compared to hive blog for example its totally worth to share your content in leo, as you sometimes i put a lot of good info especially in my videos and very often they get forgotten easily, well its true thats no one is forced to upvote our content because its a free election of each person. but well anyways its a good alternative for monetize content and a big advice its to be very very friendly.
i cant say my analytics are accurate but usually people with more contacts have a better performance in rewards in any platform not only LEO. i dont say its something bad eh i think its the logical think, anyways im trying to give value each time i cand and im powering up slowly my leo :)
Thanks for the post! i gave you my humble 100% upvote hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As the only thing you have to do, is to use a simple tag to increase your chances of being rewarded different tokens, I would say that leo and/or leofinance is your best bet right now.
Something important to remeber though, is to share finance and/or crypto-related content on LeoFinance, and not a bunch of random things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta