During this Christmas one of my brothers subscribed to Netflix and I had a chance to take a look at some content. I do not watch too many movies as I hate regular TV but I decided to watch "Don't look up" movie and a documentary series called "The last dance" which is about Michael Jordan's basketball years at the Chicago Bulls. I like documentaries of real stories as you usually have a chance to better understand facks by learning about the parallel stories from angles you didn't know before
In one of the episodes, they talk about the mentality Jordan had during the playoffs. Especially when having the responsibility to get the ball and try to score at the very last seconds of the game to try to win. Most of his teammates in a similar situation were worried thinking how bad they would feel if they would miss the throw. When they asked Michael his answer was, "Why do I have to worry if I have not even thrown the ball yet"?
When facing new challenges, mentality is for sure a very important factor, and focusing on the task and not the possible bad outcome is a great way to succeed. Whishing you the best in your first day.
I have been meaning to watch the Last Dance, but my wife isn't interested. Have to find the time for myself!
Quite an amazing attitude - very Zen Master.
So many (myself too) worry about all that could go wrong, rather than doing what is necessary so they don't.
Enjoy your evening - if you are still awake! :)