What do you think about BCH. Is it ever going to touch its all-time high price that was approx 4k$ prior to its fork.
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What do you think about BCH. Is it ever going to touch its all-time high price that was approx 4k$ prior to its fork.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No idea but I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing after all the noise cash controversy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I searched 'noise cash controversy' on google and this the link that came.
Great job @cmmemes :D
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Lol. It was more about trying to demonetize those who don't support BCH.
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No wonder their platform is full of spam and shit. Maybe they have put off all the good peeps after the controversy.
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Not a coin I hold so, I don't have sufficient knowledge about it
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