That balance in important and if you can agree a percentage of salary and dollar cost average on Cryptocurrency, stocks etc..
It is the balance that is lacking at the moment :D
Sure, with hindsight on your side now, it would have worked out very well for you, but I can also see it from your wife's point of view.
I can too, but it wasn't "that much of a risk" considering we are both working (I have two jobs myself) meaning that we would have been able to cover it - it just would have given us the lumpsum when we needed it.
Also spare a thought for Laszlo Hanyecz and his €429,650,000 pizzas
I wonder if people donate to him - he started a revolution by proving trade was possible :)
Ok, I hear you, the balance is a must here and compromise on both sides. As you said in the original post, maybe buying 1 Bitcoin or even 0.5 of a Bitcoin could have been a nice compromise. Hopefully the next opportunity that you unearth will be given fairer consideration.
Hopefully he held onto some of it and is at least a Millionaire today. I'm sure he does receive donations every now anf then for innovation he helped to kickstart.