[ENG - ESP] Review and opinion of 1917 what I like to see in a movie

Hello, Hive people I hope you are having an excellent day today I bring you a review opinion about 1917 the movie...

Hola personitas de Hive espero estén teniendo un excelente día hoy les traigo una review opinión sobre 1917 la película...

It's what I would like to feel in every movie, to immerse myself in its story, you don't necessarily need it to have a lot of dialogues, you don't need it to be a complicated story, what I look for the movie to have been to make me get into it and forget about being a spectator, to make me immerse myself in it.

Es lo que yo quisiera sentir en todas las películas sumergirme en su historia, no necesariamente necesitas que tenga muchos diálogos, no necesitas que sea una historia complicada, lo que busco que tenga la película es que me haga entrar en ella y olvidarme de ser un espectador, hacerme sumergirme en ella.

Despite everything, the film becomes intense. Now I will proceed to give a brief context of the film so if you have not seen it, I highly recommend you to watch it.

A pesar de todo la película llega a ser intensa. Ahora procederé a dar un breve contexto de la película así que si no la has llegado a ver te recomiendo mucho que la veas.

Without further ado, it begins with two soldiers with a clear mission, they have to go to a battalion on the other side of the battlefield to deliver a letter of retreat because the enemy has retreated to set a trap for the battalion of 1600 soldiers and coincidentally in that battalion is the brother of one of the protagonists.

Sin más dilación inicia con dos soldados con una misión clara tienen que dirigirse a un batallón que esta del otro lado del campo de batalla a entregarle una carta de retirada porque el enemigo se ha retirado para tenderle una trampa a ese batallón de 1600 soldados y casualmente en ese batallón se encuentra el hermano de uno de los protagonistas.

Thanks to the style of how it was filmed you start to feel inside the movie, taking into account that most of the story focuses on the two characters expressing how their lives were before reaching the battlefield, the story feels intimate and connects more with you.

Gracias al estilo de cómo se grabó empiezas a sentirte dentro de la película, teniendo en cuenta que la mayor parte de la historia se centra en los dos personajes que expresan como fueron sus vidas antes de llegar al campo de batalla llega a sentirse intima la historia y conecta más contigo.

Now I want to comment and express myself about each of the characters, Tom Blake upon receiving the mission was shocked by the news that they were going to ambush the battalion where his brother was and that his duty was to stop the attack of the battalion so the urgency to leave was great, coincidentally he had chosen his friend Will as his companion in this risky mission since they did not know for sure if the Germans had withdrawn completely from the battlefield. When they started to go to where the battalion was, Tom was excited because he was going to meet his brother again, showing that he wanted to return with him after the war with the medals they had won so that they could be reunited with their family and be full of pride, unlike Will, who did not value medals, since what mattered most to him was to know if he was going to return home.

Ahora quiero comentar y expresarme sobre cada uno de los personajes, Tom Blake al recibir la misión a este le impacto la noticia que iban a emboscar al batallón donde se encontraba su hermano y que su deber era detener el ataque del batallón así que la urgencia por salir era mucha, casualmente había elegido a su amigo Will como su acompañante en dicha misión arriesgada, ya que no sabían con certeza si los alemanes se habían retirado por completo del campo de batalla. Al comenzar a dirigirse a donde se encontraba el batallón Tom estaba entusiasmado porque iba a reencontrarse con su hermano demostrando el querer volver junto con él luego de la guerra junto a medallas que se hayan ganado para que se reencuentren con su familia y que estén llenos de orgullo, a comparación que con Will que este no valora las medallas, ya que lo que más le importaba era saber si iba a volver a su hogar.

The scene where Tom saves Will from drowning in debris due to the bomb that the Germans had left in the subway shows Tom's need to save his partner until he succeeds and they can get out of the subway alive their Will comes to reason that Tom valued him as a partner and was even letting him go if he saw the mission useless and that they would not arrive on time, but in the end, he decides to accompany him no matter what.

La escena donde Tom salva a Will de morir ahogados por escombros debido a la bomba que habían dejado los alemanes en el subterráneo se hace notar la necesidad de Tom por querer salvar a su compañero hasta que lo logra y son capaces de salir de ese subterráneo con vida allí Will entra en razón de que Tom lo valoraba como compañero y hasta le estaba dejando irse si veía la misión inútil y que no llegarían a tiempo, pero al final decide acompañarlo pase lo que pase.

Now talking about the scene where they are around a country house where they get a cow and Will fills his milk filter, then they manage to see air combat, the enemy plane fell near where they were and they decided to help the enemy, while Will was looking for water he didn't notice that the German stabbed Tom and when he did Will didn't hesitate to eliminate the German, however, it was too late and Tom was going to die, It was too late Tom was going to die and he accompanied him until his last moments, that part moved me a lot because in his last moments was so visually shocking, what he talked to Will, his way of asking him for help and to achieve the mission, to tell his brother that he was brave, all that, even to comfort him until the last moment made my soul cry to connect me with that feeling of helplessness.

Ahora hablando de la escena donde están alrededor de una casa campestre donde se consiguen una vaca y Will llena su filtro de leche, logrando luego espectar un combate aéreo el avión enemigo cayó cerca de donde estaban ellos y decidieron ayudar al enemigo, mientras Will buscaba agua no se percató de que el alemán apuñalo a Tom y cuando lo hizo Will no dudo en eliminar al alemán, sin embargo, ya era tarde Tom iba a morir y él lo acompaño hasta sus últimos momentos en sí esa parte me conmovió mucho, ya que en sus últimos momentos fue tan impactante visualmente, lo que conversaba con Will su forma de pedirle ayuda y que lograra la misión, que le dijera a su hermano que fue valiente todo eso, hasta llegar a reconfortarlo hasta el último momento hizo llorar a mi alma al conectarme con esa sensación de impotencia.

It remains to clarify that the actor who plays Tom knew how to play a meaningful death, as some deaths in the movies may seem ridiculous, however, this one is not and fulfills its purpose.

Queda aclarar que el actor que hace de Tom supo interpretar una muerte significativa, ya que unas muertes en el cine pueden parecer ridículas, sin embargo, esta no lo es y cumple con su objetivo.

Then it's Will's turn to follow the road, just a battalion passes through a road that would take him a little closer to his goal when finally, being as close as he could leave the battalion tried to enter a city in ruins, however, he was attacked and had to fight, being unconscious until the night that made him hurry more, as there were a few hours left for the attack, so he started to run through the ruins, but he found that there were enemies, having to flee into the ruins.

Luego a Will le toca seguir el camino, justo pasa un batallón que pasaría por un camino que lo llevaría un poco cerca de su objetivo, al por fin estar lo más cerca que lo pudo dejar el batallón intento entrar en una ciudad en ruinas, no obstante fue atacado y tuvo que combatir, quedando inconsciente hasta la noche que eso lo hizo apurarse más, ya que faltaban pocas horas para el ataque, así que empezó a correr entre las ruinas, pero se topó que había enemigos, teniendo que huir dentro de las ruinas.

Let me tell you that the visual aspect of everything related to that scene was impressive, the noise, the play of lights made me feel in constant danger after Will talked to a French ally and told him which way to go, he did everything possible to escape from that area until he reached the river.

Déjenme decirles que el aspecto visual de todo lo referente a esa escena era impresionante el ruido, el juego de luces me hacía sentir en peligro constante luego de que Will hablara con una aliada francesa y le dijera por cuál camino seguir, dio todo lo posible para escapar de esa zona hasta llegar al río.

Until he luckily ran into the second wave of the Battalion to which he had to warn the General who was going to deliver it in the first wave, Will had to go in a hurry through hundreds of soldiers in search of where was the one who was going to deliver the letter so much that he saw the need to run among the soldiers who began to rush to the attack, it was an incredible visual display to see Will running and see the explosions behind him, At that moment it should be noted that in the Battalion that helped him to be closer to his route the captain who helped him told him that when he delivered the letter to watch out for witnesses because there are people who only want to fight and so it happened that the one who was going to deliver the letter did not want to read it, as he was tired of withdrawing his troops until he made him come to his senses and began the retreat.

Hasta que se topó por suerte con la segunda oleada del Batallón al que tenía que avisar estando el General a que se lo iba a entregar en la primera oleada, teniendo que ir Will a toda prisa por medio de cientos de soldados en busca de donde estaba al que le iba a entregar la carta tanto que se vio en la necesidad de correr entre los soldados que empezaban a lanzarse al ataque, fue increíble el despliegue visual de ver a Will corriendo y ver las explosiones detrás de él, hasta que llego con el General que le tuvo que entregar la carta, en ese momento hay que resaltar que en el Batallón que le ayudo a estar más cerca de su ruta el capitán que lo ayudo le dijo que cuando entregara la carta que vigile que haya testigos porque hay gente que solo quiere pelear y así paso al que le iba a entregar la carta no quería leerla, ya que estaba cansado de replegar sus tropas hasta que lo hizo entrar en razón y comenzó la retirada.

Finally, a painful moment was when he found Tom Blake's brother and gave him Tom's belongings, the pain of the loss of his brother was very noticeable, it was hard to contemplate feeling the destruction for that scene even Will was hurt and well, in the end, everything ended as the film begins Will lying in a tree.

Para finalizar un momento doloroso fue cuando encontró el hermano de Tom Blake y le entrego las pertenencias de Tom, se notó mucho el dolor de la pérdida de su hermano, era algo duro de contemplar sentir el destrozo por esa escena hasta Will estaba dolido y bueno al final todo termino como comienza la película Will recostado en un árbol.




Cover image source at this link, Captures made from my computer, Spanish grammar corrections made in Spellboy, Translated with DeepL, Grammar corrections in English made in Grammarly. Images, separators and screenshots edited with Canva.
Fuente de imagen de portada en este enlace, Captures realizadas desde mi ordenador,

Correcciones gramaticales en español hechas en Spellboy,
Traducido con DeepL,
Correcciones gramaticales en ingles hechas en Grammarly,
Imágenes, separadores y captures editadas con Canva.


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