I can really relate to this on so many levels. I am trying to keep those bad or convenience foods to a minimum. I have been coffee free though for a few years now and am happy to have given that up. Although I miss the social side of it though. Meeting for a ginger tea doesnt have the same ring to it! lol
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Yeah. though I do love ginger tea! I don't think the odd cup pf organic coffee would kill me, so long as it doesn't turn into an addiction again. It really is a gateway drug!
I think most things are ok in moderation. But yeah, coffee is poisonous in large quantities and it really is a gateway drug as you say.
What are your thoughts on taking things such as paracetamol, ibuprofen etc?
I used to pop paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve headaches etc, but I no longer need them. They only mask the symptoms, and don't sort the cause. This way you feel as if you need them continuously because they make you feel better temporarily. In extreme pain, such as after an accident or a pounding headache that will not shift, you may well need them. Me too. But otherwise, it's just a quick fix. Eat about 10 almonds and see if you still have a headache. I swear by them.
Thanks , that's good to know.
Paracetamol is known to cause liver damage maybe Ibuprofen too. 🤑
yes, im wondering spiritually what effect are they having.
I had to ask for guidance on that question. Not really. It can slow down spiritual evolution though, indirectly, because you mask pain, rather than feel and release it. Not all pain is down to an injury - much of the pain in our bodies is emotional and mental and needs to be released, not suppressed. Also, regular use stops people from changing their behaviour, which is spiritual. Our conscious choices are how we reflect spirit inside. In a way, over-use, addiction, or dependence are barriers to personal sovereignty. Another thing that came through is that painkillers can cause painful digestive issues that keep you in a vicious cycle.