One-one was a race horse.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too.
I tried to teach this tongue-twister to my daughter recently and while she got it, I am still struggling with it. My mouth doesn't move as fast as it once did, so it will not be winning any races itself, any time soon. Funny, since I pretty much talk to people for a living.
The first official day in the new job starts tomorrow and I will soon head to bed after getting next to zero sleep last night for a couple of reasons - with none of them being fun or worth it. As normal, I tend to burn the candle at both ends, but I am hoping to break that habit in the coming months, especially since I should be getting (unknown timeline but a "couple months") a CPAP machine, which is used to treat sleep apnea, something that I have suffered from for many years quite badly. I really hope it will help, because a couple of my friends who now have one have reported quite drastic improvements in their overall well being.
While I am a night-owl by nature, I actually wonder how much of my sleeping habits are down to the fact that it doesn't matter when or how much I sleep, I never feel refreshed, or any better for it. Sure, it might be healthier, but there isn't that positive feedback of waking up feeling good, it is always just as tired with all of the aches, pains and issues as I went to sleep with. "Sleeping on it" doesn't seem to help much.
However, I am prepared to give it a go and change my routine a little, which is likely easier said than done, after 40-odd years of living this way. But, if I do get that "revitalized feeling" after a goodnight sleep, there is definitely more incentive to do more of it. It is like going to the gym, hard to start, but once the results start to get seen, things get easier and easier and, ,have knock-on effects.
I wonder what a "good night's sleep" will get me - better thinking, weight loss, clarity, energy? It feels like a long time since I have had any of those heading in the right direction - though I am not that overweight by average standards. Averages are useless, aren't they? A lot of people seem to rely on them to evaluate themselves, but it is is always going to depend on the sample group.
I am in excellent condition.
If the average sample group are chronically depressed, overeaters with heavy meth addictions.
I have always had a pretty strong intuition that not only do birds of a feather flock together, but our peer group affects our own behaviors heavily. If we surround ourselves with people who are out of shape and lazy, we are far more likely to be that way ourselves. This could be the flocking factor, but I suspect that if one from that group were to be transplanted into a group of active, healthy people, they are likely to change their behavior too.
Perhaps this is one of the problems with the lockdowns too, as our reference groups get taken out of sight. This might be a positive for some too of course, as a little distance from "bad influence" can do wonders, especially if replaced with good influence. I need a little more good influence in my life and a little less "left to my own devices".
That is a funny term these days, isn't it -
be left to one's own devices
I think that this could be applied to our "self-isolation" as we hide behind screens and all that they offer, rather than face the world, face to face. If our performance and comparisons are tested and self-evaluated at the keyboard, it is pretty easy to feel that we are doing okay. It isn't until we compare in a more realistic setting that we see how much we've gained, or how far we've fallen.
Tomorrow, after a couple weeks where I have tried unsuccessfully to find some time for myself to mentally prepare, I will be thrown into a very intense onboarding and ramp-up phase, whilst simultaneously finishing up my previous role. I am both looking forward to it and very nervous, as it is going to test me in ways that I know I am lacking, and I have to learn more than a few tongue twisters. But, what is the worst that can happen?
Well, I guess the worst would be getting fired - but I think that before that, I would be kicked back to the role I came from, something that I can do and have a rack record doing well, so the real risk is losing face. The ego is an illusion, but it makes itself feel very real. If that does happen though, no matter what other think of me, I know what it has taken to get to this point in my life and compared to the average, I am doing okay considering.
Maybe this movement will have a domino effect and like quality sleep or exercise, it will trigger a chain reaction of processes and events that lead somewhere unexpected, somewhere better. It might start at One win, but can open the door for Two to win one too.
Night all.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
My buddy at work tried a CPAP machine says it works but uncomfortable to wear, his other choice was some kind of tongue surgery
Helps with tongue twisters?
I have heard it is uncomfortable as well, but I guess I will get used to it.
If you haven't slept well, I recommend
A proper cup of coffee from a copper coffee pot.
Good to wake up, or will it help me sleep the next night? :)
I figure if you are doing a thing for a while (whether it's trying to get up early and go to bed early or stay up late) but it takes you nothing to switch then you're probably the thing that is effortless to switch to.
Hope the CPAP makes for awesome sleeps when you finally get it :D
Good luck with the new job!
I am not an "early to bed, early to rise" person at all!! You?
CPAP sounds like a "lady disease" :D
LoL! Now that you've put that idea into my head I can't get rid of it x_x
I am currently a late to bed early to rise person and I hate it x_x
I had never seen that particular tongue twister, I rather liked it.
I kind of look forward to what you will report in one month for the new job. I expect you will do pretty well at it, and also that others will respect what you have done in and with the new postilion.
I know after a month in a new position I was unsure of, I was rather surprised at the reaction of my old coworkers and my ability to do the job, which they were rather unsure of at the time I moved into my new position.
I should read more Dr Seuss to Smallsteps. Fox in Socks is a good one for developing speech I think.
Was it because they had you "boxed" in their mind?
I believe so, so it was rather surprising to them that I could do the new job and do it pretty well.
New year is a good time for a fresh slate and new opportunities. Best of luck with the new job, with a great work ethic you’ll find yourself where you’re supposed to be eventually.
Cheers mate - have a great week!
Whenever I sleep in daylight, I sleep late at night. If I wake up during the night for some reason, I fall asleep late again. I wish I would like to be like those who fall asleep as soon as hitting the pillow.
I am kind of the same, though I fall asleep very fast. But, if I go to bed before midnight, I will likely wake up an hour or two later and not be able to sleep again unto 4 or 5. Annoying.
This is one of my favorite riddles. I normally write it like this for kids (and big kids) and it's really fun watching them try to work it out 😊
1 1 was a racehorse
2 2 was 1 2
1 1 1 1 race
2 2 1 1 2
Lols!!! I was going to write it out that way too - because you know... Hive is full of nerds. ;D
Heh that's a good tongue twister. I'll save that for some of my students.
I hear you about the amount of sleep not seeming to matter. It seems so random with me. One day I'll get 5 hours sleep and wake up feeling like a million bucks. The next night, with 5 again, I'll wake up feeling like shit. Then I'll get 8 and wake up feeling all achey and grumpy. And so on. Oh well!
I agree with you about us being influenced by our groups. Like it or not (and I know many introverts who don't), we are social animals and are influenced by the group in ways we can't even fully understand.
Anyway, good luck changing habits and good luck at the new job!
My wife was laughing at me try - until she did.
I wonder how optimized our sleep could be (or life in general) and how good we could feel, or how much we could accomplish if it was.
It is funny what you say about introverts as the last couple years, many of them have discovered they are more extraverted than they thought :)
Perhaps you do not get into that REM sleep... or you may have sleep apnea. Good luck in your new venture.
It is sleep apnea, so I wake up (I don't realize this) a lot. My wife knows it.
Good luck with your new job. The first day is the biggest hurdle to bust. You create your own world with what you imagine, so you can shift tomorrow around on the canvas to make it work as a whole picture, along with all the days that follow.
All the best!
I like canvas analogies!
Thanks :)
You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed. I hope the day went as smoothly as possible.
At this sentence i stopped to read, and started to think about ego. First glance i felt hard rejection against this statement, but after a while i could say its partially true. There are a lot of illusions around us, but the base attributions are not illusions in my honest opinion. Ego is the totality of these, and it's the one we are keep fighting constantly, thus this is the key motivator for many of our actions. In different perspective we, as other's see us is an illusion, and that's illusion created by the ego, without that modifier we would show our true self. Well ego is more than an illusion, it's something we have to deal with.
All the best for your first day! :)
I was reading Mary Poppins to my daughter tonight and there was the Sun talking to the children in the book about the Moon, which he had been holding on his lap but had accidentally popped it. They were at a party of constellations in the sky.
The children upset at the popped moon exclaimed that it couldn't be the real moon and the run replied, what is real? If you think it is real, than it is, because even I the Sun, can't know the answer as to what is real or not.
Fantasy is only fantasy when it is knows as a fantasy, right? Tear down the construct of the ego and what is left?
It’s a good question what’s left. I guess a selfless soul. Or that is also only an illusion, even the Sun doesn’t know, how could I!? :))
An interesting thing to attempt to discover :)
The attempt has began for a while, time of arrival unknown, just hoped to got there once :)
I thought am the only one that find sleeping at night difficult even though no health issues. Most times i force myself to sleep by listening to cool blues of the 70's and 80's which kinda help. And waking up my right eyes get a bit swallowing 😹😹.
I guess you arn't good for a tongue twisting game 😹. In that case, i might win 😏😹😹
Blues - Nice! I haven't listened in ages... my musical tastes have got so narrow.
I wonder if there are tongue twister competitions.
During this Christmas one of my brothers subscribed to Netflix and I had a chance to take a look at some content. I do not watch too many movies as I hate regular TV but I decided to watch "Don't look up" movie and a documentary series called "The last dance" which is about Michael Jordan's basketball years at the Chicago Bulls. I like documentaries of real stories as you usually have a chance to better understand facks by learning about the parallel stories from angles you didn't know before
In one of the episodes, they talk about the mentality Jordan had during the playoffs. Especially when having the responsibility to get the ball and try to score at the very last seconds of the game to try to win. Most of his teammates in a similar situation were worried thinking how bad they would feel if they would miss the throw. When they asked Michael his answer was, "Why do I have to worry if I have not even thrown the ball yet"?
When facing new challenges, mentality is for sure a very important factor, and focusing on the task and not the possible bad outcome is a great way to succeed. Whishing you the best in your first day.
I have been meaning to watch the Last Dance, but my wife isn't interested. Have to find the time for myself!
Quite an amazing attitude - very Zen Master.
So many (myself too) worry about all that could go wrong, rather than doing what is necessary so they don't.
Enjoy your evening - if you are still awake! :)
yeah, you are doing OK :)
Not too bad I guess.
There is a saying here: The early bird catches the worm. But the reality is that the early riser is sleepy all day long. Like you, I am a nocturnal animal. Ever since I was a student, I felt that night was the perfect time to get work done. I felt I was more creative and had more energy. Over the years, I've had to vary those routines, especially since late nights are an enemy of beauty. hahahaha. And yes, I agree that belonging to a group of lazy and sedentary friends can influence your daily routine (don't let my friends read me). With this pandemic I have felt that I have gained weight, maybe because I don't leave the house as much and the "food binges" are more constant. Well, changing some harmful habits can be in our resolutions this year. And try to keep them!!! Again, greetings and nice evening, @tarazkp
This is another issue - there is no need for an eating schedule. In the office, I eat lunhc with friends - and don't snack at all.
I think the best that could happen is you finding that new position much to your liking and something that naturally stimulates you to grow into it. That's what I'm wishing you at this point ;)
Gl Hf
Thanks. So far - I think the job of it will be pretty cool - but the onboarding into it over the coming months and what I need to learn - very challenging!
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