Could this be a game changer?
In the latest Leo Roundtable, a new feature was discussed that is going to change the Leofinance platform considerably and perhaps offer an enormous addition to the Hive ecosystem.
It is Leo Twitter.
While it might not be called that specifically, it conveys the exact meaning. It is a microblogging feature that will be added. According to @khaleelkazi, it will look very similar to Twitter, which is going to make for a quick learning curve.
Essentially A Twitter Front End
What Leofinance is creating is essentially a Twitter front end. The ability to post all articles from Leofinance instantly to Twitter already exists. This feature will also exist for all microblogs.
Thus, anyone who is using Twitter for their discussions around cryptocurrency, blockchain, and finance can use this feature and it will appear on their Twitter feeds; the same as if they did it through Twitter.
There is one major advantage to this. Unlike Twitter posts, ones made through Leofinance are on a decentralized database. Hence, if Twitter goes through to delete posts or, worse, takes down an account, all the posts are resident on the Hive blockchain. The immutability of Hive is being put to use.
We know that discussing decentralization, freedom, cryptocurrency, and anti-definancialization is not welcomed by the traditional social media outlets. Our own @theycallmedan was banned from Twitter for, presumably, his promotion of Hive and other censorship resistant platforms.
People, therefore, will have the ability to engage with their Twitter audiences the same as always yet protect their data from eradication. This allows them to take a bit more control of their content. Even though it is still housed on Twitter's servers, it is backed up on Hive.
How Is This Different From DBuzz?
While microbloggig has been attempted on a couple of occasions, the latest being DBuzz, it encountered some challenges. On Hive, because of the reward pool, many microblogs were looked at as either reward scalping or simply garbage content. This is a point that is difficult to argue since most Tweets are only a handful of characters, usually a link or something to that effect.
The problem with this situation is this type of content is the majority of social media. Few are putting together long form blog posts. Most of the interaction is quick hits, link sharing, and dopey "conversations". This puts it at odds with some of the original tenets of Hive.
This was solved by utilizing the comment section. All posts made through the Leo Twitter feature will appear that same as on Twitter. However, on the blockchain side, it will actually appear in the comment section, not in the blog section of each profile. This eliminates a headache that many had with autovoters, thus allowing them to use their main account.
By the same token, since the blockchain views it all as comments, they do not show up in people's feeds or main sections of tribes. This will help to keep those areas reserved for the more serious content.
The microblogs will be eligible for rewards, albeit in a different fashion that is presently on the rest of Leofinance (the details have yet to be released).
Massive Push Of Engagement
Leofinance is setting a nice pace with the engagement. The community committed to building a strong foundation by engaging in posts via commenting. There are many who are putting up more than 100 comments a week in an effort to stimulate greater activity.
This new feature is going to send that through the roof. While many cannot write long articles, usually limited by time to one or two, microblogging happens in much greater numbers. This means that a person who puts on one post on Hive might also do 10-20 things a day on Twitter. There is no denying that platform is a mecca for activity.
One of the goals of Leofinance is to be the "frontpage of the Internet for cryptocurrency". This is a feature that will help to push that forward. Many are already on Twitter discussing Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a host of other crypto related topics. The goal is for a lot of this to eventually find its way to Leofinance and, thus, Hive.
Activity done through this feature will show up on Twitter. The reverse is not true though. If someone replies to something on Twitter, that will not be seen on Leofinance. Obviously, one cannot pirate the content from another platform and automatically feed it into its site.
That said, anyone with a Hive account can simply engage back and forth through Leofinance and have it all show up on Twitter as if it was done there.
There is a bonus to this. This week, most likely, the feature allowing people to utilize Leofinance simply by signing upwith a Twitter account will be live. Hence, by the time the microblogging is released, people will be able to utilize that feature with only a Twitter account.
Which leads to the question why wouldn't people use it?
Another update, soon to be released, is the "speed of Web 2.0 with the function of Web 3.0". Leofinance is going to be updated to cache the posts on its own servers, then deliver the data to the blockchain. This will eliminate the delays that are sometimes experienced on Hive. Users will not even realize they are on a Web 3.0 application because it will operate similar to any other server-based website.
For now, we are seeing hybrid models appearing throughout the blockchain world. We cannot go from a fully centralized Internet to one that is decentralized overnight. Technical difficulties aside, humans are wired to have that much change instantly.
Leofinance is adopting a hybrid model that doesn't seek to obsolete Twitter but, rather, tap into its success while bringing some of it over to Hive. If that is where people are comfortable, let's utilize that by adding new benefits.
After all, changing a URL where someone does something is a change most people can make. Once that is done, their engagement will be similar to what they already know.
This is could a winning formula.
What are your thoughts?
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gif by @doze
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Web 5.0 stuff.
I’m loving these changes for Leo even though I stopped using Twitter years ago.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It still can be used even if you dont send your content through to Twitter.
These will be Leofinance based posts and the Twitter is kind of a sharing to idea.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too, I don't use Twitter but this sounds like a good plan
This really sounds like an awesome and huge step forward ... I believe this could be the game changer we all hope to see.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've been waiting to see how they would go about implementing this so that it wouldn't have the issues from some of the previous apps and this seems like it will do the trick nicely. They obviously have a very talented team of devs working in the leo office to keep rolling out such big updates at such a fast rate. Seamlessly too I might add.
This is a gamechanger and one that we can use to lure a lot more users into the eco-system going forward. People from other sites like publishox presumably use twitter to stay up to date on crypto events and this can be used to sway them to hive and posting to leo. Finally we are starting to see the users experience that we have been looking for the past few years. Who knew that it would be a tribe that would be leading the push instead of the main devs.
Hopefully they are watching what can be done with the right team and vision and use some of the resources to improve user experience as well as performance. There needs to be a balance on both sites of the work for it to be a success. Can't wait to see it coming on stream.
As I said all along, the focus should be upon the second tier applications. That is where the promotion and advancement needs to come from.
The idea of promoting Hive, basically a decentralized database, doesn't appeal to users. The idea of gaming or other things does.
Leofinance has a specific target market, albeit a good sized one. They are not after artists, photographers, or sports fans. Certainly those people are welcome if their interest is in crypto or finance. There are other communities that cater to those other wishes.
With that target audience, Leofinance, and other tribes/applications, can market direct to those people. It is not a mishmash of different things all put together in one big pot.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm fully with you on this one. Hive as an entity doesn't make much sense to market or try to onboard people. Hive as a database that can power communities and apps does. Then those apps and communities can be used to bring in users and value to the whole eco-system over time.
It's all about building the right tools, which leo are doing in spades at the moment. The only unfortunate thing is that it all has to be done from scratch and that there aren't a standard set of tools to pull from to make it easier or that others could follow suit.
That is my main hope for this year to see all of these tools that are being built form scratch becoming standard for other communities to take and build on even further. Open up the chain to hundreds of tribes and communities that can put in their own marketing and vision that sits their needs. It would not take the chain long to 10x or even 100x if we had 100 communities at the level that leo are heading for.
There could be something like that in the works although, from Leofinance's standpoint, it is not a high priority right now. If the initiative is not taken up by, say, mid year, it could be broached to the Leo team.
Basically their developers get stuff done.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Clever to put micro blogging in the comments.
Yes it avoids a whole lot of hassle while also enabling the engagement people are seeking.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is pretty amazing, and will be even more amazing if they train other tribes to do something similar.
Everyone doesn't want to talk about finance.
And I am not a fan of having leofinance become a "blog about anything site"
This sounds like an amazing set-up and I would readily use it.
x10 engagement at least, for sure..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leofinance is very specific is its focus. It is all in the name.
People who come here to blog about their lunch will find their content quickly rejected.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What I need is something like 500px or Pexels but on the Hive!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of all the traditional social media apps, I'm very found of Twitter. I can do with the rest of them, but I always thought Twitter was so unique in the way it was designed.
I have no doubt in my mind, LeoFinance will create something that captures the power of both Twitter and this blockchain. I'm looking forward to it....And gets me even more bullish on LEO lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Things will explode on here soon, you'll see. I'm expecting the price to reflect that.
This feature is the bridge we needed I believe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It should. I was super excited when we started messing with it and trying to get same premise going on the comment section. I was even setting up a daily post for people to join in and start the process. After a short while, that was canned while Khal worked with the developers on the idea of making operate, at least from appearance, like Twitter.
The bridge between the two could be very powerful for the crypto world. If nothing else, it is protection against one's Twitter account being zapped.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is an insurance of sorts.
Free Storage instead of paying for storage.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too. There's something special about Twitter!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But Bruv...
By Default, HIVE is ALREADY superior to Twitter... so please tell the dudes at Leo to NOT repeat steps until they've closed up the holes... WE NEED EMAIL!!! Not another FUNKING Twitter... but thank you for posting!
Highest regards Bruv!
It doesn't really sound like a second twitter, it sounds of HIVE folding into twitter. You can use Hive through twitter now.
So, in reality, it is not creating another twitter, but making it easy for twitter users to spill into leofinance.
And we WANT twitter spillage type numbers.
Email sounds cool too. I would definitely use.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is so smart. Should really expand LeoFinance's exposure @twitter and help drive more to the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What a fantastic solution I was already worrying about how I was going to do with so much junk content out there
And with guys posting hundreds of times a day and my feed flooded with simple posts of two lines each but taking it to the comments feed is another level that great ideas have never occurred to me, they say that great solutions come from simple things .
You know last time my father had his corn crop with many ears opened by birds or animals and being open that causes them to damage faster and generally damage the good crop and it becomes complicated, I asked him hear how we solve that to identify the damaged without costing us, well papa told me look when we bend the cob so that I know that the damaged ones are left standing without bending, so when we cut our corn we will know which ones to separate and which ones we will not separate the standing plants and the bent ones Well, we will know that it is good corn.
I leave it to me, it would not have occurred to me because in previous years I had had a double job searching the pile for damaged ears and there were always some that remained.
great development.
Happy day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That corn metaphor is genious.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I like the fact that the micro blogging Via twitter will be appearing as comments rather than blog posts because this can be readily abused by people who already have some huge autovote and this might scalp the system. Nevertheless I like the fact that people can manage to have another option to post without it being seen as shit post, let's wait and see how it goes. Hopefully this will bring us even more traffic from twitter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This will certainly bring the engagement to next level. Awesome work indeed!
I would think so. It will help the onboarding also since others will naturally navigate from Twitter if their data is protected.
There are a lot of people out there talking about crypto, blockchain, and related topics.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope it won't come to this, but those who's account gets blocked will have a plan B. However, it would be better for this to be plan A and we'll get there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just like with the Twitter feature now, it will be up to each account to post. All posts are made by individuals through their own accounts.
It is not like everything that is posted will be sent to Twitter from one account.
There will be no difference between posting from Leo Twitter (or whatever it is called) and Twitter itself. All posts go to the individual account.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Can't wait to see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not only the engagement but some investment as well I'm hoping.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank God, that's a relief! I was really worried about short tweets taking away attention from long form blogs in which I am more interested in reading. Leofinance keeps on surprising me. It takes lessons from some of Hive's friction points and adapts it to achieve a more preferable solution.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
that sounds pretty awesome - can't wait to see it in action .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sounds like exciting stuff!
Loving the way Leo is pushing the hive chain forward!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have no doubt at all that it will be a game changer, the question is whether it will be a good game changer.
With regards to the "rewards scalping" issue, I'm less concerned about long form posting vs. short form posting than I am concerned about rewards flowing towards what adds value to the LeoFinance experience. For example, a "tweet" of breaking news that "BTC just broke the $25K barrier! adds contextual value, while endless links to someone's stupid affiliate program doesn't.
Short form content opens the door to misuse for personal gains... the question is whether or not the community is dedicated enough to maintain some sort of "meritocracy" as part of the process?
In terms of what we "need" around here (and on Hive) I'm very much with something @frankbacon pointed out in his comment: We really need some kind of effective email/message system here if this kind of venue is ever going to mainstream in a meaningful way. EVEN if it's set up in such a way that you have to pay 0.10 Leo/Hive (which would go to Null) to send a message, to prevent massive spamming/marketing abuses.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It doesn't even have to be that much. I think 0.01 Leo/Hive would be enough for most spam.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You nailed it. It is up to the community to step up and handle that.
Most features are open to misuse and abuse. Spammers show up all over the internet. If Leofinance is to succeed, there needs to be a concerted effort not to reward those who are just abusing the system.
As for the Email/messenger idea, I think there are a couple of groups working on messenger ideas. I havent heard of any doing email.
There might be an opportunity for some.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The messenger apps, such as BEECHAT, don't store data on-chain. Email probably falls into a similar boat. Since they're meant for a small group of recipients, publishing email messages to a public decentralized database may not make sense.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true although I am not sure they are referring to onchain storage. Perhaps they are.
If so, I am not sure why they would want that. I can see the need for something that is immutable and away from the likes of Google and Yahoo. But there are emails such as protonmail which offer a greater degree of encryption.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Twitter is a huge breeding ground where we can spread our word.
Do you know if it will be possible to send LEO tokens to users as is the case with HiveTips?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have not heard anything relating to that. Obviously, once someone signs up with a Twitter account, they are receiving a Hive account on the back end so someone can send them LEO directly.
As for an application to do that, HiveTips or someone else will likely have to build it. I cant see the development team focusing upon that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Talk about "magic money" one day a twitter user will bump into their LEO wallet and find a nice surprise.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think micro-blogging like Twitter would be ideal for second layer since you could sort of have cap on rewards lets say a microblog can only go as high as 5 LEO or better yet all microblogs burn LEO that would be epic
I think there's a place for content in all forms, but yes HIVE as the base layer isn't the place for it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Is there a cap on how much you would reward a good comment?
Sounds like it will be the same type of scenario.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL yes it's called my voting power, I don't have a massive account
Certainly did not see that coming, this might very well be a huge gamechanger indeed! I'm still really reluctant about using Twitter, but having my tweets decentralized and immutable? Consider me interested!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well the platform can be used without Twitter. One can operate using the feature just like anywhere else on Leofinance. However, if the users wants, he or she can sent the posts to twitter, just like with the long blog posts now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Crypto twitter ecosystem is seeking for another option to twitter due to the latest situations took place during election as well as the shadow bans. If it happens, I believe that we will welcome thousands of new users each week because it will be appreciated by the crypto enthusiast 😌😌
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is only a matter of time before crypto gets in the crosshairs of the social media banning crowd. To me, it seems like there is a rotation they go through, coming upon crypto a couple times a year. The politics took the focus but with that being over, we might see them turn to crypto and start banning those who are posting content about it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yes its going to be crazy in 2021
your all information are authenticates i judge this
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was waiting for the details to see how they are going to do it. This is an excellent idea, I agree, separate them in comment section resolves the rewarding issue, also filters the feed. Mixing microblogging with the actual blogging content would have been ... not good.
I'm looking forward to it. Big thanks to the guys for connecting us to Twitter and connecting Twitter to us. Let the fun begin!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It should be a nice addition to the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, and Hive should follow shortly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't wait to see what that Hive comment thread looks like with hundreds of comments. Maybe there will be one thread for each day or something.
The thing about implementing it using comments instead of CustomJSON ops is you can still vote on and reward comments if you want to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You obviously still can reward these posts and comments manually, even set up to autovoter, but in a different way. This was a smart solution, at least that's how I see it, when it comes out.
Maybe Saint Nicholas is going to gift us with it? 😁🎁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting.. but could LEO finance Twitter account be banned?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The main account could be banned like any other twitter account. But the posts made will be from individuals, not the Leofinance Twitter account.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Any twitter account could be banned. I think the idea here is to integrate such that any individual user can Tweet and backup their tweets on the Hive blockchain. The Hive copy of their microblogging content is then immutable. So, you would still be using your individual Twitter account.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is pretty awesome that they made the decision to have these show up in the comments section. That is what some other projects have done to battle the whole spammy looking thing. I think that was a really smart move on their part to help eliminate abuse. We will have to be very vigilant about comment farming now, but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is massively a big news and thanks for the very detailed analysis.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Like discussed last week, I wanted to see the solution. Best solution ever, to avoid all the headaches that come with short line posts. Will it spike engagement? For sure.
I think Appix had something like this in mind. Before even creating a blockchain account, an user was posting on Appix till a certain level and than the account was opened, to save RC and to have only the committed people onboard.
The future looks very interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I get the need for this but I really hate social media like twitter and the rest of them. If it adds value then there is nothing to lose plus the much needed added engagement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For now, have to deal with the mega social media sites because there is where the users are. However, over time, we could see that diminish as Web 3.0 starts to take over.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do understand for the need for this as targeting the mass audiences and luring them in is the only way currently. Once they see how easy it is to be involved surely many will join.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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I think this is indeed likely to increase the engagement with articles substantially and drive growth in the platform, to be fair I can't wait to see and start using it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
From what I understand, it will be a different tab on the site. Articles will still operate as they do.
The Leo Twitter (or whatever it is called) will allow for the posting of links and things of that nature.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As a secondary layer token LEO Finance captured the best thing out of two worlds and users are rewarded with both LEO and HIVE. I don't see why this model could be implemented with other sites like Twitter where the information could go both ways if I understood correctly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wouldnt think Twitter wants their information flowing out en masse. Their focus is control and ad revenue. Thus, if people are accessing their content from elsewhere, that hinders their platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What can I say, Leo finance surprises me more and more every day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am on twitter all the time and I understand that there is a lot of people that use social media t engage with other even I have recived more interactions on twitter than hive, I don't know why.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome! It's great to have Hive's own communication system and no need to go somewhere else.
I'm looking forward to having discord style communication in hive. =)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now this is something I'm going to look into. Most of the time I don't post long form content so a place for crypto-related microblogs would be great. Also my accounts on Twitter are suspended. lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well then it will be hard for your content to find its way to Twitter lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i am curious to see how this will work out
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think making platform like buzz. Z is nice idea but need to be good content not garbage
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If this isn't bullish, I'm learning my crypto wrong!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well I am eager to see how this pans out. Microblogging is something I have addvicaterd for as it allows for easy and dynamic conversations that are engaging. Let's see if we are capable of killing two birds with one stone
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, the LF team is killing it and is one of the top builders on Hive. They are doing everything right, and it shows!
One of the first to understand the importance of adding more utility to their token, thus increasing the demand. I'm actually surprised they're not consensus witnesses. The hustle is real!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One word for this question: DEFINITELY!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure whether they will use the same name or different but for sure its going to be a great addition on Leo and even on Hive. I also think that we won't be able to leave Twitter for this because it has huge user base so should keep on using to promote our hive network. I am excited for this upcoming.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am excited to see the progress of project...
Dbuzz is also doing good and Inkikebthe idea of capping the earning (you can set the earnings limits).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post. Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta