Fitness: 10th January 2025 | Truth-o-Meter | Did You Know?

in Self Improvement10 days ago (edited)


1 minute of side planks for each side every day for 365 days gives you 12.1 hours of side planks in a year. What do you think that would do to your body? No matter how small, don’t ever underestimate the time for exercise. It all adds up.


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What Was I Up To?

The usual, the known, the mundane, the everyday thing… but….

It all adds up!!

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I started with two Rosaries and some asks/requests in the name of Jesus 😊. More of my prayers for my daughter today.

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Runs | Walks | Cardio

I could not take time for a walk or run, so I used what was readily available to me—the staircase. 😊 I did three rounds of up and down from my third-floor apartment to the ground floor and back. It was an awesome experience!

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Weights | At Gym | Or Home

Today’s workout was at home, and I suspect that will continue for at least a couple of months.

  1. Arm curls for the biceps
  2. Hammer for the biceps
  3. Triceps
  4. Overhead press for the shoulders
  5. Stomach Vacuum for the.. stomach 😊
  6. Also, the Farmers Walk

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Body Weight Exercises | Calisthenics

  1. One set of push-ups
  2. One set of reverse palm push-ups
  3. One set of squats
  4. One set of planks
  5. One set each of side planks

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Energy Exercises | Ho’oponopono | EFT | Meditation | And more

Today, I haven’t done any Ho’oponopono sessions yet. However, yesterday in the evening I had done about three to four rounds of Ho’oponopono. It was to handle some intruding disempowering thoughts. Well, it worked.

For those who don’t know about Ho’oponopono, here is my write-up on Ho’oponopono for those interested in learning more.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique

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And That’s A Wrap!

This is my fifth day in succession and I hope to keep it going for 365 days. What awesomeness that would be! 😊

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Did You Know?

Staircase climbing is a sport.

Yes, you can check that on the internet where the contest is held in skyscrapers. There are many countries where these contests are held, with the obvious requirement of needing a skyscraper. 😊

Here is a video from back in 2013:

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Image Courtesy: Geralt @Pixabay

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Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:

Publish0x: Earn ETH || Bulbapp: Earn Bulb


Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:

Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pi Network: Mine Pi on Mobile


Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || NFTPanda
