I love the duel view seriously $ and LEO it's one of the best small features on the site compared to others. It's for sure not getting harder. If anything it's getting more valuable. Your votes still count the same in terms of LEO but they now hold more Value within each vote when comparing it to USD.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's is correct. The only reason I can see for things to have become more "difficult", is due to the competition. I mean, we see more and more users contributing and with what I personally think is the best token distribution (so far), some might see less rewards while others will see more.
It's all for the greater good though. More users also means more chances to get upvotes. Even though upvotes from newcomers might be worth almost nothing from the starting point, those upvotes will be worth something with time. So it gives us the perfect chance of growing our audience.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta