Leo Talk 5/7/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance4 years ago


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Food for thought. Buy a house or rent? I would say right now that I would go for renting over buying.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I rent. Buying is a bad idea for a few reasons in my opinion.

  • we are in a bubble with housing. It might go higher but will end up having a big pullback.

  • technology is going to change the future cost to build. People getting into 30 years mortgages might have an asset that costs a heap load more than what future building might cost.

  • we are seeing a popping of the artificial urban real estate bubble. This could have huge impacts on prices as people are freer to live where they want and still find sustenance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the popping is generally only happening on the retail sector right now and I don't think the urban area will be touched for a while. It will be whenever the mortgage crisis takes place and the fed wants the market to go down.

But I do think it will go down eventually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Urban areas are already seeing a great deal of exodus and prices in major cities are collapsing.

We will see how it all turns out but I will not be surprised if we see cities as undesirable in 10 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think this will primarily depend on whether or not the work from home takes off. I think it will but if the going back to work crowd works out, then the cities will still be filled.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true and certainly an area of uncertainty. However look at who is in cities. Companies such as banks and insurance companies occupy a lot of real estate in cities. These are two areas that are under attack in my opinion.

Even the other discussion about lawyers, they occupy a lot of city space in the US. If they are seriously reduced, that will free up a lot of space.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right now its the small offices that are in demand. As things go virtual I expect it to go down as well. But the problem is if prices will go down or will the reach buy up everything or are we forced to rent from the rich?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even the other discussion about lawyers, they occupy a lot of city space in the US. If they are seriously reduced, that will free up a lot of space.

This is true even in India and there are hell lot of lawyers here lol but still the amount of pending cases is huge , like literally , very very huge .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true , the cities in India is filled up and there is literally no more space for new buildings . The WFH culture can help Indian cities to decongest a bit .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also like to have "Mobility" by renting. If I decided to get the hell out of the country next week, it wouldn't be a lot of trouble because I don't have a large portion of my money "stuck" in a house right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same here. Being tied to a property does take away some of that freedom. It takes time to liquidate plus the expenses involved eat up a bit of the sale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many learned that the hard way in the last economic collapse. They could not relocate easily in search of jobs since they were tied to a geographic area with the house.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

During your service years , did you work overseas ?

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Yes. Quite a bit actually.

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Exactly , the concept of "stay at one place" is becoming obsolete nowadays , atleast in my opinion .

I would rather spend money on something else than house .

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I rent because I live in an expensive city and I want to move to another city eventually, but I would like to buy/build my own house in the near future

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Building is also an option... I don't really want to do that but my dad is crazy about it. He has built 3 houses in his lifetime and I don't doubt he will build a 4th one one day

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol , for investment purpose or he just likes it ?

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He just really loves it!

He loves doing the calculations, drawings all that stuff

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That's good to hear hehe . Gotto have some passion in something right ?

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Make sure you go the 3D printed route so its cheaper. You just got to buy the land I guess.

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I'll obviously opt for the most cost effective method :)

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I would like to buy/build my own house in the near future

That's good to hear but where do you feel comfortable building you house ? Outskirts or in the city ( provided you get the land in the city lol )

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

in a nice suburb not far from the city would be ideal :) not a fan of long commutes :P

Exactly :) That's ideal .

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People getting into 30 years mortgages might have an asset that costs a heap load more than what future building might cost.

Totally agree with you on this one . That is why I hesitate a lot on taking long-term loans especially housing loans .

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I rent, buying is not a good idea, at least not over here, especially now that the real estate market is going through a lot of uncertainty.

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Yea I don't think its a good time to buy. Before the lockdowns, I would of said it was fine to go buy a house but the economy is just too much unknowns right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True but don't you think the risk might pay off huge ?

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I am unsure since 3D printing is starting to take off. If you buy a house now and the building costs decrease then the prices of houses drop.

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Oh I meant to say just the site ( meaning without any building )

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Yea land will always be good but you are probably still liable for taxes to the government.

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Probably... real estate is known to be a solid investment, it's just not for me. I prefer other approaches

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Well here it is a good investment right now . Many are selling their property due to COVID ( because of the need of money ) and the rich people are just grabbing them .

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I don't know much about land and property but what I know is over here, there are so much available land for sale. So I prefer building one then renting it out to people. That too can serve as a means of income.

You can get a land here for $1000 or maybe less in some rural areas. This is one of my goals in life. To buy a land in a school environment, build an hostel and rent out to students who wants to live outside school campus.

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I think its great if its cheap in your area. I think the biggest issue that its far too expensive for land in the US.

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Here in India , it depends .

Outskirts - land is cheap right now .

City - way too expensive .

Transitional areas- very good opportunity to invest if we get a good price .

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I would do this too. In this part of the world it's more reasonable to buy and rent out to people, especially in a student area. Also for myself I'd prefer to buy, it eliminates the risk of having issues with landlords

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Also for myself I'd prefer to buy, it eliminates the risk of having issues with landlords

Ownership also has a lot of risks too. As well as headaches.

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Yeah it does. But there is a certain peace that comes with it, owning something means you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. I like that feeling

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Except the bank and government which can be equally as nightmarish.

Neither are fun to deal with.

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True... I sometimes think people have a false sense of security in that kind of situation.

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Yeah but tenants are not easy to handle too lol .

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😂😂 yeah, people problem.

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Yeah :p lol

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That's a great idea bro.

If you can buy a piece of land and rent it out. That's passive income. Good thing is that new students will always come every year. So the demand is going to be high.

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Hehe students will come every year ? Are you sure ? I mean look at Indian schools right now , one of the most messed up industry this year is Education

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jeeez, I almost forgot man. This idea is definitely not Pandemic proof.

You are absolutely right. Schools are shut for a very long time. The education industry is messed up.

On the other hand, Edtech is booming since everything is going online.

I think every industry now needs to ponder upon how they can survive such situations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Edtech is booming since everything is going online.

Exactly .

Unacademy , Byju are taking over the education space in India .

But I don't really think it is a good idea for 1-5 classes though .

I was an external teacher for class 8-9 for 3 months and the kids didn't really learn that much through live classes lol .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we will take our own time to get accustomed to such settings.

It's new for everyone but I see the culture changing.

My only problem with this model is that most Indians don't have proper access to the internet. They still depend on schools for their education. It sucks bro.

I felt so sad when I heard news of kids killing themselves because they could not attend live classes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was an external teacher for class 8-9 for 3 months

Must have been a great learning experience for you. 😂

Btw what did you teach?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That can be a good investment. Not really my kind of thing but it can be very rewarding depending on how the market is where you live.

When I was a student I rented a house outside campus and it was overpriced as hell because of the high demand, so you will probably do well with that plan.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a great idea. There are the maintenance costs of being a landlord. Taxes are also another expense to be looked at.

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And headaches.

I know my landlord always has crap happening. She has a 30 unit place, and always something going on. Tenants not paying rent, destroying stuff, things breaking.

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Exactly , it is not easy being a landlord , we had a house which we have rented to someone a couple of years back and we had such a hard time collecting the rent . The tenant used to come up with one or the other excuse every single time , eventually we sold the house lol

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That is what many overlook. Being a landlord can be a nightmare. The rent moritorium is really messing with small landlords now.

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I felt sorry for my landlord when I was in college... we lived in a big house shared by 13 stupid college kids. We wrecked the place hard

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Exactly . If I ever rent out my house , I would make sure I give it to a person who is honest . Even if it is for less amount .

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Buying a house is not a great idea if you are going to live in it. It will only suck out more money from your pockets.

Rent :)

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It depends. For people starting to get their cash flow going, you can always got a mixed rent/live route. By doing so, it may be cheaper than just outright renting but it does come with its own risk.

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Depends on where you buy the house actually . If you see outskirts of Bangalore , lot of good opportunity to invest .

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Yes, for investment purposes it's definitely a buyers market, and thanks (unfortunately) to covid, you can get great deals.

But if you are taking debt to buy a house where you are going to live, it's a bad expense then.

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But if you are taking debt to buy a house where you are going to live, it's a bad expense then.

True but I have decided not to do that . I would never take a loan for such a huge amount just to buy a house.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have done that mistake myself but at least I had a house previously from where I WAS getting rent, until COVID took over. My wife was so adamant about buying our OWN house and I could not convince her because I was stupid back then.

So it's a bad investment which I regret now. But it's okay, at least I learned and I will never suggest anyone do to the same.

This is the general rule I follow now: If I have the money to buy 'two' of the same thing, only then I think of buying one.

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This is the general rule I follow now: If I have the money to buy 'two' of the same thing, only then I think of buying one.

That's a good rule to be honest . I like that .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I currently rent. If I had a family it might have been different.

When one buys a home they do not only have a mortgage to pay, but also insurance, property taxes, school taxes (whether one has children or not), maintenance, and a variety of other costs.

Here in Pennsylvania it is extremely expensive to own a home. Sure one builds equity, but I do not really think it is worth all the costs associated with home ownership.

Renting also has drawbacks but, given my financial situation, it makes the most sense.

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Yea its tough without a decent amount saved up. Renting just makes sense given the current prices.

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You might acquire equity but, if you have a mortgage, you have to time it properly. Yes markets can run up but they also go down.

And that interest rate keeps piling up. The truth in lending statement would open up some eyes if people actually read it.

And let us not forget that over 15 years, you will have to replace a bunch of expensive stuff like AC, water heater, appliances and, perhaps, a roof and some windows.

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I currently own so this doesn't apply to me but if I am faced with this situation here in my country , I would go with renting because buying in a town is way too expensive .

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Responding with sincerity, I think that renting today is much better. But today if I had comfortable financial conditions I would buy a house :)

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Yea I think having an actual house is better for comfort. You know you won't have to deal with any landlords and you are in control of what happens.

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Yes, for those who have a family, it is even more acceptable to have a home of your own. But I know that there are people with families who prefer rent. Each one see which is the best for you :)

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I disagree. Always buy, looking for the best clear price. I am of that maxim that "the best investment on earth is land" and that despite abusive taxes.

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Yea but I think one of the biggest issue is that you can't really fight increases in property taxes. I just can't see it as a very good choice currently when the deficits are so huge.

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Yes, but even with taxes, I think the risk-benefit ratio is good. Governments change, the uses of real estate as well, but land is limited and unfortunately we are more and more. 8,000 million people, when we reach 30,000 million we better have a couple more planets because otherwise we all know what will happen.

You do realize we are facing population reduction throughout the rest of this century.

There is plenty of land available so I think you might want to update your metrics.


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Hopefully I'm wrong. This is not what has happened so far and the developing countries continue to increase the population. The so-called western countries with low birth rates example "Europe" increases its population via immigration.
But like I said, hopefully I'm wrong.

The so-called western countries with low birth rates example "Europe" increases its population via immigration.
But like I said, hopefully I'm wrong.

That is true but the immigrants have to come from somewhere and that is the developing world which pulls more out of their countries.

Plus birth rates are slowing in those countries too. Still higher than the developed world but half of what they were 25 years ago.

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"the best investment on earth is land"

You can't say this in Russia :)

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What do you mean? Russia is one of the largest producers of raw materials on earth, it has some of the strongest real estate markets. Governments steal in Russia and elsewhere, and if you have friends in the government or any other local establishment, the investment will be incredibly profitable. If, on the other hand, you have enemies, in some places you may lose more than an investment.

I think you didn't get my point :p I was going for , land isn't yours permanently in Russia unlike here in India .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay! now I understand you.

Is that so? I didnt know about that

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Yeah , you can take a lease for 99 years or so . after that it goes back to government if your kids don't renew . Well the ultimate owners are government itself .

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Right at this time I own my own home, since my husband passed and if I was totally living alone on my own I would just rent. As it goes at this moment in time I can't just get up and leave. I first have to see if I can sell the house I am in, then see if I can get help to move out. As I am older it is to much trouble to maintain a home. If you own your own home one has to pay for property tax twice a year, find someone to help take care of the yard up keep. Plus if any repair work needs done on house itself then as home owner I have to find someone to help with that. Of course you do run into bad landlords who refuse to fix anything when you are a renter. The good part of owning my own home is that inside my own home I can pretty much do whatever I want. I can have animals such as cats or dogs if I want when renting you have to ask the landlord if you can have them or not. Any way that is my take on having a house.

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Your post was promoted by @amr008

So I guess Tesla has more plans for development as they start buying up more land.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are growing at an insane pace. It is something that I do not think most people realize. I have no idea what this new project is about but it is something huge. That is how Tesla is operating. They are building out capacity, this is vital.

It is one of the few companies in the world that is only limited by its ability to produce. They sell everything, in all the different areas, that they roll off the assembly line.

I would not be surprised if this project had something to do with batteries. Just a guess there.

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Yea but I think Texas is a good spot to start more construction since it is their new US headquarters. There is also less to deal with compared to California.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Has that been announced? I thought that was a threat.

Although if you look at the actions, their largest plant will be in Austin and Musk himself moved there.

It is likely only a matter of time before he officially moves it. Hell they might end up selling the Fremont factory at some point if CA pisses him off enough.

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I think he will move as he has started development in Texas. I just don't see him selling the Fremont Factory though because moving the equipment isn't easy. It would have to wait until he has enough factories elsewhere as he wants the West Coast.

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That is true about the closing of the plant. He will need a great deal more production before he does that.

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I would not be surprised if this project had something to do with batteries. Just a guess there.

THat's a good guess. I think it will be one of the things they will be doing there. It could well be a multi-purpose site, given the size of the plot

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They have something up their sleeve. What it is I am not sure. Would be cool if they could manufacture some of their own components for their vehicles if they can get the resources required.

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That might be something like that I guess...

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They have been making most of their parts in-house. At least it tends to be way more compared to the traditional car companies. I think this new additional will be used for either R&D or making parts.

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Does poor grammar bug you and do you even reward these users?


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He makes some good points, but I shared one thing that may cause me to click away from an article. I see it done a lot and I usually sigh when a page like that loads.

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I like those what split it up with one language on the left and the other on the right.

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There is a young man over on Publish0x, recent college grad, interned in Congress, who tries to write articles on DeFi related stuff. I painfully read his articles for what is sometimes good content, ignoring all the spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

I am so so tempted to comment and ask if he proof reads before posting. Also, I'd like to suggest to him to turn on his spell check and sign up for Grammerly - its free.

Depending on his content I do tip him. But only at 20%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a good idea. I use Grammarly and it's a very useful little tool.

I like to think that my English is at a decent level but because I have no formal education on that language I make a lot of grammar mistakes and that thing really covers my ass most of the times lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You might as well. If he doesn't learn what is wrong then he will never fix it. I would prefer if people told me directly so I can do better next time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Might be valuable to suggest that to him.

These kids grew up in the age of texting so proper writing is not something they think about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No doubt. From time to time my kids would show me a text they sent or one they received. I didn't understand a word of it with all the abbreviations. And we will not discuss the spelling...well it made me wonder what the hell our schools are teaching them.

And... they wouldn't know subject or predicate from their ass if it wasn't attached.

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...well it made me wonder what the hell our schools are teaching them.

You know the answer to that. They are being conditioned.

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Conditioned in all the wrong ways. Civics - gone. 1619 Project curriculum - bullshit. Math - hell they can't add. English - half can't read 3rd Grade Level and writing skills, forget about it.

Yup, a lot to be proud of in the American Educational system!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Since english is not my native language I don't believe I can demand very high standards from anyone so I don't really mind mistakes and errors if the context and the information are still there.

However, I have clicked away from a few posts that were just way too hard to understand because of the way the sentences were structured. It was like the person just used a translator without checking if the result made any sense.

I have to say though that poor formating bugs me waaay more than poor grammar.

If I see a post that is a huge block of text without structured paragraphs and spaces in between I don't even bother to start reading it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I do this too. I do not demand a high standard, as my English is also not so great, However I demand a particular level which is describe as common knowledge.

Whenever I see a post that is extremely hard to read and comprehend, I just skip it all together

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I think having a outline and maybe a few headers lets everyone understand where you are going. But I do understand because I don't like to see huge walls of text. I expect at least a picture or some line breaks.

I tend not to do it for comments though because I am lazy though.

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More likely cut someone slack who is known to speak/write in another language.

Yet that is not all the culprits. It is acceptable when it is someone where English is a second language but when it is their only language, that is a problem.

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Personally, I am tolerant of ungrammatical and misspelled text, especially if the author has ESL (English as the Second Language). However, if a particular author has made the same writing (typing) mistake three times in a row (which I just remember without actively searching for those mistakes), I kindly point it out. 🤔

Yea but we don't see many people call it out and that is the problem. They just consider it a shit post and move on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that one of the reasons why such errors are not pointed out is the risk that the author might take (and respond to) the feedback negatively. 🤔

Hello friends!

Today was an intense day and a real rush and here I am telling you about my life again :)

Thanks for the support messages guys, it helps me to strengthen myself.

Today I took my wife to her company to take the Covid-19 test because she was not doing well in the morning. The bad thing was that she had to wait a long time at the reception to get in and take the test.

The test was fortunately negative, but the nurse herself recommended that she do another test to ensure that this one from the company was giving a lot of "false negative".

So I took her to a field hospital and in addition to taking the test she received an 11-day medical certificate for not working and after 7 days we will go there to receive the result. God willing, she doesn't have this damn virus.

Between comings and goings, we got home almost late in the afternoon and the doctor practically gave us a list of medicines to buy. I had already bought some for flu yesterday, but the important thing is that she will recover soon.

For today I could only answer a few comments from friends and tomorrow I hope to return with my articles because I don't want to lose focus.

Good night guys! See you tomorrow! At least in the next few days I will have more time with the new PC hahahaha ...

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Thank goodness! What a relief that must be in troubled times like these. You and your family are in our prayers.

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Thank you friend!

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I'm glad your wife doesn't have the virus, my friend. I hope she feels better soon.

It was a very long and busy day for me too so I might just call it a night but I do hope to see more from you in the next few days then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, you can be sure that I will be here in our space ;)

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I hope your wife gets better soon and the test comes back negative.

At least in the next few days I will have more time with the new PC hahahaha

I am heavily debating about getting a new labtop. My current labtop is about 5 years old and works fine. But I wouldn't mind having some better specs. It would probably let me play games on a higher setting too.

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I know how it is, I bought my new one because my wife was going to start working at home and she didn't have to take her to the company. The amount I spent on fuel I would add a little more to pay for the pc. My old one doesn't even sound and it locks up a lot and my son uses it to do his activities when the new one is not released for use.

Support you buy a new one.

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I hope your wife gets better and that it is not a false negative.

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Ah man. It's good to know that everything is fine at your end. Please take care and don't take this lightly. "False Negatives" are common so you might as well take all the precautions for a few days just to ensure other people in your family do not get it.

Please take care buddy. See you tomorrow and congratulations for the new PC. ✌️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you friend! In the next few days we will be in isolation here at home and we will not leave. I will do my best for everyone to recover.

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I've got some friends that are making their first investments into crypto. I am trying to start them with baby steps, so things that are only available in Coinbase. Hive and other crazy alts are off the table right now. I was thinking a little BTC and then maybe some ALGO and XTZ would be good for them for the staking rewards. Any other recommendations?

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I always tell people to start with some of the basics.

BTC, ETH, and LTC are the main ones I point people to. From there, they can brank out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. I actually told her to do a test buy of some BTC the other day when the price was down around 55k

I don't use Coinbase so I don't really know what is there but I guess you can't go wrong with BTC.

I'm really happy with Rune but I don't know if that would fall on the alt side of things...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think RUNE is available on Coinbase. I could be wrong though. It feels like they are adding new stuff every day.

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I dont think it is either.

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Here is another daily @leomarkettalk room being opened up.

Yesterday we had our first trial run of two rooms spread throughout the day. We totaled over 800 comments for the day and fill ins might push the number closer to 900.

What are your thoughts so far on this approach?

It is a bit of a change and takes some getting use to. Many mentioned doing it for a few days to see how it goes.

Let us know what you think.

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I liked it too. It was almost like changing between channels to see what is new. Lets keep an eye on the numbers. If I had not had to spend most of the day on campus, I could've helped bump up our numbers.

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The numbers tell the story and I dont think they were necessarily affected (either way) by the two rooms.

I think it is easy to manage. It is a bit of an inconvenience and a slight change but easy to adapt to.

Hopefully others see that too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had no problem with it and I was in and out all day. To monitor it I just used the comments button outside of Market Talk to monitor conversations I was in.

When I wanted to check for new content I just opened the appropriate page.

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I don't know if I like changing between the two different posts.

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It seems fine to me. Certainly makes me pay attention to look for the other comments and replies. And like I said, since I am on a computer that is hard wired the load time wasn't really an issue.

I personally liked the two rooms. The switching back and forth wasnt too much of a challenge. Of course, knowing they both are there is helpful.

The load times on both was quicker. It does not seem to have negatively affected the posting of comments. We did have some grand conversations going.

So for me, I like it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I personally like it too. It is easier to navigate between comments and the loading time has reduced significantly.

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The loading time is the biggest thing. Hopefully we will keep getting enough comments to keep filling them.

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Are you stilling doing push-ups?

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Not today. I was busy plus I went to the gym. I need to lift my arms a bit to type. LOL

I did it the last couple days. I probable got 100 in each day. It is not a bad way to approach things. Gets the blood circulating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. My walking has moved more towards night and I tend do it at night so I slack off here. I might have to work a bit harder since I have to clean up the previous post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL I thought we assigned @amr008 to do that?

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I feel bad since I didn't get much time. I plan on doing a skim and replying to what I can for the numbers. I finished my meetings then went to eat so I only had like 30 minutes to comment on like 6 hours of comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like it too.

I'm glad it helped with the loading times also. Let's see what other think and maybe keep it going for a few more days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like I said yesterday, its worth trying. I didn't have much time so I plan on doing a bit of clean up duty so we may be able to get that to 900 with @amr008 working on it after.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He is good at that. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Come on @leomarkettalk! Another day for the guinea pigs to shake this space hahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's go rat pack!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had no problem at all.

I can't really say if it helped with the loading time because it was a busy day for me so I wasn't around much. I'll rely on other accounts regarding the loading time

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If felt fine because I generally come at a time when 2nd post is up. Today I am a bit early.

Let's try it for a few more days. If majority people are okay with it then let's go ahead.

But personally I still want a single chat thread for the day. It's easy to scan through it and start conversations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some more detail on the SPK Network tokenomics


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great overview.

Good thing is the people can buy miners which mimics the physical miners. This will allow anyone without any technical knowledge to get into the system. I really like this.

I cannot think of running a bitcoin miner or any other physical miner for that matter. Don't have the money or the skills to do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was going to buy one of those antminers? a few yearsago, but by the time I got my funds together, it had been made obsolete and I was priced out of the new out-of-stock model.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Virtual mining has really taken off. There are many who only buy miners on H-E. That is how they approach things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The best part is that Virtual Mining comes with 'ZERO Maintenance'

Just buy and relax.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True , I am not a big fan of buying BTC miners and stuff but I like HE miners :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Please suggest some of them. Should I buy LEOM??

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right now , I don't think it is a good investment unless you can buy 100+ .

But you can check out LENM , I like their concept . It is one of a kind

Check @liotes posts .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is very true. You dont have to worry about chip shortages or them being made passe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True that , I love miners too .

I wish I laid my hands on some LEOM in early days .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a great thing. I own some LEO miners which give me passive LEO earnings daily.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's cool. How many one should own to get a chance for decent payout? Do you have any idea?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had made a post about it couple of weeks ago .

Hm if you own 1 or 2 , you won't get any return for months .

But it doesn't matter if you own 1 or if you own 100 , the APR remains the same unless you compound it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Intersting. Can you link to me with that post??

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


But this is way too old .

If you want , I will get some data for you . Let me know what you are looking for exactly .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

PaaS , SaaS , virtual mining are the trend . As you said somewhere else , zero maintenance is what people like :)

Yeah bro. Zero maintenance and convenience too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you hold any miners here on Hive?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to have 5 LEOM in one of my accounts. Sold them after not getting any return for months. :(

But I did sell them for a decent profit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh as long as you made profits it's fine .

If you have less than 10 , then it will take 5-6 months ( according to odds ) to win a round .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What is PaaS? Not familiar with that term

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Platform-as-a-service . That means basically cloud service like AWS . you don't have to purchase GPU and stuff , you can just purchase on AWS and run your apps on that .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is something that I am having to look at a lot more. There is a lot to it. We are going to be richly enhanced by that one I believe.

There is still no forecast on time. I hope we see it something laid out soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Waiting patiently as I am doing for other projects.

LEO Market Talk waiting

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We do seem to have a lot of waiting to do. The pipeline is getting longer it seems which I guess is a good thing. At some point, some of this stuff will start rolling out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, I need to understand better how this project is going to be.

I never thought of being a video content creator, maybe now I can be but I don't know what my niche would be, because I don't know fluent English so the public wouldn't have so much ...

Maybe I could make ASMR videos hahahahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You could always make your videos in Spanish or Portuguese. Have English subtitles in the videos. I watch lots of videos in foreign languages with subtitles.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had never thought about it before @sgt-dan, thanks so much for the advice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe it's gonna be much bigger than videos!

But I'm thinking about starting making some simple videos too... maybe something in the style of what taskmaster does

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Se for mais do que vídeos então será incrível que eu imagino. Até lá vamos pensando no que fazer hahahaha...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Com certeza! Adaptando e melhorando sempre

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Since I've been hearing much less noise from free tips entering my wallet courtesy of noise cash's new policy of distributing free tips I figured I have much less to loose by posting hive memes over there.

585w41 - Copy.jpg

As you can see the new tips system is a more dumbed down version that most of their spammers users will feel comfortable with, but I don't like it one bit. I feel braindead while giving hearts left right and center. Before you could give more BCH to the stuff you like, now you can only give that freaking heart thing and it's not even guaranteed that it will give $0,01 worth of BCH. I'm sure the new system will only encourage quality posts and won't incentivized people to spam crap in order to get more hearts sarcasm intensifies

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are on the noise crap list.

Try to behave yourself and play nicely with the others there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If it was bad before, imagine it now inside that list of hahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"noise crap list" sounds like some sort of fetish cult :))))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a niche group by very loyal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't like it either. I think its just a slow transition to the system them want because they got too much backlash earlier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I saw from day one that this is a flawed project at best, so I don't care, but I just want to document things as they happen in my own way :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just want to document things as they happen in my own way :)

Put everything on hive , it will remain here permanently :p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You might as well cross-post it everywhere to get extra crypto lol. Then take those earnings to HIVE to boost the system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah totally , I have stopped using noise.cash nowadays but I am thinking of posting on Publish0x from now on .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think its a good idea. I suggest you don't copy the markdown but copy the text with images after you publish the post. The only thing I can't seem to get working correctly is things like tables so you may have to take screen shots to replace them.

Its as simple as a copy and paste. Then add title, tags, thumbnail and a link to the original post as the resource.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is what it is. At least people know who you are. You have that going for you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm having fun either way :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Loll , I used to get 0.2-0.4$ worth free tips everyday to give out and now 0.02-0.04$ . :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

they stopped tips altogether since a few hours ago

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But if you give hearts you will give tips right ?

No more 20% back and all lol ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not all hearts equal tips, it depends on their shady algorithm and how they rate you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh I see , I wouldn't get the 0.01$ then too lol .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As far as I have seen, no. But for the time being a heart can be worth as much as 0.03$, although the more users they will have the lower the chance of that happening

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Someone asked me about the word "HODL" and I can still remember that it came from an actual guy who'd been out drinking and typed it wrong.

So we can all thank a bottle of whisky for giving us this lasting name.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

GameKyuubi on Bitcoin talk forum in 2013. lol!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep. I wonder whwer he is now. Hope he ended up cashing in after all. Or, maybe he's still HODLING! ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. Then I can thank alcohol for a lot of things in my life.

Although there are fuck ups too. But most of it was enjoyable experience so far. I don't drink that much now. But when I do, it's fun 😁👻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In my family, it was tradition to give it to kids on holidays. My mom made me drink a glass of gin when I was 14. Yuck! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha wow

But I believe people were a lot more loose with alcohol around kids back then. I never drank a glass of gin at 14, but my dad would let me take little sips of his beer when I was as young as 11 or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had my first sip of alcohol when I was 23. Abused drinking for a couple of years. Realized soon that it's not great for health and certainly not great for the pocket. So now I am an occasional drinker. But I love my drinks. 😍

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LMAO. I hope it was not neat. But you handled it pretty well. I wouldn't have made it this far 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My first beer was a Schiltz Malt Liquor when I was 10. I don't drink and I wonder if it was because of the stench coming from that can. I took a sniff and it reeked. One sip and that was enough for me!

My mom would always get irritated when I would turn down drinks on holidays and forced me to drink some up until I was 16.

I had a pint of Guiness when I was in Germany and still associate beer with chilly piss. lol!

It's like soccer. I could never understand the attraction to it. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. The taste felt pathetic to me for the first time. I did it for the high and kept on it.

My mom would always get irritated when I would turn down drinks on holidays and forced me to drink some up until I was 16.

That's the thing I have noticed among drinkers, at least in India. When families don't mind kids having alcohol at such an early stage, when they grow up, they don't generally abuse the liberty.

I remember when I started drinking, I used to do it like it's my last day, every time.

It's like soccer. I could never understand the attraction to it. :)

Most people do it for the high. When people say they like the taste, I feel they are blatantly lying. It actually tastes like PISS. That's why Cocktails come as a huge savior for me. My friends used to laugh at me because of mixing sugary flavored syrups with my beer. That's how I like it.

Btw, Even I don't like soccer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You know what it might be for me? My sense of SMELL. It's very strong and I often wonder if that isn't part of why alcohol smells so acrid to me.

I can notice scents from further away than most people. I couldn't stand yogurt until I was 16 and this lady from Europe turned me on to the flavored varitities, now I love yogurt. But can't get past booze! :)

As for soccer, I don't know why it's an American thing to hate it. I tried watching a match years ago and nothing happened. I asked my foregin friends "When does something happen?" The game was "nil-nil" as it seems nobody ever scores. I actually fell asleep I was so bored. But my British friends explained to me that that low (or no) scores are a feature of how good a team is? ???

I was bored to death.

I guess I'm so used to the action and tackling of American football. If the soccer players could tackle each other, that might make it a little more exciting. But here, it's only the immigrants from Latin America that are into soccer, give me the NFL any day!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oddly enough I like the taste of Scotch and Vodka. Never liked the taste of beer although I have drank my share.

I come from a family of alcoholics hence why I was foster child. I do not know if it is a genetic thing or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love cocktails too!

Gonna mix an interesting one later tonight. I'll share some pics later

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We were allowed some Kahlua with milk on the holidays.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A coffee-based beverage? Never heard of it. Someone said that a person like me would like a "sweet" drink, due to my strong sense of smell.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, Kahlua is actually the brand, but it's pretty much a synonym for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Irish creme was good in coffee too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Was the guy drunk?

Edit: I reread and I wasn't reading properly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So we can all thank a bottle of whisky for giving us this lasting name.

It gave me a daughter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's funny, he actually said that was spelled wrong on the bottle too! lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

God love her! Could almost call her a Bitcoin Baby!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

She was long before Bitcoin. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Funny. That's how I got all three of mine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Damn lol .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Drinking can be expensive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol I don't drink :p so not much experience in that .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All hail whisky!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol very funny.. Whisky preforming wonders.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey, hey.... Good stuff that whiskey, I say!!!!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So Long Live Alcohol! haha ha...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sad to say, nothing has turned out well from me drinking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In addition to the liquor and beer companies, the legal system made out well off my drinking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Could someone tell me how we can successfully send our BCH to another place?

I'm not able to send what I have on my Bitcoin.com ... the procedure I'm trying on the mobile app. It always gives an error and does not advance my submission.

It would be a good use of the time spent (lost) in Noise.Cash and I need to exchange this BCH for other things. Can someone help me?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no freaking idea about BCH but I think @cmmemes is into it.

He might be able to help you in this regard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks friend. He really must know something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I guess you are typing in the amount in dollars rather than BCH .

Here is how I send

  1. Click on send
  2. In the select an asset - choose BCH .
  3. Enter the BCH address in the top text input or just click scan QR .
  4. Next input amount to send ( by default it is in dollars )
  5. Make sure you left some for fees . If you have 0.001 BCH and if you type 0.001 to send it will throw error .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've tried here 3 times ... it gives me an error and I'm not the problem, but the app :(

I'll wait for you to tell me where you usually send your Bitcoin.com BCHs to other places.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I have sent twice to one of my friend and also I regularly send it to a poker site by scanning the QR code .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I got it, they gave me the tip to also send in small quantities. I have just 0.10 BCH practically and that may be the problem. I wanted to get it all out soon.

I will try to send it little by little ... tomorrow I try more and take a print out if necessary for you. Thank you for your help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I just managed to send it to Binance, well ... I sent it but I didn’t check if it got there on my account.

I had to send $ 1 and it worked and the worst thing is that if I do I will lose a lot of money by paying fees ... I will try to send a little more than $ 1 until this balance disappears in my wallet lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Um ... got it, I'm going to do this but I don't think I typed in dollars.

A curiosity, which wallet did you send to? Have you tried to send to the BSC?

Thank you for the advice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I sent you the message in one other comment , let me know if it worked for you .

If it didn't work , take some screenshots and post it here , I will tell you what's going wrong .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It worked by sending $ 1, now you have to wait and see if you arrive in peace at Binance hahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh okay , glad it worked . Also many were complaining about this problem on noise.cash too .

I guess it is because of the network traffic .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just know that this is very annoying ... thanks for the help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I dont use it. Maybe someone else can explain it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, thanks Task :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is already 2 months for @liotes project .


Do you guys hold some LENM ?

I bought SPORTS and LEO delegation from them using LEN couple of weeks ago .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I hold some but it is not a lot of LENM. With all the new projects taking off, there are just too many choices.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree but I am really thinking of buying more LENM right now just for the delegations .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How much more delegations do you want for the engagement project? Or rather what is the goal for the upvote value for the account?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am thinking of reaching atleast 10 LEO per upvote to be honest when it comes to LEO , I say that because only then we will catch the attention of everyone .

That I believe will definitely increase the engagement in LEO because 5$ worth upvote is good for just engaging . Right ?

But that's far far away from where we are at .

When it comes to other tribes , I am happy with how much they are . I want to increase POB stake though since it is a good opportunity earn as much as we can right now .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea PoB is doing really well recently. So the LENM is mainly for more LEO delegation? Also is your script excluding your own paid delegation?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, 2 months already! Timne flies

Yea, I do have some

I hope there's more development soon. That project is a nice one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah they are very active , they keep posting and engaging with the community . I am happy to be a part of it .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good news for UTOPIS holders ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I saw that discord message. But is it going to be a one time thing?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah , it will be a one time pump as far as I know .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

UTOPIS is turning into a nice little find.

Would you mind pulling my numbers for that...HIVE invested and what was paid out?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey yeah sure .

You have bought a total of 433 UTOPIS till now at an average price of 2.62 HIVE which amounts to 1134.46 HIVE .

You have got a total of 179 HIVE from UTOPIS till now .

So you have got back 15.77% till now .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for that. Appreciate it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's all right :) Are you happy with the returns so far ?

I think its great .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great stuff! Really happy about that project

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Anyone have any thoughts on what is going to happen to the price of LBI after the hardcap tonight? I'm very interested in your opinions as I've been seriously accumulating it for the snapshot likewise tonight.

Basically, in addition to the snapshot reason, I've been using LBI as a sort of savings account with the intent to convert some back to HIVE this coming week to put into CubLife.

Your input will be greatly appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not sure what is going to happen right after the cap but I think in the future the price will go up

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I dont think much will happen immediately. I dont think there is enough volume. Over time, if the interest keeps growing as well as the value of the project, we should see the price on the market exceed what the value is posted each week.

But it will take a while in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks. That's what I kinda thought as well.

As long as it doesn't tank I'll be fine. I need to sell off a chunk for CubLife, but I'm planning on retaining a chunk and make future adds.

Your opinion is appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Anything could happen I guess, but I don't see it tanking anytime soon...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know but I think it depends on the actual market. The price won't go up right away but it should mean the supply on the market will dwindle over time. I think its highly likely that some people will sell out after the snapshot and there will probably also be dumps when HIVE pumps.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is no telling. Things can be strange here on HIVE. We will just have to see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahahahaha. The CFO of the largest hedge fund in the world just left to join NYDIG, a Bitcoin company.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. It sure is a weird thing to see but I don't know if I like seeing these people joining the party.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm still a noob, but there is one thing I fear most is when all these entities that step on folks for their own greed and agenda are gravitating over will decentralized really ever be decentralized? It looks like the 3SPEAK move may be our hope?

Yea, we need decentralization now more than ever.

I think Speak has a lot of potential and I'm really looking forward to see how it unfolds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m just glad to be on this wave, since I’ve missed the others @tfranzini

I don't know but having a hands off system is for the best. This way nobody really messes with how it works internally. Of course there could be flaws in security and etc that may need to be patched.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nothing is perfect for sure, but is comforting to know that we will be closer to it than not

SPEAK holds great potential as do a lot of other projects.

Hive is going to keep making waves, you can count on that. It will keep developing under the radar to most before it explodes onto the scene.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Looking forward to that evolving.

Yeah, me too. After all, they are in it for the monies, but who isn't?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Technically I am in it for the monies since I want financial freedom and I think it would be tough to find many people otherwise. I guess the other reason why is decentralization.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same here J. Decentralization & the freedom which comes with Crypto. It's unbeatable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

More Wall Street types might not be the best ting in the world. Although a CFO is just the bean counter so he doesnt matter much.

But I am with you. The longer we keep them away, the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Please note guys! This is important for all the LBI HODLers and CUBLIFE Enthusiasts.

LBI Snapshot for CUBLIFE airdrop
And LBI hardcap happening today.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome, I just sent over some more Leo for a few more LBI before the hardcap

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome!!! Great job done bro. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I did the same thing. Hope I got it in on time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we still have a few hours so you should be good

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another step forward as they say. The end of the direct selling. One milestone complete.

Soon LBI will only be available on the open market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, a great stepping stone to glory. 😁

When are we going to have the next round of voting for starting out "Dividends" ??

I will vote to push it forwards and create a bigger base. I am happy to get Cublife Dividends for now 😎

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You got the juice to do it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmm nice

Now add some bourbon and syrup and you have a nice whisky sour

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Man, post some more of such recipes for all of us to try. Pleeaseeee! :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He was in jail but got released.

Poor OJ.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure. It is a three month thing I believe. So we should be coming up for vote in a month or maybe two.

I will have to ask when that comes up again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay. Thanks for the clarification T. It comes when it comes. No issues.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I grab some CUB life tokens and I left LBI alone for the most part. I wasn't expecting anything crazy and I just don't have enough LEO for everything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am also getting confused. I had a different set of tokens to acquire a month ago. Now the list changed.

Sometimes it's difficult to focus on jist one or two opportunities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cub was my introduction do DeFi and I'm very happy with it.

Hard to believe the prices are so low as of now but it's a great opportunity to accumulate more.

I'm really looking forward to all the development that is to come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With the low prices I'm grabbing the opportunity to accumulate.

With the development comes value, and with value comes higher prices - hopefully.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is how enormous wealth is made. If there is a 20x-30x in the price of the token, those who are accumulating will be very happy. Time is what transforms a decent holding into life changing money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm in it for the long haul. I might be old, but I'm not that old - yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cant speak for you but I am getting older by the day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all are my friend. But think about it, it sure beats the alternative....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. It's already really helping me and when it gets to that point it will really change my life and I'm sure the same is true for many others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is how a lot of people got involved. It was a great onramp for many on Hive. It took some pushing but they became a lot smarter and skilled because of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Niceee. Cub Finance is a great platform indeed. And in future as they move on with the developments more people will join in. The team is doing solid stuff taking their own time to create amazing features for us. I am excited.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes sir. The future is very bright for Cub Finance.

The Kingdoms are a great addition, but, I believe the Leo Bridge will be a game changer in terms of value.

I've been accumulating CUB since I joined and have already amassed a tidy sum. And I don't anticipate stopping accumulating any time soon, especially at the recent low price.

Good Luck to all of us as Cub Finance moves on into the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. Leo Bridge is the thing that connects us to the other ecosystems. It's a valuable addition.

I am also trying my best to accumulate as many CUBs before it moons. In any case, APRs are great and at this price it's totally worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting that you think LeoBridge will be a game changer, bigger than Kingdoms.

Why are you so optimistic about LeoBridge?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh no, I believe both are huge. I think however the more immediate impact will be felt with the Bridge due to its cross-chain functionality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a good point. I think it's gonna be great too but I'm really excited about the kingdoms. A project that I can trust with my BTC

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah okay.

I am not sure how things will go with Bridge. We need to see it fully rolled out to know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And I can't wait. (Maybe I'll get rid of those last few ETH assets after all).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you copied the link wrong. I don't why there is an extra h there.


Also his source is a leo post


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Damn, damn, damn....

I'll get it sooner or later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. I tend to see a bunch of people put down their HIVE posts in the resources section. I have changed my approach to do the same.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well anyway now I know to leave out the www and be sure to add the .io.

Maybe, just maybe, I finally got it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The easiest way to do things is to go to the page. Then go to the url link in your browser then copy and paste. It does everything for you.

For PoB posts into LEO posts, just change proofofbrain into leofinance and you are good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nope - that is what I was doing. Yes I deleted the io after PoB and I shouldn't have done that. But the www needs to be removed as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is good that it is reaching outside of Leofinance and Hive.

We need to keep stressing the fact that Leofinance is more than two years old. This is a big feather in its cap.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wrote an article on Publish0x on Leo Finance/Cub Finance and it was well received. Just shy of 1,700 views and a bunch of likes. If they commented I responded inviting them to join us here.

More people should start "spreading the news" (Sinatra mode) outside Hive to attempt to draw some new blood in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true... I know some people are using Twitter but I don't really like that platform so I don't know a lot of ways to help with that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you think those are legitimate views on there or can they be gamed?

Asking because I know a lot of view counts are rigged to look good and give people a belief in the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think they are legitimate. A few Leo people chimed in and said it was a good article. Plus I've written quite a bit there and my view counts are across the spectrum.

Either way, writing an article about Leo/Cub is easy if the writer really believes in the platforms. Whether or not the counts are legit shouldn't matter - at least the information is made available for those who wish to avail themselves to it.

I rarely use twitter so I can't help there. But I will repost that article on Medium later tonight. Beyond that, until I come up with a new angle my rah-rah Leo/Cub writing is on hold.

I'm already brain-storming new ideas. I have 260 followers on Publish0x and if I could hook 5% of them on Leo it would be a personal accomplishment (and pleasure).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice to know that Ethereum is back to its abnormal state of normal. Just tried to buy $35 LINK as half of a liquidity pair. Gas Fee = $144.00

Are they nuts?????

I promptly cancelled the transaction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol. ETH must be getting fairly crazy again. This is why I avoid it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I haven't done anything new with ETH because its too damn expensive. Now I'm just playing around with the stuff I accumulated when I first started years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't imagine someone approving the transaction without looking at the Gas fees. 😯

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll bet you dollars to donuts it happens all the time. Hell, I even check the Metamask BSC gas fees...once and a while they they to charge ETH gas fees for BSC transactions. Happens to me a couple times a week. Thank the Lord I check....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for letting me know. I would check a thousand times now. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had one time where it changed my transaction fee to 5 BNB. I didnt have nearly that much in there so the transaction was blocked. But since then, I check each time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I've heard complaints about that but that one never happened to me. I'm presently going back and forth with Metamask Support over six small deposits of bFARM rewards that went missing. Last contact from them a few minutes ago shuffled the problem off to Binance.

It's less than $5 so I think rather than increasing my already high blood pressure due to the aggravation, I'll just give up and take the loss.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have zero ETH on my MetaMask so would they still charge you ETH?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, well they try to. It comes up and tells you you have an insufficient amount (which I did until I moved my ETH assets there) and tells you how much you need to complete the transaction. If you have none no worries. The display looks different so if you get it you'll know. If you get it just reject it until you get the right display with the right gas fees.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is how people pay $140K for a transaction and things like that which you see occasionally. Not paying attention.

It is vital to look at each transaction, even on CubFinance and harvesting. Do not simply hit the button three times without looking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I did not know this earlier. Although I do not have too many funds in my Metamask but still. Don't want to pay a stupid amount for minor transactions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just mentioned how it is best to just keep enough gas to transaction as you need to. Having large sums in there do not make sense, at least not of the native token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People do the dumbest things so I am not surprised. I always check it though because I don't want to be cheated out of money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I myself do it sometimes. 😂😂😂 Who am I to pin point fingers on others.

But now I will make sure to check it every timeeee.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is crazy. Apart from owning some ETH, I don't do anything with it.

I think it's the right decision.

I promptly canceled the transaction.

Smart move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just let it keep running up in price. That is the only way to be able to afford the fees. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, Ethereum can be crazy like that sometimes. I gave up minting a NFT on that chain because of those crazy fees.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I cancel more transactions than I make!!! And I really don't try too often. Only have a couple hundred in ETH assets, but it burns my ass I'm cost prohibited putting those asset to work for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The fees have to be killing the NFT market for it. I cannot imagine anyone building anything to do with NFTs on that chain. It all has to be locked up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I saw Gods Unchained and how a $1 NFT would be $51 due to fees and gave up on NFTs there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I promptly cancelled the transaction.

I would say smart move but some things in life are just no brainers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That it was without a second thought.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A little more than an hour until LBI snapshot time boys and girls!

Grab them quick for the count!

Just a reminder all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I got a little over a 100 and I think we are suppose to get a 2-3% airdrop value. So I guess its about 2 CubLife tokens for me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

After today's purchase I will be close to about 90 LBI. That is okay for me right now. Already put in an order for CubLife tokens so I will have a few.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure how he came up with that 2% number. I guess he is right since he plays with all that stuff but it sounds high to me.

But whatever, it is a drop, I will take it and then enjoy whatever rolls in. It is only adding to the pile.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didnt pay attention...what time is the snapshot at?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

21h UTC

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I got more earlier today, but they have not been applied yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto is growing like crazy in India!!!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is great to see. The more involved, the greater the chance for humanity. Even with the government going back and forth with crypto, growth is still impressive. Keep it up.

Hopefully some more Indians are brought to Hive and Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is one of my major goals T. I want to bring as many Indians as I can on Hive and definitely on Leo Finance.

We can greatly benefit from this platform and add so much value. In fact, I feel Hive is a perfect place for people from developing countries & marginalized communities.

There are so many opportunities and they are the same for everyone. It doesn't matter where you are coming from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said.

I think here in Brazil we could also benefit a lot from crypto and Hive/Leo is a great place to do so.

I must admit that I haven't been very successful in bringing more Brazilians to Hive but I'll keep trying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I must admit that I haven't been very successful

It's tough bro. I can totally understand. But I will also keep trying. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let us know what we can do to help. I know it is a one person at a time thing but we can all try to assist each other in this endeavor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure T. I will be running after you guys for anything that is required to make this activity a success!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Has there been any update on the the crypto situation with the politicians? They were rumors of ban or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rumors are still there. With the current situation, it's pretty hard to say what's going to happen but amidst the ban scare, we Indians are stacking those coins. Lol.

I am going to change my country if I have too but you cannot take the crypto fever out of me. 😂😂

This is what happened recently: https://inc42.com/buzz/npci-leaves-it-up-to-banks-to-decide-on-blocking-crypto-trades/

Apart from this, we are unsure of everything. Bill is going to be put in the next parliament session. But what's going to be in it, nobody knows. I have stopped caring about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well lets just hope for the best. I guess people have become numb to it and I wonder what the banks decide to do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many private banks are cutting ties with exchanges and closing their business accounts under the Reserve Bank of India's watch. But we still see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Well lets just hope for the best.

Amen to that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Greta stuff man. Definitely a step forward for India and crypto.

I hope Brazil follows the same path

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And every other country in this world. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Check this out guys: https://leofinance.io/@lordneroo/can-t-win-the-lottery-unless-you-play

Can't go wrong by following such investment advice. Play small to win big.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea it might be fine to just gambling. If you are willing to lose the $100 then there is no reason not to. The only problem I see are transaction fees so you might just want to do it on places like BSC and not ETH.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yeah, we need to consider that. BSC is a place where many new projects and tokens are coming up. We have so many options outside ETH so it's cool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, I tend to think the same way...

I focus on a selected few projects that I believe and try to avoid the FOMO. I've made 10x on one project already and although it didn't make me a millionaire because my stake was low, it was a great feeling.

Playing the long game here so not really in a hurry

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes buddy. Invest decent amounts in the projects you actually believe in for the long term and play some gambles along the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I know we are leery of some entities encroaching the spaces we hold dear and near to our hearts, but what about someone like Gary V. who is all in on NFT, MetaMask, etc. He is on Discord and his follower's reactions light up like a Christmas Tree in the comments section. How does that bode for the HIVE space or is it irrelevant?

I don't particularly care but I think it would help HIVE if the communication happened on HIVE. But he is allowed to do whatever he wants to do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is still a semi-free country....and getting less so everyday.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True, it could only help but yes keeping our attention on what matters is where it’s at #hive

Ain't no telling. But everyone is welcome to HIVE. Whether the person is exclusive to HIVE means little. Just another social media outlet for the person's content.

STEEM/HIVE at one time was very tribal. If anyone pursued anything outside of STEEM/HIVE it was frowned upon as if it was high treason. That mindset has slowly been changing over the years in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess it's true @sgt-dan - growth comes from all walks of life coming together to build something wonderful

It doesnt matter in the least. We have seen celebrities floating around for a long time. People like Mark Cuban are all over Ethereum and NFTs. So be it.

Hive is under the radar right now but developing a lot of cool stuff. We cannot help but to rise to the top with some of the things coming out.

With the #spknetwork on tap, that is really going to alter things in a big way. Hive is going to be one of the first blockchains to explode based upon the development that is taking place and the problems it solves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At least I won’t feel like I came in way too late. Thanks for the response.

Do you think it's the right approach to bring in various influencers?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know but I would rather have these things happen and see if he will stay. If he does, we can slowly show that people can earn. But who knows if he will stay in the system long enough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the thing.. Most people leave.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess having good Dapps is the only thing we can do to keep people in the system. Cub Finance is nice but it doesn't exactly require people to have a HIVE account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have see this story before.

Most influencers come to Hive and do very little, at least for the chain. We will see what it really does. People seemed enamored with the following people have on YouTube. If there are a number who start to post good stuff, then it is a positive.

We shall see. Sorry but the been there done that comes to mind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree with you. I obviously hope that we will benefit greatly by this, but I'm not sure..

Most people seem to leave.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even if the influencer stays, now many people are brought here?

Look at cryptowendy. Still posting here which is great but did she bring in any real users? I am not so sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. Their following base is their main asset and it would be great if they can bring at least part of that base here. I don't know how likely that is to happen though.

If they only use it as another place to post their content, it's not really something to write home about. Not bad, of course, but also not amazing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It can help I guess but I haven't been around for long so I don't know how those things usually go.

If it helps bring his follower base over then that's a plus, but what are the odds of that actually happening?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Slim to none, and slim's on life support.

An influencer talks a good game, but when it comes to results, not so much. You have to remember, feeding their own following is of paramount importance to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup that's true.

Let's see how that goes with us

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right or wrong. This is a result. Now it's upto us to make such influencers stay. Unless they really want to leave the platform on their own.

He is planning to make videos on Hive which is so cool. We need such talent who can get the word out using their creative skills.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If he does make videos about Hive that could help to bring some people over. Let's wait and see how that goes

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He just made this post: https://leofinance.io/@whiteboardcrypto/tutorial-how-to-buy-leo-pics-included-usa-too

For the newbies!! I saw him active on Leo Finance discord, asking lots of questions.

Let's hope for the best.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Shoot. It can not really hurt. I gave a follow. If the fellow shills HIVE to his followers great. If he does not? No loss. I see from the comments the new person is asking lots of questions in the DISCORD server for LEO Finance. That may be a plus.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea, I think the same way... If he brings like 5 people that's more than I did so who am I to complain LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Man just check this out and it's just the first part. This goes to say one more thing, HIVE is a FREAKING complex system to understand! Btw, this is a crazy amount of work. It's not just the text but there are so many doodles in between. Must have taken days to complete this. And it's just the PART 1, lol.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the kind words and linking to my guide, @finguru !

I'm a beginner here (22 days on Hive, even less owning crypto), and the guide was made because my beginner friend had hundreds of questions about Hive that I couldn't answer... so I 'DYOR' and this guide was the result.

That said I totally understand @jfang003 's point, and long-form content certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Regardless, I'm still proud of the work I put in, and that many commenters and beginners have found it valuable already.

Perhaps I'll make a short version some day :)

You nailed it, buddy. No wonder you are on the trending page. We deserved. For a place like Hive which struggles a lot to help out its newbies, you have done a marvelous job. Especially with the doodles!

I think you have a website too. Can you mention its link there? I will bookmark it for future references.
Mentoring Newbies on Hive is a full-time job. And your guide will help them to learn about the ecosystem in a fun manner.

Perhaps I'll make a short version some day :)

That would be really cool. But I think with a complex ecosystem like "Hive" it's just impossible. Even your 2 part guide doesn't cover all the things but it's perfect for someone who is starting out with a clean slate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Aw, feelin' the love. It's nice when people appreciate. :)

As a beginner, I felt the same way... 'struggling' to learn, it seems like the doodles are helping.

I do have a website, it's https://jryze.me , and there's lots of other interesting non-hive content there too, I'm grateful for the invitation to share it and I hope you enjoy.

Haha, yes, very good point sir. Simplifying a complex eco-system into short content does seem challenging. And I had to skip some things in the guide already so as not to overwhelm. 😀🙏

TLDR. I glanced at the word count and the length and was like I don't want to read it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a newbie guide so you do not need to.

But it's great to send these two parts to your friends who just joined. Otherwise, they will eat all of your time asking questions. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess I could toss it at people but I think most people prefer a guide that they can read in about 5 minutes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right. But the sad reality of this space is that you cannot understand the whole of it in just a few minutes. The learning curve is huge.

I have made it, you have made it and we all are still learning. It doesn't seem to end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true... there is a lot to learn and I appreciate the effort that people put into trying to make it easier on others

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am hoping it does come true in the future. A 5 minute guide plus a link to a FAQ would do wonders to helping people learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wish the same. Hive definitely needs something like that !!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL Save time. You already know how Hive works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You do that too? I had to laugh cause I do the same and will usually read it if I'm really interested in the subject or if it's from an author I know.

This is after I began to notice less engagement and support formy usually monthly epic posts, so I cut back.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't think people really want to read something over 30 minutes long. I think I prefer posts within 5-10 minutes max.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really enjoyed that post. He did a very good job explaining things in an easy way to understand. His analogies worked well and the doodles added to me remaining interested.

One of, if not the best, tutorials I have seen on HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the guy has hit on all the right points. I am sure many of the people who joined the platform recently could relate to the scenarios he has mentioned. It was a funny comic about the hive. Loved it.

We need more of such creative ways to educate people about this ecosystem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I skipped it but now you made me want to read it LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

COM token updates. I think its fairly nice as some extra drips per day.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here we go.

Lets go for 1000K comments today between the two rooms. For you non-math people, that is 500 per room.

Remember, we can treat this as a Reddit-like area where we can post links to articles and videos to start conversations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll be commenting in this room today because I have to travel later :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You traveling has caused low numbers.

Did you take everyone else with you? Rent a bus or something?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL :))) Maybe when I come back all the people will return as well :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We can only hope.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How many top level comments will that require?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we need to shoot for 100. One thing I did notice, although I didnt get us there, is we had 92 top line comments yesterday. The two rooms means we added more of them.

I will be interested to see, it seems like there werent the people around yesterday like usual. That will impact top line comment effectiveness if only 2 or 3 are responding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had a couple that I was going to add, but they just weren't compelling enough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sometimes the uncompelling gets the most engagement.

Hard to tell.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think when in doubt so it anyway! You never know!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I tend to try to comment to every top-level comment and I get less interested as the chain goes on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find it gets interesting to do 5, 7, or 10 on a top line comment when it is just 2 or 3 people going back and forth because they it is a conversation. When it is a lot of people in there, it is great for commenting but it becomes like a rolling chat room of a lot of side tracking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea and the way the multiple levels are displayed doesn't help too. It starts to get difficult to follow after a while

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is but not much we can do about it. We have to deal with what is available to us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting, I actually prefer when it gets to deeper levels

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the collapsing levels just doesn't scale well UI-wise. I just don't seem to like reading text from that point of view.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. The UX starts to get terrible after a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe some went missing indeed. I wasn't around as much because I had to do some paperwork for the freaking government.

God I hate that... huge waste of my time and money

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was always kicked out of Sub Reddits because of their rules which I never understood. Maybe it's my problem and not theirs but still..

Moreover there are no incentives.

LMT is a very cool alternative. :')

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LMT is a very cool alternative. :')

It is if we can get this idea to take hold. It is something that many will find helpful. Perhaps we can keep growing the idea.

To get to that point, we need to get hundreds of top line comments going a day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To get to that point, we need to get hundreds of top line comments going a day.

I agree, sometimes I miss posting top-line comments and focus on replying to others. But if all of us can contribute to a few, then it will kick start many conversations side by side.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just think.

If the average top line comment added 5 more other comments, then we will see a 25 increase with just 5 top line comments.

I am not sure we are on a 5 for 1, I think it is actually higher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, for most top-line comments we are getting more than 5 replies. Sometimes I find hi hard to follow these conversations when they are going deep.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes then there are some without that so we have to average it together. It is hard to follow some of the conversations but it is cool when they do happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ladies and Gentlemen:

My goal for today was 20 comments. I'm pretty sure I've more than doubled that.

With that being said, it's time for me to sit back, eat some pizza (extra cheese and sausage), pop a cold beer, and watch the Yankee game.

Depending on where you live, have a pleasant day/evening/night. I will be back either later tonight or tomorrow morning to enjoy the company of all.

10-7 for now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you think there will be a Bitcoin standard? I just don't as it is too deflationary.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is also no elasticity which is required for monetary policy. People who buy into the idea of Bitcoin backed currency are looking to slow human progress to a snail's pace. They are as misguided as the gold back people are.

Sadly, these people have little clue about history.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I don't think it would work out either. You can't have a functioning economy if people aren't willing to spend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nope and Bitcoin is not going to be spend. Of course, the case Saylor is laying out is that governments buy up Bitcoin then use that to back the currency. This is akin to what the gold standard people want.

It would stifle innovation.

Do people not realize that the world experienced the great technological boom in its history, by an order of magnitude, over the last 50 years? Of course, that just about coincides with the move by Nixon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do people not realize that the world experienced the great technological boom in its history, by an order of magnitude, over the last 50 years?

I don't think so but I wonder if Peter Schiff will move towards this mind set once gold can be created synthetically.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or if he will think that when underwater drones turn into mining rigs and can increase the gold supply very quickly.

There is a ton of gold on the ocean floor, it is just a matter of getting to it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What is next after the ocean floor? The volcanos?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And also in the ocean water itself... it's not easy to extract it nowadays but one day we'll be able to do that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do not have enough knowledge of the nuances of economics to weigh in on this question.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's it, guys!!! I am leaving the room to get some sleep. Will reply to the 'replies' in the morning. As always, I had so much fun today talking to all of you. See you once again, tomorrow. ;)

Have a great weekend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rest up. We will try to add a lot to the new post for you in the morning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good night brother

I'm not gonna be very active during the weekend, but I hope to catch you soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool. No problem bro. See you soon!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you want to get some indepth conversation about the topic of aging and if it can be reversed, here is a good debate.

This is a field that is up in the air but does, according to many, hold great potential.

A podcast so can listen to it while commenting which is a bonus.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Get a vampire to bite you. Problem solved!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is one approach and as valid as the theories of today.

The challenge with this one is finding a damn vampire. I guess that is a night job, I dont know.

Some are trying injecting younger blood into themselves. William Shatner did that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know but the question is whether or not diseases can be completely solved. They bring that up quite well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some like de Grey are approaching aging like a disease. It is a completely different mindset. We will see where this goes. It should be a fun field to watch over the next 15 years. The attraction is obviously if they can pull it off, people might live a lot longer.

If not, well we will be dead like we would have been, so nothing lost.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Kind of goes to the Crisper thing. Gene modification and all that. Discover the gene that causes aging, modify it then another problem pops up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I realize this response is quite late. Living longer to a physical age would be acceptable to me for so long as there is a stop to age progression mental decline associated with it.

Why would I want to live to say 150 years old with the last 70 years or so having the mind of a 3 year old (or worse)?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They say the air was different long ago and I know they had teams out trying to sample the air in sealed tombs. Don't know hoe successful they've been.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did they manage to get any good data out of it? I don't know how they could guarantee the air is the same after they put the items inside either. Once they poke a hole, it starts mixing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I thought too, but I've been running into these articles over the years after reading about how long the ancient peole of the Bible lived.


The claim is that the good book describes a canopy being over the earth in the days before the flood. Apparantly, it was a thick layer of ice which helped protect Noah and those before him, resulting in a slightly different mixture in the air. This protective covering around the Earth was reportedly destroyed, around the time of the flood. They say, this is why people lived so long back then and even African tribes hand down stories from long ago of their being two "Suns" in the sky for awhile.

After the flood, the biblical lifespans started dropping, assuming that canopy was gone?

It seems that water can be used as a shield against radiation, from NASA:

On the Moon, radiation shields would need to be very thick to prevent the primary cosmic rays (high-energy protons and heavy ions) from penetrating into habitation modules where astronauts will live. Such shielding could include the metal shell of a spacecraft or habitation module,
an insulating layer of lunar water, or both

The above is from page 9 of the PDF:

And more here:

Water has long been suggested as a shielding material for interplanetary space missions. “Water is better than metals for protection,” says Marco Durante of the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. That’s because nuclei are the things that block cosmic rays, and water molecules, made of three small atoms, contain more nuclei per volume than a metal.

However, this study shoots all of the talk of a canopy down and makes some really good points:

If you keep your eyes peeled, you'll run into these articles once in a while. Seems life-extenstion types want to discover (and replicate) the conditions that allowed these guys to live to between 600 and 900+ years of age. Somebody wants to know the answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting stuff.

I don't believe anyone ever lived up to 600 but it could provide good results anyway.

And anything that can help with space exploration is golden in my book

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems life-extenstion types want to discover (and replicate) the conditions that allowed these guys to live to between 600 and 900+ years of age

It is some interesting stuff but I don't know if I want Bill Gates to be alive for 600-900 years. wrecking havoc.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He might just be a head in a jar at that point. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lots of theories about everything out there. Sure is interesting what people come up with. Even a lot of the outlandish stuff is pretty cool these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's interesting. Didn't hear about that before.

I wonder what line of research they were pursuing there. Must be interesting

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The aging research. de Grey is one of the central players in it, has been for decades. He works on the real fundamental stuff since he is private financed and donations so no need for a commercial product.

Like many in the field that is how they frame it. Thus they are not looking to cure specific diseased but rather what makes them susceptible to that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of factors cause disease. In a way we find ourselves fighting nature itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know about the reversal of aging. I do know that geriatrics will be the no. 1 industry in the future.

Except, maybe the situation in the last year serves to diminish the basis of this industry. Yes, I know. Some grave implications ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Aging populations are starting to show up all over the world so yeah it will be a heavily populated field if something is not done. People are living long but is it any better quality of life? How many are being stuck in nursing homes to live out their days?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Too many, of course. It's an industry already with nursing homes and guarded apartments as are they called here.

Unfortunately, it's all following the grand scheme of the last few decades - breaking up communities, families, individualization.

Instead of being taken care of by a whole family, you are let alone in a seemingly luxurious place yet without love and warmth, and social support.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. There is big money in taking care of the elderly.

Of course, part of it is that here, in the US, the Baby Boomers kicked off that craze because they didnt want to be saddled with the responsibility of their parents. So they pawned them off to a facility.

The most selfish generation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The most selfish generation.

It's all part of the grand scheme - divide and conquer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is little doubt automation is becoming more of a piece of the picture. We see here a Press Release about companies that are dedicated to automating the last mile of deliveries in the UK.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes but I think I heard a few people mention that technology should produce more jobs. I don't think so because eventually automation will get everywhere and AI will be used to adapt to situations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In the past that was true. And maybe long term it will.

However, in the next 10-15 years, I think we will see the reverse. In fact, I could make the case we already are although people do not realize it. They do not understand that losing their retail job was due to tech. Or the mall closing. Or a host of other things that if we follow the path, we see leads to some disruptive technology.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder if the programmers will get automated out of the system eventually.

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Self programming AI is already floating about a bit. I would say that it will advance to the point where we can just have an idea and get it coded.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe I saw some experiments in that field already. AI generating a base code and human programmers just trimming and adding some final touches. I'll have to see if I can find it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is happening. I am sure it is taking place in alot more areas than we are told about.

Like anything. the capabilities just keep growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe the net effect will be positive in the long-term. But a lot of people will lose their jobs in the short term and a good bit of the unskilled force will have trouble finding new jobs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Long term technology tends to improve things.

Very few would say the world was better 50 years ago. We came a long way since then.

Now we are about to accelerate the rate of change far beyond what we had before. This is going to radically alter the make up of society. What is affected remains to be seen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Reasons why AI is harder than we think.

The first one is something that I thought for a while. ANI increasing is not leading to AGI. We need a paradigm shift for that. What will it be? If I had that answer I could sell it for many Bitcoin.

Since I dont, I will simply link the article.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't have a better answer either. AI requires us to have a good training model and good logic to go behind it as well. So it fails when things don't go the way we expect.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very interesting discussion.

I agree with the article on most things but especially this: once again, a big part of the problem relies on the fact that we don't really know what intelligence is and it makes it hard to move forward without getting that out of the way first. I don't know if that alone is the key that will break us through, but I'd be willing to bet that it has a big role in it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honestly I think there are a lot of dumb people. They just spout what they hear on TV or news without researching anything. So I guess we might not know what is different between a normal guy on the web versus a dumbed down AI.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true, but then again even dumb people have some complex behaviors that we cannot yet replicate even with the most advanced AI and that's one of the problems with the current paradigm.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All dumb people. Even the dumbest person is smarter than the most intelligent AI today.

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That is very true. We do not have a clear cut definition of it.

We have a lot of people working on an answer in many different fields yet it seems like we are going to have to keep digging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let's have a bit of a guessing game.

We all know lawyers are on the hit list, eventually, for AI. Will they be completely eliminated?

That is the question.

So do you think AI will completely eliminate the need for lawyers, if so, when, and why?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking to myself that humans would still have an edge in detecting the inflection in peoples voices. But hey, put a good mic in them and and an intelligent robot might even surpass us at that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am in the camp that what humans can do better than machines/computers gets smaller by the day.

We are at the peak, right now of what we can do better than computers. Tomorrow, there will be a little less. They are rapidly improving their skills; us not as much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think AI along with other things will get rid of lawyers. After all, if code is law, why do we need lawyers? Obviously there is a lot more out there than smart contracts so this will take a while.

I think lawyers will be pretty much gone by 2040.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think there was a electronic block chain for smaller court related stuff. Supposedly you get an anonymous internet jury.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I remember that. I guess it is still being developed. Obviously there will be a lot still that needs to be done. But with each area, it eats a way a bit into what these people do.

Enough paper cuts can be fatal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do not think they will completely be eliminated. Why? Because people will never fully relegate control over to AIs. I think most of them will probably be replaced though. And to be frank there are too many lawyers who are not good at their job. I learned a lot and you would want a body language expert to help you pick your jury. If you don't, your doing a disservice to your client.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true, there are a lot who are awful at what they do. Of course, in the US there are a ton of them so not all can be good.

As for trusting AI, that is now. I wonder if this will change in the future. I guess it depends upon how things progress in that field. If we come up with some dependable stuff, I think people will rely upon it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think AI will replace the bad lawyers. Because they will still rely on good lawyers since they can bring out points that the AIs have a hard time adapting to. After all, it all depends on people's understanding of the issue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

After all, it all depends on people's understanding of the issue.

True but isnt that the case since that is all we had to depend upon. We never really had anything else to depend upon. Thus could AI or synthetic viewpoints/understanding end up even exceeding our capacity of understanding?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As for trusting AI, that is now. I wonder if this will change in the future

I think some people overestimate how much we can really trust humans vs AI. If you get technical, trust has a lot to do with predictability and AI is a lot more predictable than any human being will ever be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look how we trust our bank accounts and all other things we get. Most of the bills we pay are based upon computer calculations. Does anyone think our electric bill is manually computed?

We are just going to keep edging forward in this area without realizing how much we truly trust it. It will just keep growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think they could be replaced one day but for that to happen, I think the whole legal system would have to be changed first. I think a complete substitution will take a few decades still but there will be a transition period where lawyers will be relieved of a lot of their attributions.

As an example, this morning I had to get out of my house to get a "verified copy" (I don't know the proper English translation) of some of my documents so I could give them to a lawyer that's taking care of some stuff for me. And it cost me some ridiculous amount of money considering it's a sheet of paper with a stamp on it.

If we had a blockchain with a decent AI for that, I wouldn't even have to leave my bed this morning.

That kind of thing would be replaced in a blink of an eye.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes we would see a lot of things changed about the legal system but technology is starting to change our system, something I question as to whether the law is catching up with or not.

In fact I think it is falling further behind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's definitely way behind.

This data thing is a small portion of what technology is bringing and it already meant a lot of trouble law wise. The gap is enormous

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I imagine AI would speed things up but I wouldn't feel comfortable being represented by a machine, what if the machine all of a sudden goes: "fudge it, he's guilty AF" :)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With you, it is likely you are so justice would be served. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good thing you are not my lawyer lol :)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not an AI either. So you are safe on both counts.

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I wouldn't bet on it :D

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I don't know whether or not I should be happy or sad? They raised money and got rid of debt so they gave it a price upgrade.


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Like many things it is the attention that provides the most value.

I am not sure they had a lot to do with it but who knows. It is like with Bitcoin, anything that brings it attention is a good thing.

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Personally I heard all the bad horror stories of GME CEOs so I don't know whether or not I want them to have some extra funds. I feel like they will fill their own coffers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah well they are bringing some attention so that is what helps. They will likely fill their coffers. That would not surprise me. They arent exactly build upon nobility. They are, after all, just a group that was looking to profit off markets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. I heard it was a pretty shitty place to work and that the chain of command could care less about people who worked there

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is another discussion topic I am interested in pursuing if anyone has a lot of knowledge.

I am not a UFO researcher so I have little knowledge about what is posted out there. I do see the videos though about people like Greer (I believe that is his name) who swear that we have encountered aliens (or at least their ships) and the government has this info.

We also see many people, like pilots, who claimed to have come in contact with flying devices that defy the laws of physics as we know them.

So what are your thoughts? Anyone here look into the UFO situation over time? Is there any validity to the claims?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it may be possible but I don't think they really have much influence or intelligent enough to affect us. Overtime, we will figure out whether or not they exist as we branch out further into space.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to be a full-on skeptic, until Joe Rogan had on a guest who said it would be in our interest for the government to debunk sightings for as long as possible.

Reason being, we wouldn't want to reveal what tech we got from crashed objets (Now known as UAP's) so as to not let Russia and China know what we have. The thought being, that if we were behind them in alien tech, it might spur them to take a shot at us us.

I'd always wanted any real info to be released immediatly, but now I'm not so sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's interesting. Do you remember the name of the guy? Joe Rogan has a few good guests every now and then.

Personally, I tend to disregard arguments involving Russia and China because that's sooo much paranoia going on most of the times. But who knows, maybe this time he has a point. I think it would be interesting to hear what he has to say.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Joe interviewed former CIA agent Mike Baker on JRE #1617

Joe Asks Former CIA Agent Mike Baker About UFO's


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome! Thanks dude, I'll check it out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find it a very interesting debate but I don't look too deep into it because I'm a bit skeptical. I do believe in ETs and stuff but I still haven't found anything that led me to believe in those claims.

I remain open to that though. I find it an interesting topic

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is a video about busting UFO claims, it's the first in a three part series:

Some people have unexplained incidents and go: GOD! other are like: UFOs!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Beyond Meat took a first quarter loss. The company blamed it on the pandemic.

We will see if this is a trend going forward. Perhaps the buying public isnt all that high on plant based burgers. Personally I do eat these ones and they arent bad. They do not taste like a real burger but that is okay. At this point, there is no way they are a replacement for the majority of people.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Speaking of meat, I'm super sure you will find this video interesting

It goes in depth into the economics and environmental impact of meat

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah well there is an agenda out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry sir, I must respectfully disagree.

I tried the plant based burgers and I think they taste like s--t.

Give me a flame broiled beef burger any day.

Damn, now I'm hungry and it's bedtime.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It reminds me of the burger I got for lunch and I am hungry now also. Its almost bedtime for me too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

:)))) lol

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I tried them and they are not bad at all, but really not a replacement for me.

I think the pandemic might have slowed things down but I don't know if it's the only factor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know but I heard on a video I watched today that the FDA in the US was banning the sale of beef. But I didn't even realize they were restricting those smaller farmers from selling meat.

So because of that, I was expecting the demand to go up for plant-based stuff. But I don't know when that ban was lifted because they only said recently.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder if Bill Gates hand is in on that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Could be possible. I would like to know if there was a ban on selling beef because it would make prices more expensive for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I kind of disagree. I think it is because they have upcoming competition and the market share of the market just isn't big enough. With more choices, they need to make their own products more competitive. Besides saying they are plant based burgers, do they have anything else going for them?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I tried whichever one they sell at Burger King right before the pandemic and i must say that if I didn't know it was plant-based, aside from tasting a little bland, I would not have suspected anything amiss.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah the impossible burgers is hard to tell the difference. Of course, it is hard to make the case that a Whopper is high end beef. LOL

Also with all the stuff on it, the meat isnt tasked as much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A really good article about an interview with Andrew Ng as to why AI is still in a proof of concept phase and lacking in real world applications.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a good one and it actually can be linked to a lot of past discussions we've been having in here.

He uses the health industry as an example, which we were just talking about the other day and he also references an issue that was pointed out in one of the articles you shared here: Machine learning is actually a misused term. Machines can do very well on a given test set of data, but if the context changes a bit, then the model might not respond properly anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The difference in performance just on different systems is a good example. Right now we are just relying too much on specialized data for specific applications.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is the learning model we have now. There is really nothing different.

I believe we will need a paradigm shift to really see any advancement in this field.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Gold-Bitcoin debate surely is still raging. I wonder how many are starting to see the decline of gold might be at hand? It isnt easy to see disruption until it happens and everybody get the hold crap moment.

However, we are seeing the foundation being laid for Bitcoin to take over gold's arena.

Here is one who actually called PMs "meh".


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think gold will still be good as its still used in plenty of things in real life. But I think silver is probably the better choice in the metals market. The additional use cases in solar, batteries and other industries.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think bitcoin has to prove that it's bullet proof in terms of security before we are going to see entities like central banks giving up their gold reserve

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

12 years in the open isnt enough?

I am no maximalist but Bitcoin has stood up to everything that was thrown at it and is still going. Never been a hack, never missed a block, never been taken down.

That is an incredible track record. How many backs have not been hacked in the past decade? Most likely very few if any.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was thinking about the talks we had about countries or very wealthy bad actors that can do a lot of harm theoretically

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The comparisons between Tesla and Apple is often made, sometimes as quite a stretch. One thing that is aligning is how Tesla is suddenly mirroring Apple of years ago when they sold every Iphone produced.

Tesla is reportedly already sold out for the second quarter.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I honestly thought Tesla would not be sold out yet given the Chinese pressure on Tesla since they want to promote their own EV companies. I don't think NIO and the other companies will take a majority of sales but I was thinking the cheaper prices and different options would of taken away some of the demand.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

China wants Teslas sold. Do not forget, every Tesla sold in China is made in china. Plus they are using that plant to ship to Europe which helps China's exports. Tesla is, in this situation, doing China a service.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But they are doing everything to remove market share from Tesla. All the tax cuts and extra bonus things are going towards companies like NIO and other Chinese EV companies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People really want those cars. They better get busy making them!

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They are pushing that plants to capacity and ramping up as fast as they can. The semiconductor situation isnt helping and neither is the battery shortage. Tesla could use double the number of batteries each month.

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That's cool. I think we do it every day :D nobody else can take this position from us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I recently realized that I reached my first $ 1,000 in cards in Splinterlands.

I can't celebrate much, because I intend to sell a good part of these cards that I don't use in order to be able to buy some CUBs and also diversify my investments. Leaving money still today is not cool.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Reminds me I have to go look at that starter set of cards I got in 2018/19?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are the most valuable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's nice man!

I don't play Splinterlands but I believe Cub is a very solid investment so I think you're doing a good thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had to stop a little yesterday and I will sell again today, because it is a lot of card hahahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow that is very nice. Another option you can do is to lease out the cards if you think the value will continue to go up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the good thing is that in Splinterlands we have other ways to earn income. The rent is really good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Decent article both pro and con on whether or not CUMMIES is a real project or a rug pull.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol the CEO doxxed herself? At least they got someone to chase down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If she rugpulls millions of dollars through this then she might be able to change her identity too 👻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Either that or run to a different country to live out her life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did you cash out?

I hope you don't get rug-pulled dude

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My investment in this crap is miniscule (comparatively speaking).

No, I did not cash out - going for the "happy-ending" with this one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wen colony in Exode?

I think this is the first game I've been waiting for over a year for lol lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I thought it already was released. No?

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The 2nd part was colonization and I guess it probably isn't fully completed yet. But I guess if you consider the scanning mission as the colonization then maybe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The evacuation part of the few times I tried never managed to escape unscathed lol

I think I'm a terrible captain hahahaha ...

Do you have any tips? Some basic commands to be executed in order?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The game is kind of released "in pieces". The colonization part is like an "expansion", but the game itself has already been released.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know but the planet scanning came out recently. It may the next step afterwards but I would have to double check the road map.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So the way is to wait a little longer :(

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Renting is good I believe but here in India people prefer to buy because of emotional sentiments and want to settle in their own house.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The same happens here in Brazil. A lot of people just have the need to know that they own a house and many of them prefer to buy, even though it's usually not the best option financially speaking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's the same story in every developing country. Not many people realize this but buying a house and loading yourself under debt for 10-20 years is a bad idea.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah especially if technology changes the playing field completely.

This is something that few people think about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good morning guys , have to go out today to government office to get some documents . Will be back in the evening .

@taskmaster4450le , I will post here at night what you asked for ( LMT earnings for April month ) .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah government is so slow that it tends to take forever. I'll be waiting for the stats.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Have posted the daily stats too now . Check it out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All the best bro. Have a nice day!

Come back soon ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No problem. Timing it not an issue. Work around your schedule. We are informal in here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you :) I left lot of comments now , will be back in the morning to cover .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will do our best to fill up this one while also adding to the one tomorrow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Brave rolls out a new neat feature for its Browser on iOS devices - Playlist.

Read more @ https://brave.com/playlist/

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is not a place to promote your own posts. Please keep this place civil and make sure to promote other people's post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can we add a disclaimer @taskmaster4450le regarding this on the main post?

So that other people don't repeat such mistakes. Maybe a list of rules which will let people know what's not acceptable here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

such as the one today). 🤔🙂It's either the rules be placed as a Blog post by @leomarkettalk, or include them on every post for the Daily Leo Talk (

Not a blog post, it will die after some time and not everyone would notice it in the future.

Should be on every post!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Better idea! 🙂

Hope the rules get included on the LEO Daily Leo Talk soon! 😀

Apologies, wasn't aware of this as a rule. Edited the comment to lead to Brave's story

No problem. We just don't want to drag the wrong eyes over here by self-promoting post since they consider it spam.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe suggest to them instead to put the summary of their post on their comment here (such that the readers here would understand the article without actually having read it), then just put the link to their article as a "see more" reference. 🤔 I think it would be more productive that way, since we would more comments here on @leomarkettalk, and they would still be able to "promote" their own post. 🙂

The comment section at the Part 2for yesterday had 454 comments at the time of this comment was posted. 🕵️‍♂️ Let's see if the comments there still increase despite this Part 1 comment section for today is the current one. 🤔😏 of @leomarkettalk's post

Somebody just made the comments section of that post have 455 comments, though without any tool on Hive to see who made the additional comment, I won't be able to tell who increased that number. 🤔😅

That is yesterday's post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for pointing it out! 😅 I have corrected my comment. 😀

original post of this chat has been there for almost 13 hours and counting. 🕵️‍♂️😏Shouldn't there be another @leomarkettalk "Daily Leo Talk" post every 12 hours since yesterday (preferably autoposted), or is there another criteria for the next post for the daily chat to be posted? 🤔 The

We dont have hardly any comments so the idea of setting another up is not required.

Things died today.

And posts are not autoposted but maybe @amr008 can set something up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was wondering what was going to happen but I guess its the weekend and people are taking time off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

3 day weekend? People turning it into that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Or is it a 7 day weekend like the job market. They are getting paid for staying unemployed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey guys , updating the script right now to combine 2 posts value at once from now on .

Will post the stats here soon after completing the script .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great stuff man, thanks for this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for doing this. We will likely only have one post today since we are barely across 200 now. Things are very slow today.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I know. We usually have almost that amount before midnight. I thought it was a holiday or something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People acting like it is the weekend.

The number of people seems to be way down today. Not sure why.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will be here in 2 hours , will comment on most top-level comments . Can you leave some top-level comments by then ? :p

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The weekend effect seems to be kicking in a bit earlier this week

I don't know if it's the same in other parts of the world, but here well' be celebrating mother's day this weekend so it should be even slower for me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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