It’s one way to kill a thriving platform I guess
Let's see, you mentioned in total 4 content creators who've gotten downvoted in the past few months, while we've onboarded over 250 in the same time who don't just post controversial no fact "truths", yes, yes, hive is dying.
Want to know the only people interested in a platform like Hive without the rewards?
Truthers, independent journalists, whistleblowers, activists, and all the other people who get deleted off the big corporate media platforms for not pushing the violent narrative.
Guess where those people are going? Certainly not Hive. They've been leaving Hive/Steem like a sinking ship for some time now.
Don't worry though, I'm sure once the purification is through, and it's impossible to find anything that might be "controversial" without a specialized front-end, then Hive can explode into the big leagues.
Honestly, I'm starting to see very little downside to dropping the "social media" experiment completely, and cutting the inflation of rewards pool out completely as well. Seems like a win/win for the blockchain itself, and the stakeholders. Then the social media side can HF away into something else (maybe not with the name of a publicly traded blockchain company and a CIA program)
Then stop crying over rewards and invite more of those people. Not even the ones pretending to defend you in these drama fueled posts care enough to engage on your usual overrewarded posts and the same goes for most of the content creators you guys use all that stake for.
Why in the hell would I keep inviting people to a platform that is clearly full of rich assholes who are against them?
I've dedicated the entire last 5.5 years of my life to this blockchain (as I've laid out in another comment that you ignored, because it didn't feed your narrative), because I believed in what it could have been.
Unfortunately Proof of Stake just means that this place is a perfect microcosm of any other State, where the wealthy elite get to do whatever they want, and everyone else be damned.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me for years straight, shame on me.
I'm going to be switching gears and actively warning everyone against the use of Hive for anything besides Splinterlands (statistically almost the only thing people use it for now anyway)
Youve been well rewarded for your dedication. I guess you felt the chain owed you more for whatever value you think you've brought here which is minimal if any, looking at how you literally have no audience most of the time. feel free to ignore that fact once more but I'm sure deep down you know what a fake you are and the content you share having spun off the internet from a niche so small most people literally don't know it exists or care if it does.
Hey look, nothing but imagined personal attacks again.
It really is amazing how good you & @azircon are at proving the point that we are all making about you being immature authoritarians.
You're not going to get me triggered for some kind of response with these attempts - you're simply building the case against yourself.
Not personal, factual. Your comment to reward ratio is sickening.
Oh no, your nonexistent audience is going to not give hive a try. What a sore fucking loser.
Keep digging pal, keep digging.
At the beginning of this conversation, you were attempting the illusion of being the rational, grounded one, facing off against a bunch of "drama"
How quickly your holier-than-thou attitude shifts from faux-righteousness to simply adolescent attacks and a complete refusal to have conversation.
I really feel sorry for you guys. The level of overcompensation, projection, and lashing out is pretty indicative.
You're the one who quickly quit and is turning against Hive, even after it has rewarded you (you yourself) well for years because you can't keep milking it. Eat a bunch of shit with your dumb smile in each shit video you produce.
Now that's personal so fuck right off.
5.5 years here, on the edge of quitting for more than 2 of them, but only stayed because of how much I am able to support people here with the delegation that I have.
Nothing quick about it; I just know when to stop trying to change something that can't be changed.
Authoritarians like you & azircon have been behaving the same way since the beginning, you've just stepped it up a few notches since COVAIDS gave y'all an excuse for extra aggressive virtue signalling.
Wanna check out my rewards received vs given? Guarantee you it's over less than 1% me.
Are you counting the thousands of comments I've given from my other accounts, including ones that don't post at all?
It's quite obvious that you know literally nothing about me, don't take in my content, don't know anything about what I have done here on Hive over the years, and are just throwing a tantrum because you're getting called out for being the bad guy.
Again, just keep giving more evidence, please.
lol you know it's a mining company that do nothing with blockchain and spewing CIA like a dumbass won't make it any more true mr truther. What a fucking joke all of you incels are.
You're ignoring what I said in an attempt to mock me, instead of having a conversation (as one expects from censors.)
That makes the naming of our fork either an intentionally bad choice, or an unintentionally bad choice - pretty much guarantees that we lose the SEO battle, and that people will continue talking about this being a CIA operation (especially with folks trying to cleanse it of anything the government doesn't want said.)
To be clear, I'm not saying that this Hive is that CIA Hive (which launched half a decade before steem even did), I'm saying that "Hive" was an extremely poor choice of name, in part because of that CIA operation.
I raised all of these issues at the time Hive was named. My current job involves naming businesses and branding at times - it's something I am well versed at. The crowd at the time simply ridiculed any dissenting voices and so here we are.
There really are at least two threads of humanity at this time, with widely different understandings of what is transpiring on Earth - it would be healthy for the two to understand each other, unite and improve harmony/peace. However, that would require all involved to get down from high horses, walk out from behind defence mechanisms and stop propagating the divide and conquer psychology that we are all imprinted with at an early age by those seeking to dominate the global tax farm.
No matter what, everyone is going to their right place - though many don't know what that means yet. Hive is a symbol of free will expression and possibilities - so those who seek to maintain those will likely find ways to recreate the potential on Hive, whether it be using Layer 2 or forks. Numerous Hive whales know this and are basically waiting to find out which option works best overall before choosing their own path.
There are far more than 4, I only mentioned a few to make a point. But more importantly, claiming what we report to be ‘no fact’ truth without ever disputing the claims and source material with any evidence does nothing to demonstrate a lack of factual reporting on our part. Maybe instead of rampant downvoting, engage in debate, dispute claims with counter claims, challenge our source material with alternative source material, you know, attempt to show that our ‘truths’ are indeed devoid of facts as you claim.
What?! Actually being open to debate, or any form of challenging their preconceived beliefs? Actually presenting evidence? Counter claims?
That's something a dangerous anti-government conspiracy theorist would recommend!
It's simple, you're speaking heresy, and they won't have it.