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RE: Stake it or leave it: Is Hive worth it?

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Part of Hive's appeal is that it is more than just a speculative asset.

I also think curation + inflation rewards are fine. The operating expense of hive is cheap compared to some blockchains, but calling it free (as some people do) is misleading. We all pay for it in the form of inflation.

The bridge aspect is an interesting point. I wonder though if it does more harm than good especially for investing? People mine Hive first then sell for others.


We all pay for it in the form of inflation.

Actually, I am not sure if you consider that many people haven't bought any - meaning that everything they have earned is on the platform - so the inflation isn't a cost, it is part of the system they opted into. Possibly wrong,, or semantics :D

People mine Hive first then sell for others.

This has happened since the start.

Interesting chart from @dalz


Look at all those powerdowns early on the chain (2016) - that is all the ninja mine as so little had come out of the rewards pool at that time.

or semantics :D
Yeah let's stick with semantics.

But If you have 1000$, Hive may not be the best crypto to invest it in, especially if you already have a somewhat decent account and can just eventually get it for free from blogging (something I should get back into ;).

I actually let Hive creep up to a huge % of my crypto portfolio just before the Steem thing. It's back down to a more manageable amount. I sold a ton of crypto in March that I acquired in 2019 when the prices were low to take advantage of the dip in the world stock markets (no regrets) and used my Hive/Steem to slowly get it back due to the 13 weeks powerdown.

Looking at that graph is neat, I like the little PD ticks every year when people are selling to realize their losses for taxes or whatever. But it really gets confusing in early 2020.

I think the only way to consider it fairly is to start counting Hive around July 2020 when people were finished powering down Steem.

It really complicated the analysis situation. I don't consider people who sold their Steem to buy Hive as outside investors, but it's hard to consider it as a continuation.