
My first beer was a Schiltz Malt Liquor when I was 10. I don't drink and I wonder if it was because of the stench coming from that can. I took a sniff and it reeked. One sip and that was enough for me!

My mom would always get irritated when I would turn down drinks on holidays and forced me to drink some up until I was 16.

I had a pint of Guiness when I was in Germany and still associate beer with chilly piss. lol!

It's like soccer. I could never understand the attraction to it. :)

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Haha. The taste felt pathetic to me for the first time. I did it for the high and kept on it.

My mom would always get irritated when I would turn down drinks on holidays and forced me to drink some up until I was 16.

That's the thing I have noticed among drinkers, at least in India. When families don't mind kids having alcohol at such an early stage, when they grow up, they don't generally abuse the liberty.

I remember when I started drinking, I used to do it like it's my last day, every time.

It's like soccer. I could never understand the attraction to it. :)

Most people do it for the high. When people say they like the taste, I feel they are blatantly lying. It actually tastes like PISS. That's why Cocktails come as a huge savior for me. My friends used to laugh at me because of mixing sugary flavored syrups with my beer. That's how I like it.

Btw, Even I don't like soccer.

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You know what it might be for me? My sense of SMELL. It's very strong and I often wonder if that isn't part of why alcohol smells so acrid to me.

I can notice scents from further away than most people. I couldn't stand yogurt until I was 16 and this lady from Europe turned me on to the flavored varitities, now I love yogurt. But can't get past booze! :)

As for soccer, I don't know why it's an American thing to hate it. I tried watching a match years ago and nothing happened. I asked my foregin friends "When does something happen?" The game was "nil-nil" as it seems nobody ever scores. I actually fell asleep I was so bored. But my British friends explained to me that that low (or no) scores are a feature of how good a team is? ???

I was bored to death.

I guess I'm so used to the action and tackling of American football. If the soccer players could tackle each other, that might make it a little more exciting. But here, it's only the immigrants from Latin America that are into soccer, give me the NFL any day!


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I guess I'm so used to the action and tackling of American football. If the soccer players could tackle each other, that might make it a little more exciting.

Soccer fans would disagree with this. 😂😂 I had a huge fight with one of my friends over the same thing. But later realized that this is subjective. It all comes down to personal choices and the environment you are in. I never got the chance to admire these sports when I was small. I was always out with my friends playing Cricket. But later on, even that sport lost its charm in my mind.

I can't stand NFL either. Actually, I am not a sports fan as such, so I am biased.

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I guess culture must play a big part in it as well. If you grow up with something around you all of the time, it becomes the norm. For us, there's an "alienness" about scoccer and it might be the fact that they tried to bring it over here at the same time they tried to shove the metric system down our throats, both were rejected together.

However they created this new soccer league? here for the immigrants and so far it seems to be able to survive off of the money they get from the refugees. I have no idea if it's any good though compared to the European soccer teams.

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That is correct. Norms - NFL in USA, Soccer in Europe, and Cricket in India.

Soccer is more famous in South America as compared to the USA and other North American countries. I can imagine why it's still surviving because a lot of people come from the outside. But I think they will be as good as the European soccer teams since they are deep into it.

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That's true. Soccer is like a religion around here.

It's a beautiful thing to see, but also has a lot of ugliness to it with all the fights and stuff like that

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I have never been much for sports myself. I was very bookish as a boy. I was the last person my schoolmates would have thought would go in the Marine Corps.

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Life unfolds in unexpected ways!!!

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I like soccer, but I'm also a big fan of American Football.

I'm a member of the Who Dat Nation!

Go Saints!

But one of my favorite sports is actually Hockey

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Oddly enough I like the taste of Scotch and Vodka. Never liked the taste of beer although I have drank my share.

I come from a family of alcoholics hence why I was foster child. I do not know if it is a genetic thing or not.

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Haha. That's cool @sgt-dan. Maybe I have never had a good scotch. But I still won't like it neat.

I do not know if it is a genetic thing or not.

I think it's more because of the culture you are living in.

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I don't really like Vodka... I find it a little bland, but Scotch, YES PLEASE!

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I love cocktails too!

Gonna mix an interesting one later tonight. I'll share some pics later

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