This was solved by utilizing the comment section. All posts made through the Leo Twitter feature will appear that same as on Twitter. However, on the blockchain side, it will actually appear in the comment section, not in the blog section of each profile. This eliminates a headache that many had with autovoters, thus allowing them to use their main account.
Like discussed last week, I wanted to see the solution. Best solution ever, to avoid all the headaches that come with short line posts. Will it spike engagement? For sure.
Another update, soon to be released, is the "speed of Web 2.0 with the function of Web 3.0". Leofinance is going to be updated to cache the posts on its own servers, then deliver the data to the blockchain. This will eliminate the delays that are sometimes experienced on Hive. Users will not even realize they are on a Web 3.0 application because it will operate similar to any other server-based website.
I think Appix had something like this in mind. Before even creating a blockchain account, an user was posting on Appix till a certain level and than the account was opened, to save RC and to have only the committed people onboard.
The future looks very interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta