And, good way to share text over the character limit in threads using image. Great thinking Batman
If posting thread from community page does this count as no's 2 & 3 therefore 2 HSBI?
Does thread reply count as a thread?
And, good way to share text over the character limit in threads using image. Great thinking Batman
If posting thread from community page does this count as no's 2 & 3 therefore 2 HSBI?
Does thread reply count as a thread?
Thank you so much! I love to see it proliferate, and I think it will grow stronger over time. 😊 We'll be the friendliest community on Web 3.0!
Thanks for your reply (which is not indexed so cant reply to it using threads), but you didnt answer my 2 q's.@hive-140084
Ah, I didn't see those two questions since I had tried to access them through Threads and your reply wasn't indexed as well. Now I see them through a different UI!
The new integration of threads into communities is not something I had considered yet, but I'd treat it as #2, tentatively. I'd like to see how it looks before making a final decision.
Thread replies absolutely do count! In fact, I'd presume that the majority of compliments on Threads would be via replies, unless you're posting a parent thread about the community or concept.
Thanks for response. i think consistent responses from community teams is very important to drive community engagement. i've seen this lacking with @peakd (i'll gladly eat my hat if they reply) @leofinance, although latter is improving.
Lol, it can definitely be difficult if the team is small and the community is large!
For now, it's primarily just myself doing the outreach and responses (also as @freecompliments). We're slowly expanding the team, however!