Change The Payout Display
Someone asked me on Discord after my recent article how I could continue to publish content without being rewarded for my contributions. I often ignore DM's talking about rewards as most of them are usually ending up asking for upvotes and follows but I did something different this time.
I care about the platform and I love to educate, help and motivate others around me, and as I have focused much on lesser accounts throughout my time here, I knew it was the perfect time to explain exactly why I continue to be active and why I will continue to produce content on LeoFinance.
The question was: "Why make content when rewards are low?"
This user compared the rewards from several authors, including myself, and he had "figured out" that I earned less than ever before so he was curious to know why I continue to create content.
At first glance, I guess you can say that he is somewhat right, as many of my posts has seen rewards of ~100 LEO and my two latest posts (at the time I'm writing this) has pending rewards of ~5 LEO.
That's a huge difference and the truth is that I have only one previous article that paid out ~5 LEO. All of my other articles I have published during 2+ months have reached well-more rewards than that. There are a handful of factors for this, including the actual distribution of tokens, but I will cover the few reasons that matters most to me, and how you can change your initial mindset despite the "low rewards".

The first thing you can do is to change the payout display. Go to your settings and change the payout display to USD or LEO+USD and you will instantly see how much your content is worth.
I personally display the rewards in LEO, because I have been here long enough to know that money often affects my performance in a negative way, so looking at tokens makes things easier for myself. However, if we compare the rewards of my latest articles with the ones prior to that, I can see why some would rather ignore the amount of tokens and look at the $ instead.
The truth is that most people seem to think of $ when they look at tokens, so changing the payout display is logical. Having the payout display to tokens are likely to affect them negatively over time.
That article I mentioned, that paid out at ~5 LEO, that would be worth $2.84 USD today. It paid out 1+ month ago though, when the price was less, which simply means that the article was worth less than $2.84 when it paid out.. So the articles I have today, sitting at ~5 LEO is worth more.
- Cool huh?
Another thing to keep in mind is that those $2+ I get from sharing content on LeoFinance is $2+ more than I have ever earned for my posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or from any other social media platform or online forum, and I have been an active 'content sharer' for 2 decades.
To make things easier to understand though, I will show you a few of onealfa.leo's votes. You have probably heard of him before, and his votes are vote a lot. ~100 LEO at one point, but those days are gone.

A 10% vote is worth 4 LEO so without crunching numbers too much, it's easy to see that a 100% vote would be worth roughly 40 LEO. At the current price of LEO, those 40 tokens are worth ~20 USD.
My articles that has pending rewards of ~$2 is worth more or less the same as a 10% vote from onealfa, so the days of having 100 LEO votes are gone, but that is totally fine and actually something we should be happy about. One could simply say that the less LEO tokens we see, the higher the price of the tokens.

This post could easily have been split into multiple parts if I wanted too, but I think it's vital for this to be a "all-in-one" post, to make people understand things from the get go so I'll continue to make this somewhat easy-to-read and understand. That being said, the timing of your posts are another factor that might either "make" or "break" the potential of rewards. Especially on other communities with a different reward curve compared to LeoFinance.
The reason for me to talk specifically about LeoFinance compared to others are due to the current reward curve we have, as that gives people a higher chance of being rewarded. This can easily be seen by looking at the time of votes.
We are used to see votes within the first few minutes but LeoFinance gives you a higher chance to be rewarded due to the fact that curators earn 50% of their votes, regardless of the time they vote, so curators doesn't have to compete for the best curation rewards. This also gives content creators a higher chance to see increasing engagement, meaning comments, on articles, as many curators are more eager to reward good content they care about, rather than just giving out upvotes to whatever content that is newly created.
To give you an even better explanation, let's call those votes "delayed votes":

As you can see, many of the votes comes in after 1 day, and the truth is that content that was created yesterday is actually considered to be rather old on Hive and other communities, where that same content still gets upvotes on LeoFinance. Many of the upvotes I get on my articles comes in up to 3 days after I have published the articles and from my understanding, LeoFinance is working on something that will give authors an even higher chance of being rewarded for their content, as authors will be able to earn rewards on content forever instead of being limited to the 7 days it takes for rewards to be paid out currently.
Even though I didn't talk about this in my previous article about Evergreen Content, you need to understand the massive potential this gives you to earn rewards from long-lasting content, while that same content can- and will help us in terms of rankings, organic traffic and growth.
Will you contribute towards the growth of LeoFinance even further by creating Evergreen content? - I know I will, and already did. But not everyone understands the raw potential we have, and not everyone understands the massive impact we can have with optimization and evergreen content..
- So it's up to all of us to make something that lasts.
The last 'tip' I will give you is to ignore the rewards you make. I know it's difficult, but it will make things much easier for you. If you ignore the tokens and the $, you will contribute and do things because you want to instead of feeling "forced" to do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's very true that sometimes you get desperate not to see the number in dollars rising like others who make their publications and have more than 20 but if you focus only on that you lose the quality of the content and the quality of what you want to convey and later you will not see either of those two numbers again.
Thank you very much for this useful information
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a superb explanation of what happens if you focus entirely on $. Well said!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love the duel view seriously $ and LEO it's one of the best small features on the site compared to others. It's for sure not getting harder. If anything it's getting more valuable. Your votes still count the same in terms of LEO but they now hold more Value within each vote when comparing it to USD.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's is correct. The only reason I can see for things to have become more "difficult", is due to the competition. I mean, we see more and more users contributing and with what I personally think is the best token distribution (so far), some might see less rewards while others will see more.
It's all for the greater good though. More users also means more chances to get upvotes. Even though upvotes from newcomers might be worth almost nothing from the starting point, those upvotes will be worth something with time. So it gives us the perfect chance of growing our audience.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The important thing for those of us who are here, and for me in my opinion is to gather and keep reading for now that this journey is just beginning, the time will come to think about how many $ we earn per publication or per healing if that is the case.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
5 Leo yesterday is 5 Leo today, no matter the USD value as long as it is not sold. In low payouts time people that stick to the game earn more in the end as this 5 Leo worth not some 2 USD might be worth 25 USD in a couple of months. It is a matter of time, patience and grit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is very true!
More stake equals more curation rewards as well, so it's easy to understand that those with more stake are likely to earn more than others who have less. As those with stake has often spent time and put in a lot of work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As always this is a good article from you @hitmeasap. Your writing style is very simple and your articles are very informative. I have learned a lot of things thanks to you.
That's a great news. It will give leofinance a huge boost!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you very much. I strive to make my articles easy to read- and understand, so that's great! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm also having a personal issue with looking at the dollars.
I'll go with your last tip to ignore the $ and token and do things that I want to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a good idea. It will most certainly help you in terms of keeping both encouragement and motivation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
compared to hive blog for example its totally worth to share your content in leo, as you sometimes i put a lot of good info especially in my videos and very often they get forgotten easily, well its true thats no one is forced to upvote our content because its a free election of each person. but well anyways its a good alternative for monetize content and a big advice its to be very very friendly.
i cant say my analytics are accurate but usually people with more contacts have a better performance in rewards in any platform not only LEO. i dont say its something bad eh i think its the logical think, anyways im trying to give value each time i cand and im powering up slowly my leo :)
Thanks for the post! i gave you my humble 100% upvote hehe
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As the only thing you have to do, is to use a simple tag to increase your chances of being rewarded different tokens, I would say that leo and/or leofinance is your best bet right now.
Something important to remeber though, is to share finance and/or crypto-related content on LeoFinance, and not a bunch of random things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're right. Instead of wasting time on the communist twitter and facebook it's more rewarding to be active on Hive and Leofinance.
Overall though payouts have decreased a bit since more new users are joining in.
I've gone through a bear, I will be fine with lower payouts for my posts as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would rather earn 1 LEO at the price of $1 than 5 LEO at the price of $0.1, and I guess most would say the same, but not everyone seems to understand how the price actually affects us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
you have a point here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Quite a interesting and informative take ..
Reinforcement tho does encourage performance. Not many are intrinsically motivated, being a newbie on the platform, it's only expected to be extrinsically motivated. Such posts as this do enlighten enough for us to change our mindset.
Many thanks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm glad you liked it. I think it's important for newcomers to fully understand each aspect of Hive and LeoFinance, but I also think it's vital for people to learn by reading easy-to-understand articles.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We'd do our bit...
Easy-to- understand articles are just about it , very helpful, just like the one you posted..
I shall keep exploring and learning..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i simply don't care that much about my rewards as i do this as a hobby. Having said that i advise everyone to do what they do, work hard, interact with others and they will see some nice upvotes as well.
It's my choice where to give my upvote and the same applies to everyone, so my criteria are simply whether i find the post interesting to my taste after a certain point. That means that for 3 days in a row i may upvote a certain user but that doesn't mean he will receive one the next day! Or i may simply don't have enough voting power :P
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is also a good point and even though most of the current users knows that well-known authors generates good rewards, newcomers aren't likely to understand the exact difference between them and other well-known authors.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
wait what!?
This has been a request by me since I joined Steemit and it was always said to be impossible. This would be quite the game changer indeed!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure how it will work and I'm not even sure they are working on this at the moment, but I know they talked about this previously. And judging by the other changes and features we've seen, my guess is that they are working on something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just talked to dan and he said it would involve ads, makes it more realistic but a little bittersweet.
Nice article @hitmeasap.
I’m still new over here and I’ve posted some articles. For me, is still a little bit annoying what happens with the votes. Some times I publish an article, then after few hours see there are only 4 votes. I woke up and suddenly there are 60 votes.
Next publication gets 6 votes but this time, the days are gonne and those 6 votes remains.
At this point, I feel confused because I don’t know what I did good or what I did bad, there is no feedback.
As for the curation. What I do is just read new publications that grabs my attention, if it’s good I leave a vote and a comment, if not, sometimes I just leave a comment and keep going.
I have not much voting power but I try to contribute to make this place better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can totally understand how that makes you feel. The thing with LeoFinance, Hive or any other tribe for that matter is that consistency and hard work is vital for your success. It involves a lot of work to become somewhat 'established'. I've been here for 4+ years in total (ever since Steem), and I still haven't managed to get a solid, significant audience and I am still not rewarded heavily for everything I do..
So it takes time, involves a bit of luck, but most importantly, it requires hard work and to be consistent. With time, at some point sooner or later, you will see the results.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is easier when someone like you shares his own story. I try to write good articles every other day and commenting a lot and chat on the Discord channel, and I hope in a few months people know me a little bit more.
Thanks for the advice!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a good article and I got the points. I will read your post about Evergreen Content. Thanks for sharing my friend. Regards from Indonenesia.
I'm glad you liked it. I think evergreen content is one of the ingredients that is needed to take LeoFinance to the next level, or to take Hive to the next level, but I can see why some people aren't looking at it the way I see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Amazing thoughts
It is true that we sometimes allow the value of the $ and token on our posts determine how much we create contents, and we often think we are not fully rewarded
However, if we stick to creating ever green content without being forced to do so, it will be a good way for us to learn and learn well
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta