No doubt faimly should be over number one priority, we should spend quality time with family, it's becoming difficult day by day to allocate time to friends and family because of busy life style
No doubt faimly should be over number one priority, we should spend quality time with family, it's becoming difficult day by day to allocate time to friends and family because of busy life style
I often question what "quality time" is. For example, many seem to think that sitting watching TV together is quality time, yet during that time, they don't talk and after watching, they don't really discuss.
Sr. We should stay thankful for all the blessings we have already
It's still OK if your are watching TV together, their are so many people living away from their families like overseas employees and workers
Another thing is it's still OK if you are watching TV together but that's not good if one person is watching TV and another is writing an article for posting on hive 😉 smart phone is a addiction, people keep using it every where, anytime and don't even think we are with them, its is disrespect for someone if you are busy on your smart phone while in his presence