I dont ever do this, but since there is only 2 more days until the payout starts for the Documentary proposal I will be "annoying" and resort to pinging everyone currently voting any Hive proposal, that made a governance action in the last 3 months, has above 500HP, thats not voting the documentary proposal.
Doing this is generally frowned upon and I wouldnt recommend others doing it, but since Im known for doing annoying things, its easier for me to pull it off.
Fits my character. 😅
If I gave this more than 7 days to get funded it probably would easily, but since I was overly confident I have to resort to this. sry lol
Thx to @arcange for helping gather the info with SQL.
In 5 days we reached 20 million HP voting. We still need around 8 million more.
In case you missed the announcement post and would like to support the proposal, this is your chance. :)
All voters will be listed in the film credits as supporters of the film.
(Anyone that wants to be excluded from the credits will be excluded once they let me know.)
@adacardano, @adi.pisces, @adonisr, @afrikablr, @ahmadmangazap, @ahmedsy, @airmatti, @akumagai, @alchemystones, @almeidamusic, @alokkumar121, @altouq, @andrastia, @arsalan63, @ashtv, @atongis, @aurealone, @aurodivys, @ayleenr, @bala41288, @bambuka, @barbara-orenya, @barge, @beehivetrader, @belkisa758, @bigcarrillo, @blind-spot, @bluefinstudios, @bobthebuilder2, @boynashruddin, @brennanhm, @bryan-imhoff, @buttcoins, @cadawg, @camiloferrua, @captainquack22, @careassaktart, @cetb2008, @chaodietas, @chubb149, @clove71, @coloneljethro, @comet.ranker, @corvidae, @croupierbot, @crrdlx, @cryptocopy, @cryptomancer, @cryptospa, @cwow2, @danielapevs, @darmst5339, @davedickeyyall, @davidesimoncini, @davidthompson57, @dawnoner, @dayna199019, @deanlogic, @deepresearch, @dejan.vuckovic, @delilhavores, @derppunk, @desro, @didyourmom, @distantsignal, @djynn, @dmwh, @doctorcrypto, @dog-marley, @dragosroua, @dreemsteem, @dsky, @duke77, @dynamicrypto, @egistar, @elikast, @encrypt3dbr0k3r,@enmymente, @ericaliu, @evernoticethat, @faffy, @faisalhanafih,@farrier.services, @fersher, @followbtcnews, @frankbacon, @fredfettmeister, @gems.and.cookies, @globetrottergcc, @gryphes, @gtg, @haejin, @hamismsf, @handofzara, @hellene8, @heroldius, @heruvim1978, @heyhaveyamet, @hlezama, @iamjadeline, @imno, @industriousliv, @internutter, @ipolatjeh1988, @iptrucs, @irenenavarroart, @irgendwo, @irvinc, @jacoalberts, @jacuzzi, @jamerussell, @jamesdeagle, @janaveda, @jossduarte, @jschindler, @jskitty, @juanvegetarian, @juliakponsford, @justinparke, @kaliangel, @k-banti, @kenny-crane, @kingneptune, @kuronokenshi, @lallo, @lenasveganliving, @lesiopm, @libertycrypto27, @librepensadora, @ligayagardener, @lightcaptured, @lighteye, @liliana.duarte, @lnakuma, @loonatic, @lotusmech, @lukestokes, @m1alsan, @makerhacks, @manoloeldelbombo, @marki99, @martibis, @marylucy, @masadda, @maverickinvictus, @maxsieg, @mcoinz79, @medussart, @melooo182, @merit.ahama, @mes, @mima2606, @mintrawa, @modernzorker, @moeenali, 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Just a friendly reminder that: "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."
I just have to ask how would you respond to someone mass tagging you in an effort to achieve a similar goal due to poor planning?
Documentaries should be made by an independent third party. It's likely to just be a propaganda advertising piece masquerading as a documentary if it's made by someone who is so biased in favour of Hive. The problem with this is that smart people will likely see through that so we will probably attract low hanging fruit with that which will make hive noisier with low effort posts. Good luck with your goal of being the next Goebbels.
Hahahaha. I love this comment. Been a while since someone called me a Nazi. lol
This will definitely not look like a Hive shill film. Its about the story and any promotion will be a side product of the story. As is with any documentary about anything ever.
The problem is that you say it won't "look" like a shilm but the whole idea of shilling is obfuscation of the truth and it's not meant to look like shilling. You say the story of Hive but it looks like you are telling the story of a certain subsection of Hive and not the entire chain considering who will be involved in the script supervision. I don't think you will tell the story of the people who are sacrificed along the way. The top witnesses historically do not have much if any compassion for its excessive churn rate, instead seeking to onboard new users to replace those lost to make up for the poor retention. These people are Hive too. Are you planning to tell their story?
Let me rephrase. It wont be a shill film. I think I made that clear in the proposal and in multiple comments. All of which you can read.
Script supervision is in the part of getting the events right as they happened. The story of Hive is only a part of the documentary. The documentary in most length will cover crypto in general and not just Hive.
Ive no idea what youre on about. We dont do human sacrifice here. You must have mistaken Hive for the Aztec.
@logiczombie @frot @lucylin @ura-soul @truthforce @kennyskitchen
Please tag everyone you know on Hive who was had your rewards sacrificed by a whale claiming they are saving the rewards for higher quality posts, or some kind of illogical excuse that covers for the reward pool abuse argument.
I don't think this film studio understands the bias on the platform well enough to do a documentary about it.
@lordbutterfly you can easily check out @lucylin, @frot or @ura-soul pages, they are victims of what I call rewards pool abuse and its used to cancel people off this platform entirely.
Distributed Proof of Stake IS NOT SECURE.
Expect downvotes if you refer to hive as safe, secure or established... This is a pumped up shitcoin with witnesses distracting us from their own failures by pumping the price to compete with steem, and selling out to splinterlands.
This will not end well foe the sycophants on this platform who are trying to impress a status quo.
Complains about people getting downvoted unfairly. Threatens to downvote me for calling Hive safe and secure.
You sir are a clown. 😂
Is multiple accounts being removed from the reward pool entirely the same as me downvoting you, obviously not...
the systematic abuse of the rewards pool occurring through the downvote utility by more than just 1 account. I do not have a majority share, the accounts I am tagging have been removed from the rewards pool by some of the largest balances of Hive Power on the network.
If you are not bias, you can see very clearly on @logiczombie that it's about 10-25 accounts ruining the network, and making it not secure. Having delegations that expire would remove any pseudononymous delegations providing unequal opportunity to new witnesses who want to participate in the top 20.
If you really are going to use ad hominem references towards me for criticism if your work, I really wonder what your journalism skills are even worth in the first place. Hopefully you see the bigger picture.
I have no desire to post in this swamp, tbh - but it's profiting me, so I will - once a week - just to keep the downvoting debacle in a current news cycle for my purposes...
See you on blurt ( i don't even log into here now to check on comments) - My upcoming posts here will have the same ones over there, to link to , for any comments.
Does blurtt have delegations and a curation trail like hive.vote?
The people you have overseeing your script have bias and a specific narrative they want to tell without telling the entire truth. So your attempt at "getting events right" is only from one perspective. Everything on the blockchain is public which you can read so this churn rate I speak of is not a rumour or me confusing Hive with Aztecs. It's a demonstrable fact. There are many dissenters within Hive and they are just as much a part of the story as anyone else. I'm not really against the documentary on its face but with everything you've presented about it, I don't have confidence in it being a fair or honest representation of facts. I'm happy to be wrong and it should be noted that my criticism is only meant to pushback against the normal call for inspiration porn that is common here. All FOMO no FUD. I do believe you have a more balanced purview than that at least which is why I urge you to consider a broader section of Hive and juxtapose these ideas against each other. I am rather quiet on the chain because I believe many of the top witnesses act as or more criminally than Sun. I know this wouldn't be a popular opinion to blog about here but this is backed up by facts and I have been working with a thinktank observing and trying to seek better solutions. I'm not as quick to paint a broad brush about the "cabal" as others. I think many witnesses are probably swept up in the moment and doing the best they can from their perspective with the situation they are in. I'm available for comment on your documentary if you need a neutral fact checker or any other role I can play to help the documentary broaden its scope and authenticity.
This "journalist" muted me for mentioning the rewards pool abuse with downvotes.
Just keep that in mind before you think they aren't bias, it appears they are actively bias and willfully overlooking that information now.
Oh no wonder he never heard of that. He mutes everyone it happens to. It all makes sense now.
.....hahahahahahahahahahaha - you're funny....
You beat me to it matey
I'd like to see an outline of it first...
There is a link to the brief if you follow the link on the proposal page.
Not quite what I meant, though the article was well articulated. If by chance the film earns anything, where will those funds go?
I support the production of a doco about Hive and more broadly crypto/blockchain- which will help the unititiated as I was 18mnths ago, but I still can't 'see' it without the logline/synopsis/short treatment to see what direction it will go in.
What the hook is.
What the story is.
Where the emotion will come from and what emotion....
And although the proposal itself is well written, it still does not articulate what the actual story is- what the doco is about, so @lordbutterfly I am glad that I did not offend you with my previous comment and I really hope that you do write these crucial documents soon, not only for people to understand it better and support it (if they want) but to also help you to work out the nuts and bolts of it and therefore the true direction of the story- and you do not need to have a script written to write the logline/topline + synopsis + short treatment either.
Oh and imagine the time and energy you will save from NOT having to answer all of those questions from the curious and critical, allowing you more time to be productive and work on the actual doco instead.....
It is a very bad and ugly practice to tag so many people for attention. Imagine if everyone did that?... Do not repeat it.
He explains why he did it in the post. Take some time to read, it's not even a long post.
Everyone who tag spams also has the same reason: hoping to get more money/votes/attention.
It's just more hypocritical BS from the oligarchy and their workers.
Ugly is a heavy word but yeah, i agree. lol
I made a proposal on Splintertalk.io for a Splinterlands movie/series and commercials yet mostly ignored even though i tagged big SPT stake holders... Good luck you have my vote!
Pretty sure folks like us get down-voted hard if we tag-spam people like this.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Agreed yet he was smart and denied payout on the post!
True. Though declining/burning payout hasn't stopped mine from getting zero'd out lol.
No problem at all with the tag, but sorry, no vote for this. I think there are far too many unknowns, and contrary to promoting the chain, it could so easily backfire.
I would love to see a film, but a promo film, interviewing a huge cross section of the community from all walks of life who will explain how Hive has changed their lives as opposed to a documentry featuring some huge whales and techies.
There are always unknowns. The script itself will be under supervision of me and a number of community members. We will work on getting this out with as much input from the community as we can.
I did a short promo already thats on the Hiveblocks twitter page. Thats probably not what you have in mind. What you are proposing is very different from this.
Just interviewing the Hive community that talks about Hive, could be done, but it wouldnt nearly have as much reach potential. Shilling a crypto project wouldnt interest many people. Who would show that? You cant enter that in any film festival, you cant sell it to anyone, no influencer will share a shill film.
I know I wouldnt even want to watch that. You see 1 testimony video, youve seen a 100.
Thats precisely why we DONT want this to look like a "Hive Promotional film" but instead have a much broader message.
I appreciate the in depth reply, I shall now hunt down the Hiveblocks Twitter page
I voted, because it might be good for Hive, but I just feel its going to be as dull as ditchwater with a load of western, white techie millenia males, all sporting stupid beards and a load of post production 'flash' but hey ho....
The other thing of course is how do you sign a contract between centralised filmakers and a decentralised blockchain? It's all so undefined. Is this a loan? or is 'Hive' employing someone to make a film, in which case all royalties and income go back in the pot. I see in your brief, you push community so please involve a very diverse cross section and not just the usual suspects.
These are side issues though so I repeat, please. No millenials with beards.
Good luck with everything and thank you :-)
Actually that's the doco I'd like to see- how it- blockchain/crypto/hive can work for anyone and everyone, regardless of where they are and what tech they use to create their posts.
Real people, real life prospering in the virtual world...
IE: 2020 macmini in Australia to cheap phone in Nigeria and how it's the energy and effort put into quality posts that count, regardless of what you use to get there...
And a story like this has more chance of broadcasting deals and positive impacts throughout the general public!
Absolutely agree. Well said. Real people, real stories, real use cases.
Yes and that would be a real selling point for broadcasters on all platforms and it would go under the banner of tech and human rights/social equality too.
Well i did finally go back through the proposal and decided to vote...
I'm glad that you pinged at least had substance and interest behind the post.
and I know documentaries are hard and fail often and getting them seen is also hard and more expensive than you think... but i still think it's worth a shot. Not everything has to be a home run but i think we should vote on more things so that we can have more chances of home runs. Best of luck.
Thx man. I wouldnt have done this if it wasnt so close time wise.
There is support for this almost across the board. My mistake was thinking I could get this seen by everyone in 7 days.
Definitely. My hopes are high but making any film, its a gamble. If it wasnt, all high budget movies would be successes with tens-hundreds of millions of dollars invested. And we know they are not.
I found a team that has a lot of experience, the director had films shown in 100s of international festivals, the rest of the team has dozens of awards.
I really think we can make something great.
You tag me for this post looking for votes to the proposal.
I only have a tiny 17K HP which ain't much toward a 8 Million needed.
Why should I vote to this proposal when for the rest of the time you did not care I existed
You should vote this if you want the proposal to get funded.
If you dont, then dont vote. :)
Theres a lot of people on Hive. Its hard to interact with everyone.
I don't vote to many proposal, I have not read any of them put up there.
That works good enough as a reason why you did not know I existed until now. (Yes I know we have crossed path before lol.)
You got another vote.
Appreciated. ;)
You were right to ping. How else would we have known about the proposal?
I have an idea for the hive developers: what about imposing some kind of "soft cost" on pinging, to avoid abuse ? Either a cost in RC, a cost in VP or in the need to delegate some HP for a short amount of time in order to be able to mention people ? The cost should be exponential, like mentioning 1 - 3 names should be almost free but then mentioning, say, 100 people shoud cost perhaps as much RC as claiming an account creation token ?
Thats quite a good idea actually. I did refuse payout on the post. Thats what I could do from my side.
I'd suggest to forfeit the rewards through beneficiaries in the future, that way curators can still vote on the post and give it the trenbding attention they feel it needs without getting their returns burned.
@hive.fund or @null works
Did not know that. Will keep in mind. Thx
I can still vote on your comments 😝
Dammit. haha
So glad that you did tag me @lordbutterfly otherwise I would have never known about the doco proposal and this is such a brilliant idea too @sorin.cristescu
someone is hunting for votes ! :-)
Sorry are you referring to me or to LordB? 🤔
Done with pleasure.. :)
Because I am such a vain person and can't help wanting to get my name mentioned on anything and everything, the vote has been cast.
Me too. :)
i cant resist -- voted!
That's cool we'll be in the credits, even though most don't read it... LOL
Most successful tag spam, ever?
Desperate times... 🙂
Deep down I'm actually quite excited about this project so I'll give you some helpful advice: Don't fuck this up.
yeah yeah. 😉
Keep it up. I didn't know about this.
Can I choose which actor plays me? Need to find someone who's good at panicking when he notices the governance is being taken over by sockpuppet accounts and pings everyone in slack
Reading that gave me a good laugh!
For what it is worth @acidyo I owe you a massive apology. Your panic lead to a heck of a lot of good. Sorry, I misunderstood your intentions when it was all starting to go down.
I am already picturing a parody of this documentary made with actual sock puppets.
Cheers and best regards.
Voted 😎
Voted! I wish the project much success!
Voted! Thanks for considering me as a supporter for this proposal. A Hive documentary would be amazing!
And let's hope that this can open doors for Hive. I like the non revenge aspect.
Supported! I am not sure if its sufficient, but I wish you guys all the best. :)
Every vote counts.
Great idea! I've supported it. Can't wait to see it!
I hope it will be a success. i already voted for your proposalGreetings @lordbutterfly
I already looked at the proposal. I don't see how it's worthwhile. Pinging me in a mass tag post is not appreciated,and does nothing to change my mind.
I’m glad you pinged me for this. I’m happy to support initiatives that educate, especially in the crypto arena.
Sadly, there are still so many people who don’t understand the full scope of what this technology really brings to the world and projects like this are the remedy for that.
Plus, from funding to release, the story of the making of the documentary is emphasis on the story it tells, showing how the environment is self-perpetuating.
I think I’m going off course here so I’ll wrap it up. Thanks for hitting me up for this. I would’ve voted it sooner.
Thx for the support. I agree. Thats one of the reasons Im doing this.
MOM IM IN A MOVIE! haha voted to see myself in credits lmao
I am assuming there won't be any focus on how decentralization through blockchain has potential to increase equity or will its main objective be simply to appease and attract investors like a centralized business model?
You got it! As an aspiring filmmaker I would LOVE to crowdfund a film project via HIVE. Ours is an important story that needs to be told, if someone wasn't there when it happened it may be hard to understand what it was like. I look forward to seeing it @lordbutterfly !
Tag-spamming for votes, eh? Classy.
Not going to support, please remove me from your list if you do any updates, so I don't get pinged more.
Sure, no problem.
Thanks, best of luck.
Very frowned upon.. tut tut. You got my vote.
✅ Consider it done!
Oh hello, I'm in the credits of the film, waving my hand from the screen! Hehe :P
Voted! good luck
I fully support this project! A documentary like this could do wonders for Hive (and to a lesser extent crypto in general). Thanks for pinging me since I missed the announcement post.
voted! thanks for the frowned upon mass mention.
I'm In!
Supported. Please do not skip on the con side of the equation. The most important thing about money is purchase power preservation. Crypto can not do this as well as the most known forms. Just make sure that people know that there is only one winner in war. Gold.
😅 for taking your time to get everyone’s name you deserve a vote.
Haha. Thx
Done 👌
Just added my small contribution. Would love to see this one happen!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Looks good to me.. Thank you for letting me know! Good luck with the project 😊
Done! 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for notifying me this way, I would have missed it otherwise!
I tried to make it as specific as possible, pinging those that usually do vote proposals.
That being said, this is frowned upon, as effective as it might be.
You’ve got my support, I’ll pop in a vote asap today 😀
Thx. ;)
Thanks for bringing this proposal to my attention and I appreciate you being "annoying" and making me aware of this. I voted!
Voted. Shout out to @didyourmom ... great screen name 👌
Haha thanks man!😂
I feel like I just got called out for being on a rich list lol... I'll review the proposal. Thx!
alright @lordbutterfly I read the proposal and gave my vote. I'm curious to see what they come up with...and if it hits well enough, then we can talk about doing a feature film 😎
There have been talks already. :) A feature film would cost around 300k USD. If you listen to the podcast I arranged with Charlie Shrem (Hes a big crypto personality) for Starkerz, you can hear him talk about it there. We discussed it internally.
If this is a success, for sure, that will be attempted.
300K is a very affordable feature film. I'm so used to hearing $1M+...I invested in The Chosen and it needed multiple millions if memory serves...granted, it's a series, not one video, but still...
Cool! I look forward to your success which extends our success :)