This thread will work by asking everyone a random question in different topics and they can share their thoughts and ideas about it.
This could be anything except personal questions! It could be lifestyle, finance, productivity, or anything you want!
I will start the thread by asking random questions and everyone can answer it. The asking part is not limited to me as everyone that will join the discussion can also ask questions and everyone can answer. This way, we will discuss different topics at once and share ideas.
Don't forget to use our tag #randomthreadcast and invite your friends so they can join the discussion 🚀
Let's start the party! 🎉
How do you cope up when you feel stressed?
I always eat food when I feel stressed. I think that's what they call as "stress-eating".
I don't know why but they are helping me to feel relaxed and stress-free.
Sometimes, I also give time myself to walk outside the nature and free from any gadgets. This way, I can think clearly.
Food and Massage and swimming pool (or any kind of submerge water). I find all of those relaxing. Meditation can help but I have to be in a relative calm state already before starting.
massage sounds nice! I never tried it and maybe I should try.
How many times do you do this per month?
Actually first one this year, I did it yesterday, that why I thought about it when reading you.
how was your first time massage?
I also want to try it.
Nearly lost my left arm 😅 Maybe my muscle weren't in the right place but I guess now they are. It was a strong massage but I think afterward it was beneficial and I probably would go again.
It's more likely a physical therapy, I guess? I always have a backpain so I think this is what I need.
I hit the gym!
That's very productive!
On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated by President Grover Cleveland in New York Harbor. The statue, a gift from France, was meant to commemorate the friendship between the two nations and became an enduring symbol of freedom and democracy in the United States.
I didn't know about this, I'm more curious about the construction of statue of liberty.
Nice I didn't know such threadcast existed , that an innovative idea, let's see how it gets over time. Good initiative.
thanks for rethreading it - I found it because of you. I also like this concept
Thanks, man!
No problem, thanks to you for trying new things to make this place more alive.
yes! This is actually my first threadcast and I want to continue doing this and be more active.
Ha nice then, happy to be there on the first, You planning on doing it daily or more like at random times of the week 😂 ?
hahaha lol my initial plan is random times of the week probably 1-2 times a week. But yeah, it depends.
Ah interesting topic. Need to think what random information I can drop in here.
How do you view failure, and what have you learned from your mistakes?
I see failure as an opportunity to learn. I always take them as an advantage to move forward and to start again.
I think it is a great way to learn from your experience and use it as your motivation to get up again.
How do you practice kindness in your interactions with others?
I always think that everyone has life challenges so I consider their feeling and opinion at all times.
This way, the kindness that you can give to them is being understanding, polite, and considerate.
By treating everyone with respect, regardless of their social standing or anything else
You earned my respect for this 🫡
I have the same principles!
What emerging technology are you most excited about, and why?
Of course, the answer will be obvious. I'm so excited with using AI in our daily life to boost our productivity.
I don't use AI to replace my work and I never thought of AI doing it. I think it can be a great assistant and help to guide is accomplish our tasks quickly.
Many believe that, right up to the point where the #ai replaces the job.
It will ultimately affect all knowledge work. Physical world does have a bit of a bugger since AI has no hands or feet. Robots do though.
I don't think AI can replace jobs (at least for now), if yes, maybe it will still be a long time.
But as of now, I see them as a tool to boost and give smoother workflow to everyone.
All the stuff related to space. I think they will impact a lot our knowledge of the universe. Also, some practical applications are being tried such as generating solar power from outter space, where it's never "night" or cloudy
Cool one. I am also interested with solar power. It's a very good alternative for electricity and they said you can save much $$$ for using it in a longer term.
How do you find balance to your work and personal life?
This question is not limited to those who works full-time. Everyone can answer this even if you are a student. I always find balance by setting a time for myself and never forget about my "me time".
No matter how hard the work is, no matter how many tasks I have, I do not let myself working fully everyday. I make sure that I have time for myself, friends, family, and loved ones.
#life #randomthreadcast
I don't, sadly... it's my target for next year. This year I was able to improve my health and my finances but my personal life really suffered
I don't it's a good indication of a good lifestyle. Give yourself a free time sometimes. Good luck!
This is a great idea. It is a terrific way to get different questions and responses going.
Are you enjoying watching the collapse of Hollywood?
The centralization of films and television shows is dying.
What are your thoughts?
I don't personally enjoy the "collapse" because they can still produce TV shows for entertainment.
However, I like the way how streaming services adapts to technology to distribute and deliver content on their audiences.
They can still produce but other players are entering.
Yep! It's slowly dying I guess.
I like it. Opens room for different industries
Yes it does. It also decentralizes the influence.
Last winter I found an icy river and attempted to break the ice with my boot. Unfortunately I succeeded...
💧 💧 💧 👞 💧 💧 💧
oww shoot, i hope that's not illegal 😂
I've seen this poll by @walterjay and I think it's worth to add to our #randomthreadcast
I do think the election has a huge contribution to the whole market. Where do you think will the market go after the election?
Have you ever gone sky diving?
the thought terrifies me!
haha same
No have you?
Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
I mean do people willing jump out of moving cars.
Hell no. I don't get why people do that lol
hell nah, and i think I will never try this one. I'm afraid of heights!
How about you?
Never have and never will
haha we're the same! may I know why?
I just dont find it amusing at all lol
kinda pointless to me :P
oh i think people have different preference on life!
Did you know that 9% of swedens territory consists of water? 🌊🌊
Hell nah! That's interesting fact:)
I did not 🥥
What's one habit you've adopted this year that has significantly improved your life?
The habit that I recently adopted and improved my life is writing consistently. I always do my best to find time in writing to improve my vocabulary and creativity.
This consistent writing is not only in a form of a blog post or long-form content but I also take advantage of having short-form content platform such as InLeo to share my ideas and thoughts.
I always see it as an opportunity to build my "second brain" on the blockchain that I can go back soon.
Working out and eating healthier. It literally changed my life
Nice! You're healthy based on your answers!
I like this idea!
thanks! i might continue doing this in the community as i am getting good feedbacks