Lol. My walking has moved more towards night and I tend do it at night so I slack off here. I might have to work a bit harder since I have to clean up the previous post.
I feel bad since I didn't get much time. I plan on doing a skim and replying to what I can for the numbers. I finished my meetings then went to eat so I only had like 30 minutes to comment on like 6 hours of comments.
Not today. I was busy plus I went to the gym. I need to lift my arms a bit to type. LOL
I did it the last couple days. I probable got 100 in each day. It is not a bad way to approach things. Gets the blood circulating.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol. My walking has moved more towards night and I tend do it at night so I slack off here. I might have to work a bit harder since I have to clean up the previous post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL I thought we assigned @amr008 to do that?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I feel bad since I didn't get much time. I plan on doing a skim and replying to what I can for the numbers. I finished my meetings then went to eat so I only had like 30 minutes to comment on like 6 hours of comments.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Type faster. LOL
I wasnt around for a fair bit of the day either so I under performed too.
It happens. We still did over 800 for the day. Cant complain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think the number is over 850 now that I cleaned up. I don't know if we can rely on him to do the remainder for 900.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah well not too bad a day. We were about 150 shy of the goal. We can live with that especially since our monthly goal only required 565 or something.
Either way, we need to blast passed that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta