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RE: Onboarding followers from Web2 to Web3

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It good advice most especially those running businesses on web2 social platform like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where you can lose you data easily. On boarding their audience to web3 social media will guarantee that security they're looking for and give access to their keys

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'd just always encourage online businesses to consider what would happen to their bottom line if they were deplatformed by their primary Web2 social platform.

Onboarding followers from Web2 to Web3 such as onto a Hive account is a simple risk mitigator for their business that doesn't take much effort.

They don't have to stop posting to Web2.

Just use a Web3 Hive account as a base for their content and audience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That really sound good onboarding from web2 into Hive