Hehe students will come every year ? Are you sure ? I mean look at Indian schools right now , one of the most messed up industry this year is Education
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Hehe students will come every year ? Are you sure ? I mean look at Indian schools right now , one of the most messed up industry this year is Education
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Jeeez, I almost forgot man. This idea is definitely not Pandemic proof.
You are absolutely right. Schools are shut for a very long time. The education industry is messed up.
On the other hand, Edtech is booming since everything is going online.
I think every industry now needs to ponder upon how they can survive such situations.
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Exactly .
Unacademy , Byju are taking over the education space in India .
But I don't really think it is a good idea for 1-5 classes though .
I was an external teacher for class 8-9 for 3 months and the kids didn't really learn that much through live classes lol .
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I think we will take our own time to get accustomed to such settings.
It's new for everyone but I see the culture changing.
My only problem with this model is that most Indians don't have proper access to the internet. They still depend on schools for their education. It sucks bro.
I felt so sad when I heard news of kids killing themselves because they could not attend live classes.
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Exactly , I can relate to that .
I used to struggle a lot because of poor internet connectivity , lot of service providers like BSNL and Airtel just reject providing broadband connection to my place because we live in remote area .
All this universal connectivity that we see on TV is BS .
Yeah :( Tough time for Indians . Well for people all over the world , but it is hitting on a different level for Indians right now .
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That sucks!!! How do you manage now? Are you getting better services or did you change your place?
They make us bloody fools, that is all. In the name of development, we are making statues and temples. That's it. While disconnecting ourselves from the wider world, going several steps backward every year.
We are dealing with crises on multiple levels. It sucks to be in this country at this stage.
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I didn't change my place . I have got a local broadband right now . It is actually good .
Exactly . You got that right .
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Must have been a great learning experience for you. 😂
Btw what did you teach?
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Computer Science :)
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Haha, duh me!
You are a computer science ninja yourself.
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