
Yea but I think one of the biggest issue is that you can't really fight increases in property taxes. I just can't see it as a very good choice currently when the deficits are so huge.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, but even with taxes, I think the risk-benefit ratio is good. Governments change, the uses of real estate as well, but land is limited and unfortunately we are more and more. 8,000 million people, when we reach 30,000 million we better have a couple more planets because otherwise we all know what will happen.

You do realize we are facing population reduction throughout the rest of this century.

There is plenty of land available so I think you might want to update your metrics.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hopefully I'm wrong. This is not what has happened so far and the developing countries continue to increase the population. The so-called western countries with low birth rates example "Europe" increases its population via immigration.
But like I said, hopefully I'm wrong.

The so-called western countries with low birth rates example "Europe" increases its population via immigration.
But like I said, hopefully I'm wrong.

That is true but the immigrants have to come from somewhere and that is the developing world which pulls more out of their countries.

Plus birth rates are slowing in those countries too. Still higher than the developed world but half of what they were 25 years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"the best investment on earth is land"

You can't say this in Russia :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What do you mean? Russia is one of the largest producers of raw materials on earth, it has some of the strongest real estate markets. Governments steal in Russia and elsewhere, and if you have friends in the government or any other local establishment, the investment will be incredibly profitable. If, on the other hand, you have enemies, in some places you may lose more than an investment.

I think you didn't get my point :p I was going for , land isn't yours permanently in Russia unlike here in India .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Okay! now I understand you.

Is that so? I didnt know about that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah , you can take a lease for 99 years or so . after that it goes back to government if your kids don't renew . Well the ultimate owners are government itself .

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