This was solved by utilizing the comment section. All posts made through the Leo Twitter feature will appear that same as on Twitter. However, on the blockchain side, it will actually appear in the comment section, not in the blog section of each profile. This eliminates a headache that many had with autovoters, thus allowing them to use their main account.
I was waiting for the details to see how they are going to do it. This is an excellent idea, I agree, separate them in comment section resolves the rewarding issue, also filters the feed. Mixing microblogging with the actual blogging content would have been ... not good.
I'm looking forward to it. Big thanks to the guys for connecting us to Twitter and connecting Twitter to us. Let the fun begin!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It should be a nice addition to the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed, and Hive should follow shortly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't wait to see what that Hive comment thread looks like with hundreds of comments. Maybe there will be one thread for each day or something.
The thing about implementing it using comments instead of CustomJSON ops is you can still vote on and reward comments if you want to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You obviously still can reward these posts and comments manually, even set up to autovoter, but in a different way. This was a smart solution, at least that's how I see it, when it comes out.
Maybe Saint Nicholas is going to gift us with it? 😁🎁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta