Thanks for tagging. Voted and wish you all success. I just have one question.
Will I be able to direct my friends to this documentary if they would like to onboard themselves into the crypto world or Hive?
Same question in different words:
If my friend is asking me "Hey Bala, what is this Hive and where should I get started?", will it be right to direct them to this documentary?
This documentary is made with the intent of raising interest and explaining not only Hive but the whole crypto space in very "basic" and emotionally appealing way. Talking about values and goals.
So yes.
Excellent. Great.
values?...on hive? lolol..seriously?
'Code is law' doesn't have values (except for might is right).
It's digital feudalism.
Any faux 'values' are decided by a small and very select few, with very distinct purpose. (spin is not values, as they are product of moral process and ethical behaviors - both of which are not present on hive)
I'll do a critique of the film....I won't ask for any money (It'll only get down votes anyway - you know, because of muh values...).