
Reasons Behind Multiple Interviews

  • 📈 The first reason is that multiple interviews increase a company's leverage in the negotiating process, allowing them to offer lower salaries and benefits.
  • 💼 The second reason is that companies believe multiple interviews will make them a better company, following the example of prestigious companies like Google and Apple.
  • 🕒 The third reason is that hiring managers and HR departments get paid for the time they spend on interviews, and filling their calendars with interviews justifies the need for additional manpower.
  • 🚫 The fourth reason is that companies want a reason to reject candidates, and multiple interviews provide a way to do so without exposing themselves to legal liability.

The Impact of Multiple Interviews

  • 📊 According to a report by the Harvard Business Review, high-performing employees are pulling out of job applications due to the lengthy interview process.
  • 📈 The demand for recruitment services has increased by over 25% since the start of the pandemic, leading to more interviews and a longer hiring process.
  • 📊 Companies use restricted stock units (RSUs) to force staff loyalty, paying employees in stock options that cannot be sold for a period of time, typically 2 years.
  • 📰 The job market has been defined by trends like the great resignation, quiet quitting, and quiet hiring, leading companies to hedge their bets on the future and maintain a lengthy hiring process.