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RE: Diminishing distance

in Self Improvement3 years ago

A mindshift is often required and for those able to do so the situation can be made to work. It seems you're doing it. I hope it's not for too much longer and you can get back together in the same place once again. 😊


We're doing alright, it's been just over a year so far, got absolutely no complaints.

And yes, just about 2 years more I guess, then we'll be together again.

Hopefully we both will adapt according to the changes, and be tolerant enough for that long. 🥃

A year is a good effort. It's 35 for me.

The ability to adapt, be open and honest, understanding and respectful is important.

It's 35 for me

That's a LONG time, but I can see that you're tackling it well. It surely has taken a lot of effort to have come this far.

Hopefully, the wait will soon be over. 🙏♥️

The ability to adapt, be open and honest, understanding and respectful is important.

YES SIRRR, that's all that matters in a relationship, in any relationship. 🥃