I'm going to be a bit contrariwise with this one ! I think the only thing that'll change is that I don't plan to buy any crypto in September, but I'd already decided that.
In terms of the rest of my life, most of what I would do is already done. Over the last couple of years, my wife and I have looked at just about every expense and worked out what we can improve.
I work from home and my wife is incredibly talented at making meals from scratch. We grow a certain amount ourselves; that'll be increasing next spring, but for the last 15 years every plant I've put in the garden has either given us an edible crop or been bee-friendly. Unnecessary subscriptions have been cut out. Any expenses that are left are either necessary, or for luxuries which we've decided we want to keep just to make life bearable and enjoyable.
But this is the kind of idea I still thoroughly support, so I'll still be doing my ongoing routine of looking at each cost as it happens and going "do I need to keep paying this ?"
Great that you already have this hand, @alonicus 😍
Do share any tips you have!
Thanks for your reply ! I reckon the answer is different for everyone, but it mainly comes down to just stopping and thinking for a second each time you spend money, as well as regularly reviewing what goes out of bank accounts. Also, you have to have a sense of balance; cutting so much out that you stop enjoying life is a guaranteed way to back-slide !
A few specific things I've got into the habit of doing include;
I'm sure there's more, but the main thing is that when my wife's business was closed by government diktat during the pandemic and neither of us got any support whatsoever (Rishi lied...), we just got into the habit of being continually mindful about both our spending and our lifestyles.
Some great ideas, there, thank you 😍
Continuous payment authorities are one of my bugbears!