Buying a house is not a great idea if you are going to live in it. It will only suck out more money from your pockets.
Rent :)
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Buying a house is not a great idea if you are going to live in it. It will only suck out more money from your pockets.
Rent :)
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It depends. For people starting to get their cash flow going, you can always got a mixed rent/live route. By doing so, it may be cheaper than just outright renting but it does come with its own risk.
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Depends on where you buy the house actually . If you see outskirts of Bangalore , lot of good opportunity to invest .
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Yes, for investment purposes it's definitely a buyers market, and thanks (unfortunately) to covid, you can get great deals.
But if you are taking debt to buy a house where you are going to live, it's a bad expense then.
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True but I have decided not to do that . I would never take a loan for such a huge amount just to buy a house.
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I have done that mistake myself but at least I had a house previously from where I WAS getting rent, until COVID took over. My wife was so adamant about buying our OWN house and I could not convince her because I was stupid back then.
So it's a bad investment which I regret now. But it's okay, at least I learned and I will never suggest anyone do to the same.
This is the general rule I follow now: If I have the money to buy 'two' of the same thing, only then I think of buying one.
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That's a good rule to be honest . I like that .
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I read that in a book about personal finance. Don't remember which one. Good that I still remember the rule 😜
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Arg I guess I have to read more books lol . I haven't read much books to be honest . I completely depend on online tutorials , articles and stuff to learn everything .
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