Today I want to recommend some good series, if you are looking for an interesting series to watch, this post will interest you.

1 - Lucifer


Lucifer has been one of the star series on Netflix, managing to be the most watched for two years in a row. Fox originally belonged until season 3 until its cancellation, but Netflix came to the rescue, producing a final season for their fans, or so they thought, so much was the support it received, that they decided to produce a final season to finish the story, or so they thought again, until the fans didn't want the series to end, and they reconfirmed a sixth season, now yes, the last and definitive one.

The main plot centers on Lucifer, who left hell to live in Los Angeles, where he opened a successful nightclub and is dedicated to doing all kinds of favors.


In a crime committed in his club, the police begin to investigate and interrogate Lucifer, who seeks revenge for the death of his friend, begins to investigate until he is arrested, and realizes that his power, to remove the desires of the people, it doesn't work with the detective, amazed, he decides to start helping her in this case and later work for the police.


While all this is happening, his brother Amenadiel tries to make Lucifer go back to hell on his father's orders.


Development of the story: 8/10
Development of the character: 9.5/10
Development of crimes: 7/10

2 - The 100


Considered by many to be one of the best series of its kind, The 100 deals with a post-apocalyptic era in which humans survive in space, having very limited resources, any crime, no matter how minor, is sentenced to death, but there are an exception, those under 18 years of age, they are locked up in total isolation waiting for their day to come.


That's when an opportunity arises to be forgiven, 100 teenagers are sent to Earth to check if it's already habitable after living in space for 97 years, if they survive and confirm that Earth is habitable, they are forgiven all their crimes.

They will soon discover that they are not alone, that there were humans who have survived the nuclear explosions and think that they are invaded by people from space.


As they attack each other, the teens decide to remove their heart rate monitor bracelets, to appear as if they are dead, until they are overwhelmed and decide to call for help.

If you decide to watch this series, pay attention to all the details, there are relevant things in season 2 and 3 that are part of the plot of season 7. From newspapers to objects.

Development of the story: 8.5/10
Development of the character: 9/10

3 - iZombie

At a party on a boat, an accident occurs, due to the mixture of an energy drink with a drug, a human becomes a zombie and begins to infect people. His motive, to be the sole provider of brains.


Liv, the protanist, works in a morgue and feeds on the brains of the victims, when a zombie feeds on brains, she stays in her human form and doesn't cause trouble.

When they eat a brain, they experience visions of the victim, and Liv helps the police, saying that she is a fortune teller and sees things.

iZOMBIE promo pic.jpg

The problem starts when an entire city turns into zombies and the world decides to isolate them. The plots are not that simple, they develop slowly but with meaning, we have Liv's friends who don't know she's a zombie and hate zombies, there are zombie military groups that take over the entire city, and much more, I don't want to do spoilers.


Development of the story: 7.5/10
Development of the character: 7/10

4 - Shameless


A comedy series that deals with the life of a poor family living in Chicago, it has 11 seasons and we can see the actors grow every year, the development of the characters is the best without a doubt.

An alcoholic father who ignores his children, a mother who abandoned the whole family, the older sister having to work to support her 5 siblings.


Fiona, the protagonist, and her father, the other protagonist, do not get along, Fionna has to work a lot to feed the family, while her father spends the money on alcohol and drugs.


The other members of the family are also very peculiar and have their plots, I invite you to discover them.

Development of the story: 9.75/10 Development of the character: 10/10

These are some of the many series that I have seen and recommend watching.


Hoy quiero recomendaros algunas series buenas, si estas buscando alguna serie interesante para ver, este post te va a interesar.

1 - Lucifer


Lucifer ha sido una de las series estrellas en Netflix, consiguiendo ser la mas vista por dos años seguidos. Originalmente pertenecía Fox hasta la temporada 3 hasta su cancelación, pero Netflix llegó al rescate, produciendo una última temporada para sus fanáticos, o eso tenían pensado, tanto fue el apoyo que recibió, que decidieron producir una última temporada para terminar la historia, o eso volvieron a pensar, hasta que los fanáticos no querían que la serie termine, y volvieron a confirmar una sexta temporada, ahora si, la última y definitiva.

El argumento principal se centra en Lucifer, que abandonó el infierno para vivir en Los Ángeles, allí abrió un exitoso club nocturno y se dedica a hacer cualquier tipo de favores.


En un crimen cometido en su club, la policía empieza a investigar e interrogan a Lucifer, que busca venganza por la muerte de su amiga, empieza a investigar hasta que es detenido, y se da cuenta que su poder, de sacar los deseos de las personas, no funciona con la detective, asombrado, decide empezar a ayudarla en este caso y posteriormente trabajar para la policía.


Mientras todo esto ocurre, su hermano Amenadiel, intenta hacer que Lucifer vuelva al infierno por orden de su padre.


Desarrollo de la historia: 8/10
Desarrollo de los personajes: 9.5/10
Desarrollo de crimenes: 7/10

2 - Los 100


Por muchos considerada una de las mejores series en su estilo, Los 100 trata sobre una era postapocaliptica en la que los humanos sobreviven en el espacio, al tener recursos muy limitados, cualquier crimen por muy leve que sea es condenado con la muerte, pero hay una excepción, los menores de 18 años, ellos son encerrados en aislamiento total esperando que llegue su día.


Ahí es cuando surge una oportunidad para ser perdonados, 100 adolescentes son enviados a la Tierra para comprobar si ya es habitable después de vivir en el espacio 97 años, si sobreviven y confirman que la Tierra es habitable, se les perdonan todos sus crímenes.

Pronto descubriran que no están solos, que hubo humanos que han sobrevivido a las explosiones nucleares y piensan que son invadidos por gente del espacio.


Mientras se atacan entre ellos, los adolescentes deciden quitarse las pulseran que monitorean sus pulsaciones, para parecer que estan muertos, hasta que se ven superados y deciden pedir ayuda.

Si decides ver esta serie, fijate en todos los detalles, hay cosas relevantes en la temporada 2 y 3 que forman parte del argumento de la temporada 7. Desde periodicos hasta objetos.

Desarrollo de la historia: 8.5/10
Desarrollo de los personajes: 9/10

3 - iZombie

En una fiesta en un barco, ocurre un accidente, debido a la mezcla de una bebida energetica con una droga, un humano se convierte en zombie y empieza a infectar a las personas. Su motivo, ser el único proveedor de cerebros.


Liv, la protanista, trabaja en una morgue y se alimenta de los cerebros de las víctimas, cuando un zombie se alimenta de cerebros, se mantiene en su forma humana y no causa problemas.

Cuando comen un cerebro, experimentan visiones de la víctima, y Liv ayuda a la policia, diciendo que es una adivina y ve cosas.

iZOMBIE promo pic.jpg

El problema empieza cuando una ciudad entera se convierten en zombies y el mundo decide aislarlos.

Las tramas no son tan simples, se desarrollan de forma lenta pero con sentido, tenemos amigos de Liv que no saben que es una zombie y odian los zombies, hay grupos militares de zombies que toman el poder de la ciudad entera, y mucho mas, no quiero hacer spoiler.


Desarrollo de la historia: 7.5/10
Desarrollo de los personajes: 7/10

4 - Shameless


Una serie de comedia que trata sobre la vida de una familia pobre que vive en Chicago, tiene 11 temporadas y podemos ver crecer a los actores cada año, el desarrollo de los personajes es lo mejor sin duda.

Un padre alcoholico que ignora a sus hijos, una madre que abandonó a toda la familia, la hermana mayor teniendo que trabajar para sacar adelante a sus 5 hermanos.


Fiona, la protagonista y su padre, el otro protagonista, no se llevan bien, Fionna tiene que trabajar mucho para alimentar a la familia, mientras su padre se gasta el dinero en alcohol y drogas.


Los otros miembros de la familia tambien son muy peculiares y tienen sus tramas, te invito a descubrirlas.

Desarrollo de la historia: 9.75/10
Desarrollo de los personajes: 10/10

Estas son solo algunas de las muchas series que he visto y recomiendo.


My girlfriend is a big fan of lucifer for her it is a great altought for me not

I have heard so many wonderful things about the movie " lucifer "..i need to watch it soon

Me llamo mucho la atención la serio "100". La pondré en lista de series por ver.

There are a lot of tv shows I know are good enough to get hooked but there is not enough time, from this list The 100 was my favorite, watch it twice, Im also pending on Better Call Saul and start over Walking Dead, good tv series selection

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From the series you have put on the list the only one I have seen is Lucifer... I loved the first season of the series, which I found really interesting in the plot and in some of the concepts it introduces, especially the view of hell as a place where humans are not forced to stay but where they punish themselves because they are not able of self-forgiveness...
But I really started to hate it later, since it started to become like any other tv series and lost all of it's originality

I believe that, it's true in season 3 it is starting to be a bit the same, but from then on, being produced by netflix, it improves a lot, beware, spoiler!!! When the celestial struggles to become a god begin, time travel, etc. I think that season 4 served to relaunch 5 and 6

I finished the series out of curiosity, but I have to admit that it didn't impress me, mostly because it turns into a romance story (which someone may like of course, but this was not the same for me). In the beginning, Lucifer is a very cool character but he lost some of his appeals at least for me in the following seasons... but again this is just my personal opinion 😊