Every day I spend many, many hours in manual curation. Nowdays not only in LeoFinance tribe, but now also in the new POB proof-of-brain. Recently I have noticed that I'm finding more and more posts, which seem to be not deserving even small 1% upvote. With many new participants signing on every day, this is quite natural.
1% of my vote is yet about 0.83 Leo, or $0.50 USD. Why I should give out a 50 cent worth upvote on a shitty post, which still comply with the tribe's terms, perhaps is not plagiation (or very well hiden), is not a clear spam, hence - not any valid reasons to downvote? Downvotes are seen as a very very negative action by many, and often taken as a personal insult, or even as an open, direct "robbery"
But somebody must to tell these newbies - "you are not quite on the right path"
Simple IGNORE or "skip over" is hardly a best solution here.
How to say them in a short, efficient and clear way:
Your post is a complete garbage, with a ZERO value (in my eyes), a value way less than 1 cent? I wish I had never seen it. But I did. And I can not "unsee" it...
Maybe even to ad - take my honest and fair reward for your work, a small HALF a cent TIP for it.
Some people are so desperate for rewards, yet are completely unable to understand, that what they do, has NO VALUE for others.
Someone have to help them, and to say all this in an open and friendly format.
And suddenly I found a solution.
It is almost impossible to make an upvote with 0.01% power in a manual mode. No matter how good and precise your mouse could be. But here is an easy way - set a default post upvote power in your settings. Just like this:
I hope many desperate $-hunting newbies are checking often, who, when and how much have upvoted on their posts.
Perhaps they start to think, why it could be that someone has upvoted with only a tiny tiny 0.01% . And if this specific question comes to their mind - consider half of work is already done.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You need a M'eh option. Not an upvote. Not a downvote.
Just a vote to show you read the article and founding it lacking any merit.
Well yes but the question is , we have to convey to them somehow that they are on wrong path . If we just ignore and do nothing , they might never understand it , right?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true. A small upvote from a whale is still a whale vote, but people will be curious to know why they received such a low valued vote. I think it's a great idea, and I can definitely see how this would actually change the behaviour or some people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that if a whale upvotes a low quality post, even with a tiny fraction, then that will only encourage the author of that low quality post to make even more low quality posts. Not a good idea. People see the value of the upvotes, not the percentage.
You might be right, but I try to remain positive. If onealfa would give me a vote worth 0.1 LEO or whatever, instead of the 80+ LEO he could reward me, I would definitely try to do something different. That wouldn't encourage me enough to continue to produce garbage.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is what people can see on LeoFinance:
See the last picture (screenshot) in my post, above
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Maybe a bot that makes a comment and keeps track of how many times the bot has sent the comment. The bot could have levels to show how often the user has been hit with the bot and then finally the bot could notify someone that the user should no longer be curated.
But as @onealfa mentioned , the users aren't doing anything against the tribe rules - they are following all the rules but the only problem is - their post quality is poor .
If we do what you suggested , don't you think we will be acting like a centralized media ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, you could leave off the last part, but then the user would be branded with M'eh awards until they got enough Aight awards.
Exactly. That was my main idea of this trick
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha. This could work too. A lot better than a Downvote.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha. That would be amazing! :D
I would definitely love to see this 👍
$PIZZA@deanlogic! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vimukthi.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
I guess that's typical bull market behavior. I haven't payed any attention lately to such posts. You'd better reward dedicated users rather than waste time with spammers. You're doing a great job after so many years.
This makes almost no extra time required. Most time takes to read the post, to open the post. Which I do anyway (in my manual curations)
Click ~upvote~ icon takes no time, only two mouse clicks, a few milliseconds.
That is why found this option extremely good for me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it's a great idea. I can understand what acesontop mean, but I would actually rather see you focus more on newcomers and "lesser accounts" to improve the distribution of tokens further. You should obviously not waste time on spammers or scammers, because they are not likely to ever change their behaviour.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you are going to downvote at least say why.
Your post is a complete garbage, with a ZERO value (in my eyes), a value way less than 1 cent? I wish I had never seen it. But I did. And I can not "unsee" it...
YES! - that is far better than downvoting and not saying why.
Downvoting without explanation is how you make enemies. Permanently very pissed off ones...
ah I didn't realize the leo frontend allowed for the minimum vote
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
actually makes sense and certainly is much more motivating to get better than downvotes. It makes them see that their post is not simply overlooked but just not valued highly.
I just use the “tribe mute” function at the post level (not entire account). Their posts aren’t seen. No votes required.
But, that doesn’t scale at all.
I think you're on to something here. A small upvote is probably more likely to get people to wonder why they seem to have got recognition but not been able to get a "decent" upvote in terms of value.
It is very likely to save you a lot of time, instead of trying to educate and tell people in detail why you decided to reward them something instead of nothing. I also think it's very important to reward newcomers as we have retention issues, and as a large stakeholder as you, I think this is a very noble and decent thing to do as most people out there are looking for whale votes.
This way, they still get those whale votes, but they aren't big and juicy like they are hoping for.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really like this idea @onealfa, well thought through and it sends a good message without being negative and disheartening to new users, who may also still be learning the ropes of the ecosystem.
I think for a lot of us who have been in the HIVE ecosystem for a while and understand how the rewards pool works, we probably take it for granted that for a new user, the concept of being paid for writing content is very confusing, exciting and novel. Free money!!!!!
I know on a personal level, my wife still does not understand how it all works and why I spend hours writing, editing and formatting a post to earn a few 'imaginary' cryptocurrency dollars.
I can still remember when I first joined, I just wanted to post as many posts as possible, because the novelty of getting cents for a post was awesome. Then I started to realise that quantity was not better than quality in this ecosystem, that this is not a money for nothing ecosystem. When I realised HIVE is actually a financial ecosystem build on reward for value and quality, it revolutionised my appreciation of what we have at our finger tips. I now take it very seriously and treat it like any other asset class, assessing risk versus reward, ROI, when to inject new capital, etc. In the process my enjoyable of the platform has skyrocketed and my invested value in HIVE and Tribe tokens have gone up a lot too (just need the market to realise the value too).
I think we also need to remember where most of the new users are coming from, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Over on those platforms, it is all about busting out posts regularly, that are short and punchy. It is definitely an adjustment coming over to HIVE where we are more like freelance writers or bloggers rather than your typical social media user.
In summary, @onealfa, I commend you on finding an approach and a method that is informative and educational for new users rather than negative and harmful like a downvote would be to someone who does not fully understand how the whole ecosystem works together.
Obviously there comes a point in the future when if a user continues to abuse the system and post content that does not provide valuable content, that the mechanism of the downvote is still available as an effective tool.
Us users who have been on the platform for a while need to continue to be focused on our own account growth and value, but we must not forget to also be educators and mentors to those who are just starting out. The learning curse is a big one and we sometimes forget what we had to go through to get where we are.
@onealfa, I commend you for your work in this area, you are a great example and role-model. I love reading you open, transparent and sometimes frank content. Well done!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. Appreciate this LONG comment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anytime, I appreciate you solid commitment to the ecosystem.
Oh man downvotes are always unpleasant. I think I would prefer a 0.01 vote to that.
It's a double edged sword in a lot of ways, this web3.0 stuff. It's a huge draw, I tell people about HIVE all the time and about how you can earn crypto for quality, engaging posts. But on the other hand everything here is so esoteric, there is a ton of etiquette to follow in a bunch of different groups, and it can be almost frightening to a novice wanting to use something like LeoFinance without getting blasted for a bad post. And then, you have the people wanting a quick buck.
I tell people about crypto for engagement on HIVE and this seems to illicit 2 reactions from most of the people I know:
The first is they clam up and never post anything, almost like a form of stage fright. It's all so new and difficult, and now crypto is involved?! These questions of apprehension are followed up by questions of inadequacy and non-competence. I feel like telling these people you don't have to be an amazing author just write from the heart or mind, and don't be afraid.
The 2nd group of people I tell (very few of these in my friend circles) tend to start posting, quickly devolve to shitposting nonsense and quickly burn out and onto something different. They seem to burn out as fast as they join, and the only reason they aren't still sticking around is because they usually waste most of their time posturing on FB and Twitter. This group seems to be devoid of anyone seeking to be a digital explorer or digital pioneer.
HIVE is already pretty confusing for an IT nerd like me, I can't imagine this site for a non-techy person. Add on top of that Leofinance, where I feel like I'm talking to a room full of brainiacs and I'm just some lone halfcaveman sitting in the corner picking my nose and mumbling "blockchain" over and over to myself. Add in new non tech literate users + EaRnInG CrYpTo (much wow) and it is surely a recipe for an overwhelming response of digital detritus from novice authors as well as opportunists. As for me, I still have trepidation anytime I post anywhere outside of my HIVEBlog. Even posting this very comment on Leofinance is giving me pause, cause I feel like it is the halfway ramblings of a halfwit Neanderthal on a site full of Prometheuses. Like what did I even add to the conversation? I guess just the things Ive seen with the few users I've convinced to come to HIVE.
Just my 2HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really good 2hive. Thanks !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
$PIZZA@onealfa! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @amphlux.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza
I am checking the new feed in LeoFinance every day and it's crazy how many posts are there that have nothing to do with finance and I bet you can find that in every community. If you dare to say something, they get offended, not to mention downvotes. With new users joining every day, the number is growing, but what the community is going to look like in a few months if nothing is being done?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When I see such, usually I have 2 options:
If someone been directed to FAQ several times, and still makes no changes - downvote
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't even remember how many times I've sent the FAQ link to users but this is the blockchain, everything can be checked out. I was even told to go to hell by a user posting flower photos.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a great solution, @onealfa. It's like tipping terrible service in a restaurant with some loose change. By doing it, you let them know that you DID consider the tip (vote) and you left a tiny one on purpose. Hard to miss. lol
If you want a suggestion.....most people here know about how Toruk swoops in and BAM!!!!, happy days. :-) Maybe you need to have another banner made that you can interchange when necessary (call it Toruk Avenger or Get Your Shit Together Toruk or something like that). Then you could add your typical link to "Why you see this" with this post as the result. Come to think of it, you could actually create another account for this purpose because you wouldn't need to fund it since it's whole purpose would be to give tiny votes. lol
That would get your point across, give the poster some constructive criticism, and you wouldn't have to waste any time.
Anyway, just a thought. Thanks for doing what you do!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
1 cent TIP at restaurant. Yes, what a great analogy !!!
I do this ($0.01) once in a while, when I'm completely pissed off by the service. And I have no doubt (who has?) the recipient got easy-to-comprehend message what I wanted to say him.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Amazing for the another way to encourages others, this way will made the author and wondering why it's just small amount votes from whale.If they finding the answer i think i can conlude around 80% they realized their stuff it's the answer to do more upgraded into quality post
That's what I hope for.
If one has enough brains, perhaps he will raise a question:
This whale has seen and read my post, yet he voted only 0.01% . WHY?
I was so close to where I could get 10000 TIMES (!) larger vote, but I did not.
Well, maybe 100% is to big to expect. But...even modest 5% is yet 500 TIMES larger.
WHY I have missed it?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe they will get your point with this way sir and wondering why this thing happens?. Finnaly they're finding the answer is about their stuff to do more upgrade into quality, useful and informative article.
Lol this made me laugh out loud . I totally agree with you and many times when I see a post of low quality , I just move on and do nothing .
My 0.01% vote is worth nothing so even if they click the vote section and see , I might be very below in the table .
This is a good perspective but what if they think " Oh , this might be a bot " ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A bot? They can always open my profile. Home page. And my wallet. 😃
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol! Some one who is too lazy to come up with a decent post will certainly not be curious enough to find who votes on their post (that's just too much work)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In this context , I meant to say auto-vote .
This trick applies only to your account though :p If I try it , people won't even notice lol .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A comment would probably sting more. To know that you visited the article and even had the time to comment but not leave an upvote would really hurt. 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am willing to agree, in some degree. But...there is one BIG difference.
To place a 100 such 0.01% votes in one day is easy, would require maybe total 300 seconds, or ~5 minutes total.
To post a 100 meaningful comments, would take.... (just guessing) 8-10 hours. Maybe even more. Beyond my time recourses
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As a Crypto newbie I found it very hard to work out exactly what kind of things to post. There was no real FAQ or guidelines available. So I did what I saw a lot of other people were doing. And some of it was not Finance related (as I didn't know any better at the time).
But soon my posts were more Crypto / Finance related as I knew and understood more about the scene and LeoFinance. However, as a newbie, my articles are not as critical or knowledgable as some others, but I still enjoy writing them as it gives me a chance to do some of my own research on a topic.
I have also really started to enjoy writing comments on other people's posts too - either as a comment to them, or an open question to generate discussions. I think that was an article by @onealfa (?) recently.
One thing I would love to see is an "open" discussion area/forum where people can potentially have live debates, ask questions, etc... but that is NOT rewarded by LEO tokens. This would give people an opportunity to ask those "daft" questions (that may have been asked many times before) without worrying about whether people will wonder if they are just after the $$$ or £££.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your solution is a great one. I have done my best over the years to try to help those that have consistently published low quality content. I used to send them to @theterminal for remedial education. Some improve, some do not.
Though most of us wish to help new comers, there just is not enough time in the day. It takes time away from enjoying and rewarding good content.
Some things should just be common sense though. I have seen the same type of garbage published by people that have been involved with STEEM/HIVE since its inception. If I see someone consistently publishing mediocre content I eventually just mute them altogether.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I envy your commitment and work that you have to read the posts of many people.
I, with my other duties on a daily basis, almost make it impossible to do so and so I end up jumping, ignoring those users who have frequently posted any kind of thing ...
I still think that the lack of a vote, in the post, not to vote at all, ends up creating the effect of not having an audience. Consequently, the person will start to think about why ...
The worst problem I see is some who write anything and are winning good votes, whatever the reason behind it ... I think that in these cases, a negative vote (but slightly, so as not to zero) would be good to cast one touch"
The idea of blogging alone is alien to some people, it’s not as if they cannot do it right, but a lot are misinformed, if only they could have the patience to do it right, another issue is that a lot of people don’t have the patience to learn through the hoops. We will continue to have more of these examples and bull run gets heated.......you might just be surprised that some people might take your 0.001 upvote as a little encouragement.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thats a crazy 🤪 idea but you know what? It might even work.. for some.
Unfortunately I feel like shit posting is correlated with not paying attention to vote weight. Or is it?
Anyway I think your finding is interesting regardless!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My Belle hurts with all the laughter right now. If I got such upvote I'd be suicidal about the whole thing, lol. Especially when it's coming from someone with a much bigger voting value
This is really a damn crazy solution, it's literally crazy... 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's amazing how many posts I see on a daily basis that have nothing to do with finance, cryptocurrencies, Blockchain projects and trading purely. For me these contents are the most worthwhile and contribute, I agree that these contents are not appreciated simply if they have nothing to do, you can not vote in positive.
What could we do?
We have to educate these people to do the right thing. There are many people who certainly come is for the reward, however, they are not to blame, but if they should be aware and try to educate themselves first before performing an action on the platform. So I think you have to educate them, get them on the right track. There are projects that can do that. Me and my project are dedicated to guide the new ones in educating them and knowing what they have to do on the platform first.
Of course my background is in finance and I really hope I can help many to understand how the platform and especially Leofinance really works.
Thanks for sharing.
Financial Markets Analyst
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One time onealpha, rock the LEO platform with your curation. I can't give downvotes unless it's real spam or plagiarism. Your idea is very ingenious and worth a try. Manual curation is the best in order to really do a good job. In time I hope to make it to the trending page on LEO and aspire to produce good finance content, especially since LEO is the exact place to put my TA posts or crypto articles.
Lately I and several others have been getting daily downvotes from @sunsetjesus, a new troll in town or something. It's minimal and on any subject matter, so I think the downvoter is attaching an idea or part of the system and not the article on the day. No one seems to know why this troll is so active lately. Maybe you have some ideas.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Its true that most people in a hurry to farm upvotes go round posting shitty stuff ..
Most of them go as far as paraphrasing an already existed content to escape the plagirism wrath
So i think the minuate upvote from someone with a high rank and staking value will send them a good message
I am essentially against downtime, excluding abuse repeated over time or on post with two lines and high rewards.
A 0.01% upvote is much more educational than a 100% downvote. I totally agree with you
Haha, that's a good one!
You should make a banner for this one too (like you have for your 'BOOM' upvote).
And link the "Why do I see this banner" to this post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will think if such banner would be appropriate. Thanks !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Amazing for the another way to encourages others, this way will made the author and wondering why it's just small amount votes from whale.If they finding the answer i think i can conlude around 80% they realized their stuff it's the answer to do more upgraded into quality post)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's a tough question to answer. But I think this is far better than a downvote since they are not breaking any rules. Maybe they will use it as an opportunity to get better.
Just wondering, is the lowest value percentage 0.01%? Because if LEO jumps up to like $10 or something in the future, you might be tossing them a few more pennies.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, seems 0.01% is the lowest which still works
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I would be for telling them openly that they need to improve rather than voting with 0.01% without explanation. A bot could leave a canned response like that. Somebody could make a bot like that and you would just need to post a simple command in the comment. Something like !yousuckhaha!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Keep doing this, @onealfa. Manual curation is always the best!
I would love if people who read my posts left me some kind of feedback. I went out of the "newbie" tag a long time ago but I think it could've helped a lot at that moment.
This is something it could improve the community overall.
Also, I didn't try but maybe you can add more decimals like 0.005%.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seems that 0.01 % is the very lowest, which still works.
I was trying 0.001 and 0.005 , and got only ERROR's , once tried to make a vote
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When I came to leofinance i think I posted something with photography and did not know that there is other communities for that. Someonr commented on that post, that this has nothing to do with finance and that this is the wrong space, and I learned my lesson.
I wrote several articles on leofinance since then, and I got a few upvotes, not that much but I am happy about every small portion of hive or leo coming in. I also never sell these amounts anywhere but invest them inside the ecosystem.
As for low quality posts, there is tons of them.
Some of these posts get upvoted to the heavens. I saw one and two liners with a shitty photography making 3 figures, and that is really discouraging for people who actually put in the effort the time and the brains in their content
IDK how many users would get the hint but I like the suggestion of making a shitpost TORUK.
I also saw several discussions on discord why have I been downvoted etc.
What is the point of discussing that. This is an open network and people have the right to vote however they want.
I hope my content gets better and that on some day the whale votes will find me too. Till then, I have a nice time writing posts and I really enjoy improving my writing skills.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's up to you what you like to do. I have no problem seeing you here.
And I thank you for trailing me, and your trust.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No problem :-).
This is pretty creative way to let people know to lift their game. Keep up the good work, I was so tempted to vote this 0.01% for a laugh but in the end gave in to reason.
But, your 0.01% vote value is my 100% so I got some building to do! just incase people think I am sending the wrong message!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I like it, would be a nice headline for a new Tribe :D Garbage Token, is worth nothing and honor really bad posts :D
Maybe a MEME coin?
Maybe new Doge?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Meme? Doge?
Nahhh...not for me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I appreciate you and respect your words.
But I have a different opinion that I want to share.
As new users here the first thing we want is guidance. We are new and we know nothing much about it. I agree many new users post shitty content. But instead of ignoring us, you should guide us, so in further we'll be able to post something really useful. We are in the learning phase, and we want someone who can guide us.
Hope you'll understand my point.
Thank you.😇
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That only works if people are watching the vote percentage :/
And with your 0.01% upvote, you're making a vote value juste below my 100% vote. I know that my posts aren't making a lot of rewards, so when I see a 0.008 LEO, that already something for me, I don't really watch the %.
I hope I'm wrong and when people will see the 0.01% vote they will try to think about doing better posts, but for me that still an upvote and that could encourage people to continue, just slower than your huge 83 LEO 100% upvote
I have been using that tool for a while now. I think it gives you separate choices for posts and for comments. I use that in conjunction with the leodex.io vote value multipliers to make sure I am keeping my VP in order but still giving decent votes on posts and comments in LEO. It has been a game changer for me and allows me to do a ton more manual curation than I had been doing in the past.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol this is some savage level...
Anyway, I am of the opinion that anyone who wants to make anything significant here would be curious enough to ask question or seek help rather than shit posting.
Kudos to you, but I don't have it in me to read through a shitpost. I am always filtering via various means.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i wish i had this problem, my 100% upvote now worth exactly 0 and even setting to 1% seems like a joke.
but i disagree. if a content is bad simply downvote it. maybe it will hurt some feelings first, but as the newbies (including me) start to understand that a downvote is just a correction of the upvotes, they will be glad you helped them find the correct path.
if they wont, they wont understand the low value either.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
your 0.01 suggestion is nice - if of course we had more curators like yourself. the majority of the 0.01 votes that I receive for my selfies for example have little to no value
I'm not a big enough cat to really have to worry about this — yet — but I do occasionally have the desire to leave a 0.001 LEO "tip" for no reason greater than simply to pass along that I "saw it."
But beyond that, the second reason is that the small vote will show me later (if I happen to be looking at random feeds) that I have already looked at and voted on something... and not to waste my time again.
Good tip on setting the "default weight" to the minimum, thanks!
This is my experience too sadly. A lot of garbage being spewed forth.
Is it even worth .09 LEO?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you'll find more and more "garbage" with time as well. It tends to increase with growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really appreciate your view on the block chain and how you interpret things and how you behave. It is really good.
As a curator, what are some of the things you look for when curating a post. Everyone has different interests and things they like. But what do you look for on these communities?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hard to make a short answer.
Some of subjects I love most, and reading carefully, and do my best to support and promote them:
Things I don't care much (easy skip):
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good topics, there is alot of gaming posts floating about and food.
I do tend to post a little philosophical and parenting, but mainly because there is a really good parenting support groups on Hive with motherhood and homeedders.
Leofinance is great for learning about crypto and I have learned alot about crypto from Leo.
I really don't like the entire downvote system. It's demoralizing to new people coming in and honestly as of late has been miss used simply because someone doesn't like someone else.
Maybe a more effective alternative would be to have a trusted team of people who do curate to be able to market a post as not allowed to receive payout for their tribes tag. Instead of a downvote which could kill their earnings across all tribes even the ones marked correctly it would instill nill only that tribe and leave a message as to why the content was marked as such.
This is effective on Reddit for example. Too many marks and you're simply blacklisted/muted. I know there is the ability to mute posts from even showing up on LEO for example. There's a better way but we need Hive devs most likely to implement it. As of late I feel like Hive has been more of a subset while relying on Tribes now to truly make some real world cases. I'd rather see DAO invested into LEO for example. Stuff just seems to be getting really weird around here as of late and I'm not a big fan of it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If LEO devs would one day decide to eliminate downvotes on LeoFinance - this would be enough reason for me to powerdown and dump all my stake immediately, and abandone this tribe forever.
Downvotes is a MUST. 100% must.
Nobody will convince me in the opposite.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I totally agree with you. I honestly don't like downvotes, as I think there are other ways to get someone to make changes etc. However, I think it's extremely vital to have a downvote system in place to defend the platform from abuse.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand the desire to let people know their post is crap. But truthfully, if it is crap odds are no one will upvote it and they will get the picture pretty soon and/or move on. Remember, on facebook people are still posting pictures of their lunch and they don't get anything for their "likes."
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A nice and logical guess.
But the reality is so much different.
So many autovotings... or votes placed on a crap, when the whole post was probably not even opened. Placing votes while only seeing the title.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a huge consequence for people who wants to automate things and earn passively. They just place a bunch of authors on auto and collect a juicy passive income without knowing what type of content they actually reward..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm normally inclined to downvote if something is utter crap. But I notice that many people find it inappropriate when users dish out a downvote. I'm wondering why that is?
I do like the 0.01 meh vote idea. But personally I just upvote a few times per day with 100%, as I don't have that much staked LEO anyway ;).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm still giving out my 100% value votes. I only have enough stake where that vote can matter so I'll keep doing it for the time being. But I really only vote in Leo so I can keep a handle on it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Precisely one reason I don't constantly post nonsense to HIVE is I dont really want to add to the collective heap of bad posts. If I have nothing really to say, I shouldnt waste someone elses time with random nonsense.
Do I get less wealth like that? I suppose if you take wealth as being something objectively gained, then yea, I get less. But the quality of content is really what I'm aiming for.