What do rich people do differently from poor people?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is not a Kiyosaki inspired post, and it is definitely not within the lines of any Finance101 book or TEDTalk that is so within the mainstream media idea's and the narratives that want to keep the average person right outside of the limits of poverty, it definitely not a repetition of the elite's discourse to encourage normies to follow a certain path to get rich, making them think there a formula and a chest with hidden secrets to reach financial independence.

The worst part, is that average people fall for this tricks made for the uninitiated, but we are initiated, aren't we Hivers?

Why else would we be doing what we are doing here on LeoFinance? Yes, we are all blogging and consuming content on an obscure, digital money-generating, anti-establishment fighting, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep-web-money-laundering relating, taxation-is-theft promulgating, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid-mentality acquiring, revolutionary-mindset thinking, North Korean crotchet weaving, Latvian-Origami making, Norwegian Guerilla training, Peruvian Salt Water drinking, ecosystem.

We don't fall for the traps set by the system. We know there is a formula to reach financial independence, but we are not going to get it so easily, and sure as hell they are not going to hand it to us. No, we have to find our own formula, we have to understand what works for us and what doesn't, we have to know where to adapt, where to compromise, and where to stand our ground whether it be in principles, ideas, mindset, rituals, experiences and much more.

There is a formula, but it is a different formula for each and one of us, but there are also common ingredients in every formula.

This post's idea is to share my experiences, tips, habits and general advice, so that other people can get whatever they want from them, but also so anyone reading this post chips in their two cents. Share a comment with what works for you and you think it could be useful for other people's journey towards financial independence.

I am not a rich man, and I'm nowhere near to being one, but I do have some good habits and experiences I can share. I'm on my way to financial independence, in fact there's been a couple of times where I almost hit the jackpot but I fell short by the slimmest of margins, but I've learned a lot during this process and in this journey, so all I want from this post, is to share my small/big experiences.

What do rich people do differently from poor people?

Don't save money
A lot of people think that saving money and living cheap while maintaining a sub-par lifestyle today, is the key to having money in the future. The logic is, if I live cheaply today and save my money, I can use that money to make more money so that in the future I don't have to live cheaply. This is part true, and part false. Yes, you have to avoid spending money willy-nilly, but not to save money. If savings accounts had higher interest rates, I'd say holding it in there, but the truth is that savings accounts are literally only used by poor people and they are a trap from the elite to take money from poor people by offering them sub-par returns and the entire banking system is basically setup to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. **Avoid unnecessarily spending cash, but what you save, don't put it on a savings account. Inflation is your enemy, a savings account is inflation's bitch.

Don't waste money on stupid shit you can't afford
As it sounds, don't live a life you don't deserve yet. You've seen those Facebook-tier posts about "“We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.” and as corny as it may sound, and as boomer as it may be, it is completely true. Stop being a consoomer. This is basic and most people know it, but that doesn't mean they fall for this trap and end up being a meme. Don't fall for the consoom meme. This doesn't mean you should be a cheap-ass, it means you should live within your means.

In case you're lost, a consoomer bases his entire identity on consuming the latest tech, entertainment, and media like a glutton consumes food, indiscriminately and without appreciating its intrinsic worth or lack thereof, or for whom the consumption of content becomes mechanical and compulsive. This indulgent, hedonistic, selfish consumption bring no significant improvement for his/ her life and yet, they can't stop consooming.


Get surrounded by rich people
(By the way and addressing the first point, ask them if they keep any money in a savings account - they don't. 100% of their money is in stocks and property, that's how most rich people roll.) Learn their ways. Successful people are extremely sensitive to red flags that might trap them and fuck them over i.e. investment opportunities and when to bail. First copy them, then learn how to detect them yourself. That's not something you can read on a book, you have to learn through experience and if someone coaches you, better. Know the players and who calls the shots. Be their friend. Know who is young, not stupid, they will be the next player. Be their friend too.


There's no room for loyalty
Move on to greener pastures whenever the opportunity strikes. Rich people don't get stuck on principles or attachment to ideals. You can be ethical, but don't be a bag holder or excessively attached to ideals of quality, workmanship, the "nobility of work" etc. You have to be able to have a big picture view at all times and realize that small details tend to figure themselves out when you get the big items in place.

Don't penny pinch
Not to be confused with being retarded and living a life you can't afford - just like in the very first advice I gave you, literally 4 paragraphs above. Penny pinching is a mediocre mindset that will get you stuck in the six figure hell. Rich people are pretty loose with their money when they need to do so. They intuitively understand that you have to spend money to make money. Most rich people have an understanding of the world around them and knowing more about your opponents hand is better than knowing your own. These guys already know where they are putting the return from the next investment they get after the current one.

That's pretty much it. Everything else is a meme, including education, technical know how, being loyal, being a good wagecuck.

Take care of your environment
Rich people understand perfectly the environment they are surrounded with affects their psyche and performance. Rich people adjust their living environment to maximize their focus. Clean your surroundings, close the door and don't let the spouse or the dogs get in your way - work time is work time. Learn to prioritize, if you want to make money the people around you need to know this and support you, if they don't understand where the boat is going, throw them off the boat. Your surroundings are everything. 4 hours in a perfect environment are more effective and efficient than 8 hours with interruptions, distractions, and bananas.

Postpone gratification and avoid emotions.
Gratification gives you the false sense of accomplishment and you relax, you have to keep your eyes on the target. Gratification takes your eyes off the bullseye. Rich people also have a massive impulse control. You have to be able to never act out of emotion and only make decisions when you are completely cold and rational, that's the rich people's way.

Being poor or rich is not about what you have, but how you think.

I have a friend, not close to me but I know him. He's poor as fuck. He lives above his means. He spends like there's no tomorrow. He saves but doesn't invest his money. He has no immediate plans and holds no future plans. He's lazy and has no work ethic whatsoever. He doesn't accommodate his expenses (orders food, never cooks, buys games and online crap). He doesn't care about himself, he's kinda fat and he never stimulates his brain. He's always consuming some form of cheap entertainment. His room is a shithole, his apartment is a mess, and he's got very low hygiene standards. He always has an excuse not to do something.

He deserves to be poor, right?

Well, he isn't poor, I just told you that so his image would fit what I told you about him. In reality he's worth almost seven figures thanks to the shitcoin casino. He bought an alt that mooned and made it, he got lucky.

The thing is, having money didn't change a thing because he comes from a poor background. His approach towards life has remained the exact same as it was before being rich as fuck, and he doesn't even care about changing.

You are not getting lucky like him, you have to actually change your mindset and start thinking like rich people do.

Care to chip in?

According to your experience, what do rich people do differently from poor people?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great post.

Hive along with the rest of cryptocurrency is offering people the opportunity to achieve life changing money. However, to reach that end, people need to understand how the wealthy operate in a different manner than the average or poor.

For those who can make some of the shifts you mentioned, it will be there for them. As for those who do not, alas it is more of the same.

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The thing is, no matter how hard people work and how dedicated they are to reach a goal, if there is not a mindset change and we modify how we approach richness, we will never achieve that rich status.

I know I struggle daily with some of these, as they are not something you achieve once, but more of a daily habit that will only stick until you do it unconsciously.

Thanks for the take man, glad you liked the post.

It is difficult to embrace what you are described since we all were reared in an economy based in scarcity. The reality is cryptocurrency (and digitization) is moving us into abundance.

Yet changing the mindset is very difficult and takes a long time.

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True! No matter the amount of opportunities presented.

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Most people don't have a money problem rather a mindset problem. How we think and understand money determines how big our financial level can expand.

Indeed, the rich thinks very differently from the poor which is why, the rich will always get richer and the poor even poorer, except there is a mindset change.

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As within, so without.

Most of life starts with what is going on in between our ears. Our mindset is crucial to the results we get.

Even on Hive, we see people who get frustrated and want to focus upon all that is wrong with the ecosystem. Then there are those who understand that but ignore it and take action.

Which do you think gets better results?

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Of course, better results are always for those who take action steps regardless of the present outcomes and short-term benefits.

The major thing is in the knowing and understanding of how things actually work.

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Education is important. So is confidence, overcoming self doubt, and belief.

The opposite of those often stops people from taking action. It is something that cannot be educated out. All the knowledge in the world is useless unless one acts upon it.

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For knowledge to be meaningful and profitable, it must be put into action. And that's what we call wisdom. A wise person is a person that knows what to be done and he does it as well.

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Very true. Wisdom is the application of what we know.

Most seem to be unwise.

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Everything starts from the mind and if you have expanding thinking and are always eager to learn, I think you are rich enough. And if you can put all that to fruition, simply lead by example.

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It's all funny, once we reach to certain knowledge we wish we'd known better the past decade, but the thing is that we learned all of this because of the mistakes of the past. Getting to a rich mindset is hard, and most of the times (myself included) you need to live with a poor mindset and actually learn from it.

And I add...you are as rich as the quality of your thoughts. So, anyone who can work on his thoughts is bound to be very wealthy. Why? Thoughts bring about actions; actions bring results. If you keep thinking as a poor person, you'll keep acting like the poor people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The only thing I'd add to this excellent piece of writing is, and I can't remember where in my dim and distant past I read it;

It simply means that when it comes to the end of the month and with bills to pay, pay yourself first so you have money to invest and to spend, the bills can wait if they have to! Getting money into investments and for your personal use is the number one priority. That's not saying don't pay the bills, just get your priorities right! Why do you think businesses and the wealthy demand, 30,60,90 and even 180 days payment times! They're using their size and wealth as leverage over the smaller business or individual.

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I'm not sure if I agree or not. I agree with the part of "get money for yourself so you can invest" But not for the "personal use", if you use your payments to make more money perfect, if you use it to buy an Xbox then noooo hahaha. Definitely, one of the key factors to invest or to start a business is "never use your own money" and it is encouraged to go in debt so you have liquidity, having more money means you can make more money (as long as you actually know how to make money lol). Thanks for chipping in!

LOL...no, I don't think they meant buying an Xbox either! So THATS where I've been going wrong all these years!

Anyway, I searched where I read this, and its quite a common phrase and considered a 'golden rule' by some...ths is where I probably read it;

In order to be rich, you must have the self-discipline to pay yourself first. By this, I simply mean using your income to invest in cash-flowing assets before you pay your bills or buy anything fun. This in turn will create more income that you can use to invest in more, cash-flowing assets.- Robert Kiyosaki

buy anything fun hmmmmm

Have a great weekend, hope life is treating you well:-)

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People think they have money problems, but really they having thinking problems.

How you think about and treat money is the most important factor in financial success. Good post!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thinking problems indeed sound like Kiyosaki crap, but it is definitely true, being born poor is not a decision, dying poor is definitely a choice (sum of choices?).Just like @milkedcrypto said below, the

Thanks, I'm glad it got so much attention and comments :D

If you aren't sure how you view wealth..

Think about how you think about those who are fiscally successful.


Leo posts are filled with living discussion and comments, glad to see you here.

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Considering the activity around Leo posts, I think I might go back at my first days' comment:post ratio due to leofinance, that's awesome :D

It's not that you shouldn't save it's just that people take that a little too literally. Saving doesn't mean stuffing cash in your mattress and that's really all a savings account is equivalent to now. I guess "save" should be replaced with "invest".

Yep, money under the matress is exactly how you let inflation kick your ass. The problem is that the system and those in the investing position have worked towards making investments a big guys game where they make everyone feel like they can't invest without a broker or a degree, thus effectively gatekeeping this game that, to be honest, is not that complicated.

Even traditional investing has gotten a lot easier in recent years. It wasn't so long ago that if you opened a brokerage account you would be paying $20-$25 per trade or more. Now, with various firms offering free trades and easy to use apps, the most famous (or infamous depending on your POV I guess) of which is Robinhood, it's an easy game to play for everyone whether you want into crypto or stocks. If you do want to "save" vs. more risky investment then I think precious metals is still the way to go. They still act as a pretty good hedge against inflation and I doubt that's going to change soon. I think the old advice to diversify still applies now as much as ever.

I am a perpetual bag holder. That is probably my biggest flaw. Either that or when I do cut and run it ends up being a huge mistake down the road. Live and learn I guess.

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I can't say this enough, had I not been so loyal over the past 5 years (in part to Hive - the coin - but also others) to those coins to which I though I owed them something or though I had to stick during the bad times well, I think I would be a lot more accommodated right now. Can't tell you how many times I had diamond hands during the bulls, and then out of necessity had to sell during the bears. Live and learn, definitely.

Of course, if you really knew when to sell that it would be easy to get rich. I think the best you can do is not panic sell during a bear market. Being forced to sell out of necessity in those circumstances sucks. My strategy with crypto is to buy modestly when I can, earn when I can, and hold until it makes me rich or provides enough passive income that a day job is optional. Maybe that will never happen but I know it won't happen if I sell before it happens.

Diamond hands is actually one of the hardest , yet most useful skills we can have and yeah, force-sell sucks ass, but it is better to have it and sell it than not having it, I guess.

There is so much good info packed in this post, especially this-

if you want to make money the people around you need to know this and support you, if they don't understand where the boat is going, throw them off the boat

So many people never get this drilled in their heads, and it mainly ties into the whole "loyalty" mindset that you brought up in the post.

Now, on to this part right here...

Being poor or rich is not about what you have, but how you think.

Now THAT sounds like some straight Kiyosaki shit 🤣

But it is 100% true. It's the whole cliche about "being broke is a circumstance, but being poor is a mindset" or however the hell it goes.

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Thanks man, I'm really glad you liked the post and found it useful.

The loyalty part man, I think I would be ten times my worth if I wasn't so loyal over the past decade. We gotta know when to bail and not feel bad about it, but yeah it is hard as hell.

Thanks for chipping in!!

I have experience with this. My ex had stock broker parents that had two houses that were valued over a million. They were very very wealthy.

When they went grocery shopping they would bulk buy anything on offer. The food in their fridge nearly always had a reduced sticker on it.

The first time seeing it I was very confused, but comparing them to the consoomer it makes a lot of sense.

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Exactly! The only people that have the latest iphone all the time, shiny stuff and latest trends are actually the poor people, those with money know better and actually take care of their hard earned green ones. I think it's been 15 years since I bought clothes at retail price. I buy my crap at Costco just because the deals are too much and even if you have money sitting down on your storage room (napkins, toilet paper and that kind of things) it is just a smart purchase.

Extremely well put.

Another level of this is how rich families think intergenerationally. They successfully teach what they know to their children. It is all too common for a self-made man to be so consumed by his work that he forgets to pass on his knowledge to his children and the next generation fucks everything up.

Yeah man, there are also memes of how rich people think like "Oh damn, if my grandpa had bought those stock options in the 30's we would be millionaires right now" but that's the thing, poor people (and I believe humans in general, it is pretty hard to break with this mindset) think for themselves and trade off the future comfort for the present comfort, which is understandable. Why would I not improve my car today, or restore my warehouse, just so my grandkids can go to college?

What I was getting at was actually what happens when a very successful person neglects to teach his/her children how to manage the wealth properly and to adopt the mindset and behaviors required to retain and growth the wealth.

Yeah man and I agree, wealthy mindset goes intergenerations.

Very good points!!

Thanks man, and thanks for the huge vote!

You are not getting lucky like him, you have to actually change your mindset and start thinking like rich people do.

Lol hard truth eh! Not everyone can be as lucky.

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99.99% of us will not, sadly haha

The poor people will be seeing crypto currency as a scam while the Rich will see crypto currency as an opportunity to get into the market

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It's been ten years, they should already know crypto came to stay, if they don't buy in it's because they're blind.

This feels like reading one of Robert greene books. I understand everything you wrote perfectly. I find the rules quite interesting. The first one is actually very funny lol. Don't save money

Thanks for sharing this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol yes, it does sound like bookish crap, but I like to think some of these points are not told by authors, they leave the good stuff out :P

Your friend sounds depressed

I like it, made me tidy the house!


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I am a dirty, unorganized hobo, it actually takes a huge chunk of self control and discipline to get some of these things done XD

Great to hear from you man and thanks for the 1UP!

It's an effort tidying up for sure, but it does make me feel better having a clean environment!


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Changing the mindset is very difficult and takes a long time as there are many systems setup to tempt you. Taking risk is also something rich people do.

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Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work