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RE: An Empty Room Full of Stuff

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Absolutely agree with you. There's a lot of AI art cowboys out there who don't understand a single element what makes up a picture. I have a Masters Degree in Visual Art tucked away, gathering dust at the bottom of my filing cabinet; and my perspective is that those who understand art, and can leverage the medium to create powerful images (just as they would normally) are going to create new work that will be just as (hopefully) thought provoking, or have enough narrative importance.

Right now, I'm in the "make images because its so easy stage", but am trying to get a workflow where my concepts and aesthetics can be properly represented as though it were me holding the paintbrush.

I definitely agree that there's going to be a pretty obvious gap, and I fully expect some of those NHL players to fall flat on their face onto the ice. I know that would be me if I tried to ice skate. :D


I think where the art of it appears is in the coding behind the program, that is clever. However, from the art perspective, I don't think there is that much value in it, just as there is very little value in the art where people just take random images of crap and cram them onto a page (as was popular a couple years ago). It isn't creative to blend rand om crap.

I think part of the form of art is the pathway to become the artist, just like the value of the best sport people in the world, is because so few actually have what it takes to get there. Lower the bar and it becomes more inclusive perhaps, but it also devalues the skills involved, making it all pointless.

Absolutely, the code itself is an artform!

We're currently going through a new era of avant-garde, and I'm sure the traditional art world is certainly in for an interesting time. It's been too long since the institution or the (Academy) saw disruption in a major way.

I liken it to the invention of photography. I think it is an entirely new medium.

It is a new medium, but I still question whether it is a valuable one in the art world. When everyone can do it, there is no point in anyone doing it. As soon as skills become "downloadable" the end is nigh.

Neo from the Matrix "I know Kung Fu"

Although, I wouldn't want to fly in a helicopter with a pilot who had the program on how to fly it downloaded into their brain mere seconds ago... :)

Some think it would even the world - I think it would make it even more inequal. The only differentiator would be, who can afford to pay the most.

Only remaining true as long as currency has a value! I've never seen someone turn down a grand prize of anything; that chase, that urge to compete, and win; is something that will ensure there's always people trying!

Sadly, in much competitive pursuits, this does result in those with the most to invest are the likeliest to win, but that's also a way to turn a large fortune into a small one.

The world works in really funny and interesting ways, across every field.

The chase is there when there is a prize on offer that is worth something - not sure what will be worth much in a future where anyone can compete at the same level.