Special Edition : How To Make A Link Between The Finance Of The Templars And The World Of Crypto?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hello to all readers and wonderful writers.

Today I suggest that you get out of the scope of my other articles a bit, and talk about something other than pure crypto, even if you will quickly understand the link but here a little history and simplicity without graph , without affiliate link and without headaches!

No FOMO, have a coffee or tea and let's go!

TEMPLARS always fuel fantasies, with their legendary treasure. This religious order, wrongly nicknamed the "banker of the West", was however at the head of an impressive heritage at a time when States were still embryonic.

The Templars demonstrate wise management of their heritage. They gradually enlarge their estates by purchasing land, regrouping the plots to obtain a coherent, more profitable whole. The privileges obtained from the Pope allow them not to pay duties, which immediately promotes trade in their products. In addition, the Templars obtain a substantial income from renting their land, but also from tithes, banalities and rights of all kinds. They represent an extremely rich and powerful institution at a time when the crusade is in vogue.

If they practiced without scruple the financial techniques of this time, the Templars did not assume the role of "bank" in the modern sense of the term, namely an institution which transforms the deadlines.


They do, however, offer many financial services. Individuals, like the State, consider the high walls of the "commanderies", the fortresses that the Templars have erected on their domains, as inviolable safes. They deposit their gold and their jewels there in complete safety, and all the more so since these monk-soldiers have taken a vow of poverty. We can therefore trust them. The treasures are then locked in hutches, a kind of wooden box, of which only the master has a key. Three times a year, the Templars send a statement of account to depositors. But their financial activities are not limited to the custody of the treasury.

Pilgrimages to Jerusalem entail considerable expense. Pilgrims must travel with enough money to live for several months. The Templars then write a bill of exchange to the pilgrim which allows them to recover in Jerusalem the sum of money he left when he left. Paper secures travelers from the Middle Ages.

The Templars also practiced the loan, at a time when the papacy anathema on the interest rate. Indeed, it is the price of time, and time belongs only to God. But many subterfuges make it possible to circumvent this prohibition. It is not uncommon for the Templars to hide a profit behind a foreign exchange transaction. Attracted by their reputation as good managers, kings often entrusted the Templars with their finances, whether in France, England or Aragon.

I tried to give you a summary of my text that I had mainly written because I am also passionate about history ... so it was necessarily a little indigestible to read x).

As you can see and if you didn't know. The Templars are a model of finance and it is true that if we should compare this with our current society, we see that the banks and Wall Street not invented anything.

If we then have to draw a parallel with the world of crypto, the bill of exchange is nothing other than the blockchain which confirms our transaction and returns the money to another wallet. Space and time are different but the method and the wish of each one remains the same: to protect your crypto from bandits on the road;)!

Of course, lending is a little less folkloric than in the days of the Templars but you get the idea.

You probably already know it but after having made their heritage grow and put in place all these financial services, the order ended from the 13th century.
Almost all of the Templars were hunted, burned or imprisoned.

Like any visionary and new fashion related to money, it was scary at the time.

In 2021 and in the years to come, will there be a hunt for the crypto owner and CEO of many promising projects?
Let's not hope ;) !

Thank you for reading and I hope I have shared a piece of history that meets my two (and a half) passions: finance, history and the world of crypto!

Take care of yourself

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for reading, following and tips . Time is precious !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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The world of crypto would be wise to avoid usury.