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RE: Not precious enough

in LeoFinance3 years ago

She got the smaller ring purely for tending the garden? You are really nice!

Honestly, I think the lack of the surprise due to the logistics is totally fine. Surprise is lovely, but the thoughtfulness of the gift and the pleasure she'll get out of it is worth way more than the very fleeting moment of surprise.

Hahaha, I too am absolutely motivated by providing for an appropriate answer for when people ask... which of course they will.


She doesn't care about the glam for the most part, but I know she has been wanting this for a while - and I haven't found the right time. This'll do!

I too am absolutely motivated by providing for an appropriate answer for when people ask

It annoys me a bit - because I am also the person who buys a lot of surprise stuff at random times - but, this has no value come birthday/christmas anniversary.... :D

Hahahaha, it does not. "He forgot, but he does lots of nice things for me" just sounds like someone is making excuses for her dodgy husbo.

Congrats on the wedding anniversary! If you can make it through Covid you're looking pretty solid! I'm still disappointed you didn't bite and my sledge against your spelling of wedding.

"He forgot, but he does lots of nice things for me" just sounds like someone is making excuses for her dodgy husbo.


"I ran into a door"

I'm still disappointed you didn't bite and my sledge against your spelling of wedding.

lol - I thought you were crazy... now I understand!!! :D

I have typing issues, it is really common for me to do that these days and then, miss that I have done it - even in proofing. But hey... you get what you are given ;P

Hahaha, yeah, I know, and I'm sure that's super, super, super frustrating... I usually don't comment on errors because it's just not important... as long as your message is communicated effectively through context who cares? But sometimes it's too delightful to not joke about. My wife would be so thrilled if she got a ring for weeding. I'd be the best dude in the world.