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RE: 0.01% vs 100%

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Oh man downvotes are always unpleasant. I think I would prefer a 0.01 vote to that.

It's a double edged sword in a lot of ways, this web3.0 stuff. It's a huge draw, I tell people about HIVE all the time and about how you can earn crypto for quality, engaging posts. But on the other hand everything here is so esoteric, there is a ton of etiquette to follow in a bunch of different groups, and it can be almost frightening to a novice wanting to use something like LeoFinance without getting blasted for a bad post. And then, you have the people wanting a quick buck.

I tell people about crypto for engagement on HIVE and this seems to illicit 2 reactions from most of the people I know:

  1. The first is they clam up and never post anything, almost like a form of stage fright. It's all so new and difficult, and now crypto is involved?! These questions of apprehension are followed up by questions of inadequacy and non-competence. I feel like telling these people you don't have to be an amazing author just write from the heart or mind, and don't be afraid.

  2. The 2nd group of people I tell (very few of these in my friend circles) tend to start posting, quickly devolve to shitposting nonsense and quickly burn out and onto something different. They seem to burn out as fast as they join, and the only reason they aren't still sticking around is because they usually waste most of their time posturing on FB and Twitter. This group seems to be devoid of anyone seeking to be a digital explorer or digital pioneer.

HIVE is already pretty confusing for an IT nerd like me, I can't imagine this site for a non-techy person. Add on top of that Leofinance, where I feel like I'm talking to a room full of brainiacs and I'm just some lone halfcaveman sitting in the corner picking my nose and mumbling "blockchain" over and over to myself. Add in new non tech literate users + EaRnInG CrYpTo (much wow) and it is surely a recipe for an overwhelming response of digital detritus from novice authors as well as opportunists. As for me, I still have trepidation anytime I post anywhere outside of my HIVEBlog. Even posting this very comment on Leofinance is giving me pause, cause I feel like it is the halfway ramblings of a halfwit Neanderthal on a site full of Prometheuses. Like what did I even add to the conversation? I guess just the things Ive seen with the few users I've convinced to come to HIVE.

Just my 2HIVE.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Really good 2hive. Thanks !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



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