
That's what I thought too, but I've been running into these articles over the years after reading about how long the ancient peole of the Bible lived.


The claim is that the good book describes a canopy being over the earth in the days before the flood. Apparantly, it was a thick layer of ice which helped protect Noah and those before him, resulting in a slightly different mixture in the air. This protective covering around the Earth was reportedly destroyed, around the time of the flood. They say, this is why people lived so long back then and even African tribes hand down stories from long ago of their being two "Suns" in the sky for awhile.

After the flood, the biblical lifespans started dropping, assuming that canopy was gone?

It seems that water can be used as a shield against radiation, from NASA:

On the Moon, radiation shields would need to be very thick to prevent the primary cosmic rays (high-energy protons and heavy ions) from penetrating into habitation modules where astronauts will live. Such shielding could include the metal shell of a spacecraft or habitation module,
an insulating layer of lunar water, or both

The above is from page 9 of the PDF:

And more here:

Water has long been suggested as a shielding material for interplanetary space missions. “Water is better than metals for protection,” says Marco Durante of the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. That’s because nuclei are the things that block cosmic rays, and water molecules, made of three small atoms, contain more nuclei per volume than a metal.

However, this study shoots all of the talk of a canopy down and makes some really good points:

If you keep your eyes peeled, you'll run into these articles once in a while. Seems life-extenstion types want to discover (and replicate) the conditions that allowed these guys to live to between 600 and 900+ years of age. Somebody wants to know the answer.

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Very interesting stuff.

I don't believe anyone ever lived up to 600 but it could provide good results anyway.

And anything that can help with space exploration is golden in my book

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Seems life-extenstion types want to discover (and replicate) the conditions that allowed these guys to live to between 600 and 900+ years of age

It is some interesting stuff but I don't know if I want Bill Gates to be alive for 600-900 years. wrecking havoc.

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He might just be a head in a jar at that point. :)

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