten, after all, they get the chance to become one with you, and repay all that energy you put into raising them. It's the circle of energy, energy which cannot be created or destroyed, it simply shifts 😄
(Okay, I may not have slept that well last night. I take no responsibility for any comments that seem nonsensical.)
This, I need to try and do more of this. Also possibly more touching of green things. As long as it's not the Hulk, not sure he would appreciate that. I may need to nap soon.
Yep, the garden is looking pretty good all round. I tend not to show it all for obvious reasons, but it's all looking really healthy and I'm looking forward to some good harvests in the not too distant future.
Being in the moment is really critical to life I think, and so many are not...I don't know how many people I see together with each other, *but with their heads in their phones. Bonkers. Anyway, if you can manage it you'll get more from life, if not, then not. It's a pretty simple scenario. It's not so easy to do these days with so many distractions; it takes ownership and responsibility, like most things where we look for a positive result.
Good luck with the Hulk, he may enjoy some touching.
For me, gardening is a part of life. I could spend hours in the garden and still would feel like that was just real quick a minute ago. I feel connected to it and more happy when working in nature . Is it us nurturing the garden, or is it the garden nurturing us?
Your veggies looks healthy though. Oh, you've got Midas touch.😀
I'm not sure if I have the Midas touch, but I put some effort in and I get some results now and then. I'm happy with that. And yes, the garden is nurturing us to some degree. For sure.
Totally agree! It's not about 50/50. But. All or nothing. Also agree with the green. It is a hopeful colour. I always see life when I see green. Your garden is looking and sounding like it deserves and thrives on your affections. My just got thoroughly loved by my rogue chooks. Can't say that it's their fault they were rogue as the gate was left unlatched so they were free ranging as we expect free rangers to do! Interesting story about touching plants though. Many years ago I visited a permaculture farm. I was introduced to the magnificent fruit and nut trees around their actual home and then those planted around a cottage for the rare guests. There was NO comparison. I asked what the year difference was in planting. Nothing. They were from the same root stock of saplings but those planted around the main house was loved - and were even played music! The others, though watered and composted or pruned as needed were rather neglected in comparison. They were small with no fruit....makes one think.....
Being 50% present in any aspect of my life just doesn't seem enough to me; clearly you get it.
My garden, and other things. Lol.
It's interesting about those fruit and nut trees, and I've heard similar before.
I visited a dairy in Italy called Hombre where they make parmesan (even for the Vatican) and they cows get played classical music all the time. They say it makes the milk better.
I went there for this, which is also located at the farm.
Now...rogue chickens...I'm not sure what music they like, but don't play any heavy metal, it sends them bonkers. (Don't ask how I know.)
Here in the Cape there's a boutique farm that have water buffalo and make speciality cheese. The boutique part is that at milking the water buffalo have 3 choices. Either milk. Or massage. Or classical music. I better not let my rogue chickens get wind of the stories or they may start putting in their demands
If you think those chickens are rogue now, just wait until they realise they're not getting massages!
Switching from one moment that's personal to official stuffs is really one talent I haven't quite mastered but it looks like you're already a pro at that.
I love gardening too but can't make one in a rented apartment but will definitely do something like that in the future with my favorite & beneficial plants.
I'd not say I'm a pro, I just do it more often than not do it. I guess I don't see any point to only being partially present in my life so I focus on being all there, in each moment.
I hope you get to do some gardening in the future, I think you understand how valuable that time is for a human, being close to nature and all.
The pride you have for your garden is evident and the satisfaction you feel when obtaining the fruit is very pleasant. When you visited Villa de Leiva, a farm where we were staying, I planted cilantro and cucumber, how pleasant it was to see the response that plants give when you take care of them and make them aware. It's work, but it's relaxing. Congratulations on your plants.
Gardening is so rewarding, even though some work is involved and it can be hard at times. There is great reward to be found through effort.
There is nothing I can think of that is not great about spring. The land coming alive again after a long winter's nap. Can't help to be caught up in the promise of the new and the old coming back to life. Makes it seem that we are renewing, not just the earth.
Garden/nature therapy is the best.
It's a great time of year right? It seems everything is a little bit better to me ai guess. Even if it isn't.
Already it is looking great!!! I am still touching the petals and leaves, it is almost a ritual every morning, the world seems right when I have done a walk-through. There is something about it that lights a fire inside.
I wasn't aware that I liked gardening that much and I don't know how to put it in words. Soothing, peaceful. the communing with nature as a whole. I get all twisted up when I am trying to describe it. I just go with it.
I am so glad that you just jump right in and embrace it.
Yeah, it's coming along nicely, and the rest of my garden is full of blossoms, buds and new growth. It's all rather excellent.
Gardening is kind of cool, someone said in another comment that it actually nurtures us and I agree. Also the communicating with nature thing, it's a difficult thing to describe, one needs to simply feel it. I guess it's like...the feeling reaches inside and nurtures that which is already there and it sprouts then grows within us outwardly allowing us to grow and develop a little better, new leaves and things. I think humans have lost touch with nature and I don't think that's a good thing.
Wow random qn, but do you wake so early everyday? I can't remember when's the last time I woke up at 6am. Hehe.
P.S. I usually wake up at 730am on weekdays and much later on weekends.
If I didn't wake up early I'd net get everything done in a day. I'm a rather busy person with a lot of commitments. I go to bed around 23:00-00:00 (midnight).
Sometimes I wake up a little later on the weekends, a sleep in wold be about 07:00-07:30.
Ah that makes sense! Thanks for sharing!
Very green. All I have is a black thumb. I kill everything I put in the ground.
Haha, you and many others I think. I do it pretty well, but that doesn't mean I don't kill things at times also.
At least I am not burying anything alive. Rereading my initial comment it sounds quite ominous and dramatic.
Haha, yeah I thought that...But then I know you, so just rolled with it.