An Empty Room Full of Stuff

in Self Improvement2 years ago

For the first time in the four years I have been working in this company, I have had to cancel a delivery due to illness. I have worked ill many times before, but I just couldn't do it today, as I am knackered - despite getting the most sleep overnight that I have had in years.

I went to bed at 10.

I don't remember the last time that happened either.

I should probably do it more often.

I think I will take a couple sick days - perhaps watch some World Cup games.

Australia plays France tonight....

What are the chances of beating France?

I like it when the underdog wins.

Saudi Arabia just beat Argentina.



This is part of the office ^

We have painted the floors and are waiting for them to set fully before using it, but since this area will be where the cupboards are anyways, my wife moved the random junk in - to free up the loungeroom. It feels weird sitting here without all of it behind me, as it has been there for over four months. I feel exposed.

I think that I will rest today and perhaps tomorrow if feeling any better, I will go through it all to see if we can get rid of some of it. I think that there is plenty of stuff that we have just been moving around with us for years, but we will never actually use, or have any reason to keep. This seems to be part of being human, where we are born to be collectors, even of what we are collecting doesn't have value to us.

Attics, basements and garages full of useless.

We have been "pretty good" with this overall, but I would like to be better with it, so that we don't get into the position where just because we have the storage space, that space has to be filled. I am far more "minimalistic" than my wife however, as she likes to have those seasonal decorations, so we have various crap in different colors - and a million candle holders.

I am not innocent however, as I have a heap of old tech stuff that I will likely never have to use, as the connections have been superseded. So many cables, several old monitors and keyboards that have come with PCs and haven't even had the box opened. I should go through it all.

How come it is so hard to find the motivation to clean up this type of stuff?

Literally years have gone by and we haven't found the time to do it and I am pretty sure unless we force ourselves, we never will. I am guessing we aren't the only ones who have a pile of junk to sort through, but are procrastinating to do so.


This is something that I have always been very good at, though I have been trying to get worse at it over the last decade or so - with mixed success. I think that things were going pretty well until last year where the effect of health issues took away much of my motivation to do anything at all, and without motivation, fighting procrastination is magnitudes harder.

Perhaps that is a pill they should be working on - one that motivates us to do what we know we should be doing. I wonder what we could achieve if we had a growth mindset and the ability to act upon it.

Some kind of Limitless drug.

Would you take it?

I would.

They say that a lot of the reason for addiction to drugs is the feeling of them - just imagine if it was a feeling and the results, where we're able to perform at our best and therefore achieve our best.

Could you say no?

Depends on the side effects of course, but I suspect that a lot of people would be willing to take the risks, considering what they are willing to take the risks for now. I wonder what would be more attractive for the average person, performing at a physical best, or a mental best?

I would choose mental.

Though neither my mental or physical best, is likely anything to write home about.

But, since this option isn't on the table anyway, like everyone else, I will have to keep struggling through with what I have at my disposal - which ain't much!

Seems I am quite minimalistic in some ways - just not in the ways I would like.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Some people say the symptoms of sickness are just your body trying to detox and repair.

Maybe your fun night out shocked the body? 😅

It is possible that the night out did bring it on, though from what I have heard, half the people who attended are now out with Covid :D

Someone one gave me a tip to declutter,

Get rid of anything under $10 that you haven’t used for a year.

$10 or whatever nominal replacement cost is reasonable to you.

Extra things weigh us down, and they cost more of your time if you had to go through them over and over in the future.

That is not a bad tip! I am hoping to go through it before we get the cupboards - otherwise it will just get stored again.

Hold up.

I am not innocent however, as I have a heap of old tech stuff that I will likely never have to use, as the connections have been superseded. So many cables, several old monitors and keyboards.

You can't chuck those! Wtf... Imagine the world ending... And what's left is all we have and somewhere somehow you stumble onto a hidden bunker with some old tech and all of it's still in a working condition. But you need that keyboard with that odd purple connector. Hmmm well well you fucked it away didn't ya!!

Laughs no broh, same here.. Box full of shit I'd never use again..

On a different note... Saudi beat Argentina?? And my co worker thinks Argentina is going to win this cup 😅😅.. What are your thoughts...

There are a lot of people collecting old computer stuff. If it's obscure, the internet can help you find a buyer.

That's true, 😅and probably the wiser choice. However I'm really lazy on getting those packed out 😳😅😅

If it is obscure - this is just random crap. They have places that will "sell" it though, so I won't put it in the bin.

Box labelled "cables" and it is filled with things like remotes, that I don't even know what they are for :D

Perhaps the Netherlands will take it away this year.

Hope you feel better soon. Not a bad time to get sick when there are 4 matches per day on the box. The clutter can wait until January, Spring cleaning and all that.

I have watched most of the games so far, so I don't mind having a few extra hours in the day to catch the rest :)

What are your predictions?

I think Spain might go all the way.

I have a bunch of computer parts left over from the 90s. But they are neatly stored in the closet. These things sometimes help me remember the 20th century and the speed of progress.

Do you think they will ever see any use?

They benefit me and now - positive emotions from memories)
Rare details can bring material benefits in the future. I remember buying 10 years ago system units for $1 and selling processors from them for $10-20.

You have now a reason to work from home and watch some World Cup Games ;) There is also a game at 13:00 to my local time 😁

Get well soon mate!

I have been watching anyway -don't tell my boss :D

Working life has been changed since the pandemic 😁

My wife is far more of the minimalist these days. She’s always looking for stuff to throw away lol. I’ve purged a lot of the old stuff but there’s a few things I don’t want to give up such as my PS3 even though it’s out dated as shit, I’m looking forward to the day where I’ll be able to sit down for a little while with my son to play some of the old games I loved. Hopefully he won’t think they are shit hahaha if that’s the case then I’m doomed.

You are doomed!!

I wonder if you will play those games later and be disappointed?

Lol perhaps! They are quite old at this point sadly. It would be a kick in the balls if after all that time the PS doesn't even turn on lol

I believe the best motivator for getting rid of junk is when you move homes cos in the process of packing, you will uncover things you never knew you had and it can be quite cathartic to get rid of it.

We try to go through our wardrobe yearly and donate the clothes that we do not use much. Helps to prevent the wardrobes from

We moved a couple years ago and "should" have done this - but there was a major rush due to moving the weekend lockdowns started here, so we had to smash it out. just piled crap into a van and drove as fast as possible :D

We do the same with the clothes, though I tend not to have too much I want to throw away - while my wife might have clothes still with tags on...

Similar situation for me. We moved just when there was a couple of weeks window between the lockdowns in Victoria. We had to clear lots of stuff to de-clutter, but sadly now we are almost filled to the brim

That's the problem with having more space. The more space we have, the more junk we keep to fill up the space. It's like a game of Tetris, always trying to fill that gap :)

This reminds me that there is an electronics disposal day coming up in my town. Gotta get cracking on cleaing out my electronics graveyard. But I will not do it all. If I get one item to that disposal site, I will have at least done one.

Feel better soon!!!!

electronics disposal day

This is a good idea. They have disposal bins at all the supermarkets here, but I am still unwilling to drop an old phone in there - just in case.

This reminds me of a thought I've had floating around in my mind the last few days. Every object in our house has a story. How it came into the home, for what purpose, when, and why. Would be fun to go through individual objects and tell the story of the object (like a stream of consciousness writing exercise) - and see what thoughts are manifested about mundane objects like towels, chopping boards, or a particular book, or whatever.

That would be an interesting exercise. You should do a post series on it! :D

Considering it. I've got so much AI Art stuff I generated that I want to cull, go through; and polish up before I embark on another project cataloguing the ephemera from around my home. :D

Personally, I am not a fan of the AI art so far (any of it), because it takes out the need to actually build the skill to get the same results. I compare it to someone who plays in the NHL, to someone who is good at NHL on the Playstation - There is a market and audience for both, but are they comparable?

Absolutely agree with you. There's a lot of AI art cowboys out there who don't understand a single element what makes up a picture. I have a Masters Degree in Visual Art tucked away, gathering dust at the bottom of my filing cabinet; and my perspective is that those who understand art, and can leverage the medium to create powerful images (just as they would normally) are going to create new work that will be just as (hopefully) thought provoking, or have enough narrative importance.

Right now, I'm in the "make images because its so easy stage", but am trying to get a workflow where my concepts and aesthetics can be properly represented as though it were me holding the paintbrush.

I definitely agree that there's going to be a pretty obvious gap, and I fully expect some of those NHL players to fall flat on their face onto the ice. I know that would be me if I tried to ice skate. :D

I think where the art of it appears is in the coding behind the program, that is clever. However, from the art perspective, I don't think there is that much value in it, just as there is very little value in the art where people just take random images of crap and cram them onto a page (as was popular a couple years ago). It isn't creative to blend rand om crap.

I think part of the form of art is the pathway to become the artist, just like the value of the best sport people in the world, is because so few actually have what it takes to get there. Lower the bar and it becomes more inclusive perhaps, but it also devalues the skills involved, making it all pointless.

Absolutely, the code itself is an artform!

We're currently going through a new era of avant-garde, and I'm sure the traditional art world is certainly in for an interesting time. It's been too long since the institution or the (Academy) saw disruption in a major way.

I liken it to the invention of photography. I think it is an entirely new medium.

I like it when the underdog wins.

My favorite basketball team is small but so far it is starting the season well. There is a possibility that final 4 will be in my city. So we really need to have a great season. Chances are low but in the words of one of my favorite anime characters:

A low possibility means that it is not zero.

I wonder what we could achieve if we had a growth mindset and the ability to act upon it.

Recently I said to my mom that value of my crypto dropped by 500. She said ,,So you can take rest and do nothing.'' Interesting mindset. Luckily I know better. At least I learned something from my past breaks...

Hope your team does well :)

In the football at least, Australia is always the underdog :D

Yes, now is not the time to rest - I am not sure when it is that time.

A Limitless drug? Hell yeah - that would blast brain fog right out of the water...I would be there with bells on.


I would be there with bells on.

Anna bells. :D

This part interest me the most! 😆

This seems to be part of being human, where we are born to be collectors, even of what we are collecting doesn't have value to us.

This simply means we are accumulating properties and not making used of any and we can't stop collecting.

it is in our nature to collect junk it seems.

Yes that is true.

Saudi Arabia beating Argentina was a big surprise and I think even the Saudi Arabia team was surprised by this success.
This world cup is full of surprises.

Get well soon 🤗

I like the surprises - pity Australia didn't surprise France :D

Australia was a good opponent for France. Both teams played well but yeah Australia couldn't surprise France.

Just as machines could refuse to work sometimes even when the necessary attention is given. The human body sometimes too need more rest then what it regularly had.
The Saudi Arabian I learned declared a public holiday for the victory over the Argentinian . The world cup games comes with lots of surprises. France demolished the Australian guys.
Hope you get back to sound health in the shortest time frame.

It was a huge win for Saudi - as expected for Australia.

And it was quite humbling how France from the back side overthrew the score line. In football every thing is possible.

Rest is a luxury we all need to enjoy inorder to avoid a break down. So enjoy yours.

I’ve been trying to very slowly sort through all of our old stuff here, and there is an infinite amount of infinitely better or currently more temporally important things to do which I think is why that always gets out of indefinitely. Especially if you have the storage space for it 😆

(We don’t actually have space but we make it work)

Hope you start feeling better soon and even when you start feeling better remember not to push too much as that will make you sicker longer 🙃